Reviews from

in the past

A horror game short story that boasts how "messed up" it is, but sadly, you'll find worse things in an Xbox Live chatroom.

This game definitely had promise, even from a horror perspective. A short story where you're encouraged to type answers into a chatbox, we find ourselves in a "Class Reunion Chat Room" (hey that's the title of the game!) where our player character catches up with some old high school classmates. At first, all seems normal, until the classmates start talking about casual maiming and murder.

I won't go any further in case you decide to play this game for yourself (it only takes about a half an hour), but I can simply say I was disappointed with the ending. The only thing that was notable to me, was the artwork used for character designs.

My hope is this developer continues to make horror games in the future, and perhaps hones in on what worked for them- the fast pace, the music, the setting- and creates something great. It's not a BAD game by any means, but it does feel a bit forgettable.

✔️ Played on Steam Deck, it works fine (28/09/2023). 'A' button for advancing text.

Short creepypasta game. The ending was a bit disappointing but it's overall ok.