Reviews from

in the past

Geniales und simples Rätselspiel mit ...PARTYMODUS?!
Ja.. ein Partymodus.. und heute kommen Egoshooter ohne Splitscreen und ohne Botmöglichkeiten auf die Konsole.. :D

I'm a god at this game, baybeeeeee. Man, I can't believe it took this long for me to play this. It's insanely fun, I love it! It's so simple but it's such an interesting idea for a multiplayer game. Can't believe this didn't become a franchise, pretty sad :(

Also I was joking I'm not too great at this game lol

Some of the most fun multiplayer I have ever experienced.

Very cutesy puzzle game. I enjoyed playing this game a lot during my childhood, and it still holds up today.

Greatest fighting game of all time

made my brain melt as a child, overdue a revisit as an adult.