Reviews from

in the past

It's not only a great-looking game or a challenging game. It is really fun to play and all the bosses are very well-designed.

you know exactly what im gonna say so ill spare you the time and just say im not the biggest fan of the run and gun levels, the rest of the game rules in every aspect

Definitely the hardest game I've ever beat till now. I love the quirky boss designs with nostalgic art styles. I appreciate the brothers for taking time to build this marvel.

First game I played with one of my friends, and the reason I upgraded from a 360 to an Xbox One. 5 years later, I beat the entire DLC with that same friend in one sitting, went home, bought it for myself, and got all achievements. Safe to say this is an amazing game, not just from an art standpoint, but a (mostly) fair and enjoyable challenge.

Stellar gameplay, difficulty, music, artwork, and controls. I would know, I S ranked every boss (except that bastard Saltbaker). This might just be the best game ever made.

I have mastered this game and I can say wholeheartedly that this is one of the greatest games of all time. This game has one of my favorite styles, it is based off 1930's cartoons with silly animations. It has a well-crafted 2D style and is an amazing boss-rush game. This game has 5 main sections, Isle 1, Isle 2, Isle 3, Devils Casino, Delicious last course. They all have perfectly crafted bosses with a very good difficulty, having most players dying at least three hundred times a run. The DLC Is one of the most amazing things in this game. It was in development for five years, only having a few bosses but it was worth the wait. This game has an incredible charm system and health system. It is a masterpiece. Recommended.

Beautifully brought together animation and gameplay. It's hard in the best way a game can be.

superfun platform with well made run&gun levels. The design and level design of the bosses is flawless and a really good soundtrack that fits the atmosphere makes the game even better.

Cuphead is one of the best shooter platformers,probably the best one to this date since Metal Slug X.

The presentation is beyond amazing, it trully carries the game to the next level of quality.

If you ask me why this masterpiece is not 5 stars is only because I don't like how Ms. Chalice plays, which is a shame, the only other negative is how smoke bomb is pretty much a mechanic that should be by default in the moveset if the characters.


Não comprei a DLC ainda, mas qro deixar registrado o meu progresso desde o inicio.

Reza a lenda que a cada lua cheia inventa-se um DLC digno do seu preço de retalho; a comunidade gaming ainda sofre pesadelos com a famosa armadura para cavalo em The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. O The Delicious Last Course por 7,99€ (ou em conjunto com o jogo base por 26,99€) é, em bom calão português, uma autêntica pechincha.

O jogo base, apesar de ser delicadamente difícil, detém dos visuais mais originais no género, claramente inspirados pelos desenhos animados de Max Fleischer. Em conjunto com a jogabilidade dentro do estilo 2D Action-Platformer, e um enredo surpreendentemente lúdico, o estúdio MDHR conseguiu produzir um dos videojogos que mais se destacou na última década e este novo DLC veio reforçar a sua posição quiçá por mais uma.

Apesar de uma curta longevidade, The Delicious Last Course apresenta-nos novas armas, ,charms, alguns segredos por descobrir, seis novos bosses para defrontar e a introdução da Ms. Chalice como personagem jogável. Não é segredo que Cuphead é brutalmente difícil (porém justo!) e o estúdio decidiu manter essa mesma dificuldade tão característica, mas é aqui onde a Ms. Chalice pode fazer a diferença: apesar de não conseguir utilizar qualquer charm, ela traz consigo um duplo salto, uma esquiva para ultrapassar obstáculos, um dash parry e quatro pontos de vida.

Pode não parecê-lo, mas mesmo com estas benesses é uma personagem equilibrada e equiparável aos outros dois protagonistas. Outro ponto que me surpreendeu pela positiva foi o castelo do King of Games, uma mudança a pique dos níveis tradicionais até então por lutas com mini-bosses que premeiam a vitória com moedas para desbloquear o que for necessário.

Talvez o mais impressionante aqui seja a qualidade de tudo presente nesta nova aventura; são imensos mas pequenos detalhes nas várias animações tanto dos níveis em si ou dos bosses encontrados. Isto dita montanhas sobre o trabalho feito pelo estúdio MDHR e exemplifica muito bem a paixão e amor que existe por este projeto.

Posto isso Cuphead – The Delicious Last Course, pelo preço solicitado, apresenta excelentes razões para amantes do título base não obstante a sua curta longevidade. Numa última nota pessoal não sou grande fã da dificuldade ou até do estilo artístico empregue, mas mérito e reconhecimento tem de ser atribuído quando este é merecido e neste caso todos os indivíduos presentes na criação deste videojogo estão de parabéns.

| Plataformas | Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S e PC
| Género | Plataformas
| Estúdio | Studio MDHR
| Publicadora | Studio MDHR
| Preço | 7,99€


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Mini-review written in European Portuguese
Played on Xbox Series S
Published on 26/07/2022

300% the whole thing (help me please)

dancing flower and Djimmie carried

Cuphead is a great game to play with a friend and rage at. Beating bosses are also satisfying that it makes the gruelling pain of dying over and over and over again worth it. The animation is also very detailed and it also distracts me from the game and makes me die a lot. Every boss in the game is fun to fight (except high noon hoopla) and when looking back on the game footage, you realise how fair this game actually is. The DLC was excellently made. Everything in the dlc was good (except high noon hoopla). Some gripes with the game are that the airplane levels seem more like torture devices because they sometimes feel like overwhelming bullet hell. The run and gun levels also seem kinda forced in, and I feel that 6 more bosses would be better that the run and guns. Other than that, Im glad that this game got a show, and they did an amazing job for an indie game. Im exited to see what this studio pumps out next.

Got platinum in it after 60+ hours, then they released a DLC and fucked me up.

Once you figure out how to exploit the limitations of its unique animation style, the focus of the game changes from merely defeating bosses to cracking them which at its best can liberating, and at worst demystifying.

One of the best. Don't have much to say about it really it's just amazing and you should probably try it out. It's also definitely not as hard as most people make it out to be

I feel the love in this game

Estética,músicas,chefes,personagens e fases marcantes que não acabam. Indie bem trabalhado e feito com amor.

Punishing in the best way. Loved it

Um dos melhores jogos indies que já joguei, é lindo, é desafiador, é carismático e as músicas... Nossa, as músicas

Absolute perfection, no other indie game will ever get quite as good enough as Cuphead

The game has some of the best music of any video game ever. It is so catchy and so much fun to listen to. Then beyond the music, the game itself is incredibly fun and challenging. The DLC just made the game that much better and added to the experience.

I would just say that some of the bosses are too hard for me and I spent way too long on some of them. Now I just rematch the same few bosses that were more fun to fight, like High-Noon Hoopla and Carnival Kerfuffle.

If you like self torture look no further than Cuphead. Music and presentation are top notch, gameplay is as tight as it gets, and every mistake feels like your fault instead of the game's. Worth the price of a AAA title but always significantly cheaper. This is a can't miss title

So much fun I bought the soundtrack vinyl