Reviews from

in the past

eu amava tanto esse jogo... era tanta serotonina de uma vez só... 😭 queria jogar de novo

Subjetivo, mas pior que qualquer Just Dance.

Narrative: 0 - Gameplay: 4 - Visuals: 4 - Soundtrack: 4 - Time: 4
Stars: 3.5

Infinitamente melhor que o primeiro, sdds d+ do kinect, era mt daora alguns joguinhos.

Antes do Just Dance, isso aqui era peak

The rhythm gaming action is virtually identical to the first game, but received some welcome changes, such as 2-player co-op and the ability to turn off that stupid-ass "freestyle" mode from all the songs . . . well, except for any song made for the first game.

Speaking of which, like its sister Rock Band, Dance Central 2 allows you to export the setlist from the original game into this, expanding any returning player's library effortlessly! Good shit. idk what else to say, there's sort of a story mode and it's dumb, but the characters are cool and this shit is just fun.

menu music and sfx burned into my psyche until i die

Idk I've played this a long time ago only at parties, it was nice