Reviews from

in the past

This game gon fuck yo pockets inside out they need to reboot This game

embarrassing to say i have 350 hours in this

Tenho memórias boas com o jogo afinal quando eu era criança tudo o que queria ser era um herói da DC, e esse jogo me proporcionou isso, único problema é que não da pra avançar nele sem pagar e isso me desanimou muito na época.

This is a dark blot on my criminal record.

Mais um que marcou minha infância, acho que muita coisa do jogo ficava por trás de uma paywall, e acho que esse era o grande problema.
Incrivelmente o jogo ainda recebe atualização e eu sempre volto pra jogar porque é bem divertido; até ele ficar bem repetitivo... extremamente repetitivo.

had fun, especially with friends but it gets boring as you play more...and if pay money you enjoy it more!

My buddy and I got really into this game for a while. Its not bad honestly I had a good bit of fun playing it and really like the customization you had with your armor and gear to really personalize your hero. Just kinda got repetitive and boring after a while. If it weren't for my friend I probably would have quit sooner.

Fun MMORPG, but gets kinda grindy and boring pretty quick.

I started playing this in 2011 on my PS3 and actually did play it actively for a while.
My league tried to speedrun T3 and T4 raids until quite a lot of people left so we got more into PvP. First of Arena and later on focused mostly on Legends PvP.
When the game came out on PS4 I did play it for a couple years until I started raising up new accounts on PC that I mainly played until ~2018.
On release for the Nintendo Switch I only recreated a couple of my main toons to save them and never really played them.
I have ~1200 hours of playtime on PC and maybe ~2000 hours on PS, both including a lot of AFK times while playing other games etc.

This was my first MMO and I loved it. Sure it wasn’t the perfect the game but gameplay was addicting and the all the customization was great.

Fun character creator. Messy game design even for an mmo

The best mmo experience you can get other than like wizard 101, Older WoW (not classic but not the most recent either) or (the best mmo of all time) SWTOR. It could have been so much more but due to lack of forced instancing it kills this game a lot because the main plot is just a small portion of the game. The meat and potatos is the DLC which is primarily instanced based. Which is no fucking good playing with randoms. If they had it set up like SWTOR where you could solo instances this would be a easy 3.5 - 4 Star.

i was expecting something different... maybe thats why i didnt really enjoy the game

A friend really wanted me to enjoy this, I really wanted to enjoy this, the developers did not really want me to enjoy this.

Y'know, all the criticisms of this game are 100% valid. But I can't help but find myself absolutely in love with it.

I think the 2 main parts of that are the community and that I read DC comics religiously. The community (at least on the EU server) is weird and fantastic with multiple server-wide well known personalities that hang out in the chat. They're surprisingly helpful too, at least compared to my other MMO outings.

That's why finding an active league is a MUST and making sure to just play what sounds interesting and not focus too much on becoming powerful is the best way to stave off the boredom.

Sadly if those can't be done, the game is shallow and dull. While the customisation and world building are amazing, those alone aren't enough to lift up the game's negative aspects:

The playerbase is dwindling BAD. PvP has not received support in years and there's maybe the same 5 players (on EU) that cycle through hoping to pick off at some newbies. New content is also limited and slowly trickled in. At most, they're new cosmetics and a few new instances. These are delievered roughly every 4-5 months which isn't enough to keep people wanting to play any longer than maybe a month or two.

Despite these issues, I personally had a fun time and my review score reflects that specifically. But I completely agree with the lower scores from others too.

flash go brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Super weird MMORPG that I actually had some fun with. I've never gone past endgame or paid any money for the game but what I have done was always decently fun.

You run around looking for Killer Moth, but all you get is a weird MMORPG.

Apesar desse jogo ainda não chegar nem perto do que eu sonho há muito tempo em um MMO de super-heróis, para mim e para muitos é o que mais se aproximou do aceitável quando se trata de jogabilidade e de enredo diante dos tantos outros títulos que tínhamos (City of Heroes, Marvel Heroes Online, etc...) e temos até então (Champions Online) já que ele traz consigo um sistema bem simples e na minha opinião não tão bem elaborado de Hack 'n' Slash que basicamente deu uma vantagem enorme ao DC Universe Online do Champions Online por exemplo, fora um enredo bem mais desenvolvido e estruturado que conta além de uma ideia bem mais interessante que é a de uma linha paralela criada pelo Lex Luthor para conseguir deter o ataque do Brainiac a de várias missões que irão dependendo da sua escolha de herói ou vilão conhecer quem é por trás daquele personagem que você derrotou ou prendeu ao terminar a missão. Agora quando se trata de customização de personagem e do seu limite ridículo de opções grátis (seja de roupas, poderes, e etc.) ele é uma vergonha até mesmo para o fã mais doente desse jogo, deixando quase tudo que é interessante pago como típico a de qualquer empresa mercenária do gênero, mas ainda assim por mais que não tenha tantas opções como o Champions Online (que também não é tão santo nesse quesito) e isso entristeça um pouco qualquer um que for tentar jogá-lo como eu sem querer gastar um único centavo, ainda assim nos outros aspectos citados acima consegue prender bem mais o jogador do que os outros que temos até então, por isso, para mim vale a pena dar uma olhada se você estiver muito afim de um jogo desse gênero já que objetivos e motivos para o seu comprometimento no minimo terão até o nível 30 (que é onde pelo que eu vi acaba todas as cutscenes do jogo) mas vale lembrar que é um jogo com uma fórmula bem repetitiva em suas missões como em qualquer MMO genérico do gênero...

i remember playing this as, like, a 13-year-old almost exclusively so i could make a bunch of sexy furry men of different body types who were all wearing tight colorful super suits or sometimes just like shirtless, bare furry chests out with a big pawprint symbol on the chest maybe. and then i could run around and fly as my sexy furry superheroes and villains until i got bored and opened up the character creator to make a new sexy furry man.

and isn't that what video games are all about?

Janky and really hard to play at this point

esse é daora pena que os amigos nao quiseram jogar junto

Lowkey miss my vegeta-doomguy character I created back in 2017

What if City of Heroes but not as good.