Reviews from

in the past

One of my favorite fandiscs I’ve read to date.

Unlike most fandiscs, it surprisingly is NOT just a way to get fanservice H scenes (there are exactly 0 H scenes in this). It combines the main characters of both Kira Kira and Deardrops and they have good interactions with each other. It follows the true routes of both VNs and even talks about and solves certain issues that weren’t 100% resolved in both routes. I really liked seeing the contrast of Kirari, Shikanosuke and Riho and how different their routes and overall life style differentiate. It was really neat to see how all those 3 characters ended up being an influence on each other going forward in their lives.

The characters of both series were done well and were still the same fun characters they were in their originals. The Kira Kira characters with massively upgraded art and no silly typo was awesome. Only real flaws was I feel they focused too much on Riho’s negative points over her positive ones and they could have given more focus on the side characters (Yayoi, Rimu, Chie, Sarina, etc) outside various humor scenes.

A great follow up to both Kira Kira and Deardrops, definitely a must play for any fan.