Reviews from

in the past

Deceptively good, i find myself going back to it sometimes. Too bad the dwarves don't have much of a personality, though they're funny to watch.

o Jogo é legal, mas chega um tempo q fica no mesmo looping de progressão, sem nada a mais basicamente, os portais depois de um tempo não vão mais te oferecer desafio real. É um jogo q deixa com aquele gostinho de querer terminar tudo da arvore, mas dps q tu termina fds tlgd...

I finished this gem in sandbox mode completely. I did not feel the need to play the story/campaign mode. I think I have played more than 50 hours on my world. It's a great 2D management/mining game. Just like Oxygen Not Included but in this one there is oxygen and basic management.

I have 35 hours in this game and I can't remember any of it aside from the fact that I liked it well enough. That doesn't necessarily mean that it's bad, but it apparently didn't leave much of an impression.