Reviews from

in the past

Destiny 2 was, among other things, my pandemic hobby. I got really into it. I'm a completionist but Destiny is not a game that wishes to be completed. Therefore I had to retire. But I'll always appreciate the enjoyment it gave me and the friends I made while playing.

Also, the shooting feels really nice.

Tu vai jogar só pra ver se é bom, e de repente tu vai ter 100 hrs de jogo e pelo menos uma expansão comprada

i remember nothing good or unique about this game

Si eres un viciado está muy guapo pero como quieras entrar vas a tener la peor experiencia de tu vida

Só joguei a história-base. A gameplay é boa e a história é mais "cinemática" e linear que a do primeiro jogo, o que é um ponto positivo para mim. Porém, a grande repetição de habilidades e elementos do primeiro jogo fez com que não parecesse uma sequência, e sim apenas uma expansão.

Oyuna F2P olarak büyük bir heyecanla başladım ve saatlerimi gömmeye hazırdım. Oyun size başlangıçta 3 class seçtiriyor: Hunter, Titan ve Warlock. Ben de her yeni oyuncunun yapacağı gibi Hunter seçtim ve yaklaşık 30 saat oynadım. Sonra karakterimden memnun olmadığımı fark ettim ve Titana geçtim. Yaklaşık 30 saat civarı Titan oynayıp oyunda ilerledikten sonra, oyundaki amacımı tam olarak anlayamadım ve gerek PvP gerekse PvE'de bolca zaman amaçsız olarak takıldım ve haliyle sıkılıp oyunu bıraktım. Yakın zamanda bu sefer kararlı bir şekilde herkesin övdüğü bu oyuna her şeyi inciğine kadar öğrenerek girmeye hazırdım ve sıfırdan bir Warlock açıp oynamaya başladım. Ancak oyun tıkanıyor. En azından bir F2P oyuncusuysanız, benim gibi aptallık edip 3 karakter açmazsanız çok fazla oynatmaz kendini. DLC eninde sonunda şart oluyor. Bu sebepten oyuna baya kırgınım, ama oyunun özellikle exotic silahları baya zevkli; hepsinin çeşitli özellikleri var. Aynı durum exotic zırhlar için de geçerli, zevkli ve çeşitli builder yapıp oynamak gerçekten aşırı keyif veriyor. Keşke oyunun paralı olduğu daha açık bir şekilde anlatılsaydı ve boşuna hayal kırıklığı yaşamasaydım.

mata alien pega coisa fica forte mata alien

Isso resume oq eu lembro e o pq eu não jogaria isso de novo

Every great thing must have its cheap copy, and this, im afraid, is one of the worst ones. I have been playing this game series for 10 years of my life at this point. I was but a child when this series swept me up, and now i am a fully grown man, and have spent just under half of my life playing this game series. I will see it through till the end, but after the addiction has been severed, i will be free at last

Recuerdo que cuando lo jugaba en la ps4 me gustaba mucho y me lo pasaba bien, pero igual dudo que sea un juego que sobresalga demasiado

The following is a review of the New Light edition of Destiny 2, which includes the base game, Curse of Osiris, and Warmind.

The New Light release was the first time I played Destiny 2, and I had a blast. Plenty of content, solid campaigns (except Warmind), and very, very addictive. The Beyond Light expansion kind of killed the hype for me but it was fun while it lasted.

The Red War campaign was absolutely phenomenal. I always viewed D1's story as a missed opportunity. The lore and worlds you explored were incredible, but you never actually felt the weight of anything you were doing. This campaign changed that. Starting the game with an attack on the Tower to finding members of the Vanguard to fight back and restore hope when it all seems lost really heightens the stakes of the game. It wasn't a perfect story, but definitely got the job done and had some incredible moments, injecting some much-needed life into the world of Destiny. I was happy with all of the base game endgame content as well, as there was always plenty for me to do. Curse of Osiris' campaign was pretty filler but I still enjoyed my time with it. The lack of enemy variety with the Vex was a little disappointing but I enjoyed the ride start to finish. Outside of the Curse of Osiris campaign, however, was a disappointingly tiny world. Mercury is a sorry excuse of a map and not being able to revisit the Vex territories from the campaign was a huge mistake. Warmind, on the other hand, had a poorly written and dull campaign with decent amount of fun endgame content. Mars had more to do in it than Mercury, despite it not being a lot, and the secret exotic quest and strikes were all a blast. Overall, my experience with Destiny 2 was a mostly positive one until Beyond Light came out. That update pretty much killed any and all investment I had, with the amount of content vaulted outweighing the content we actually got, half of which was just D1 content repackaged to new players. And with the reception of Beyond Light also not being great, I found it to be the perfect opportunity to leave while I still could, as this game was ADDICTIVE. I haven't even touched on the PvP and Gambit, both of which were also very fun at the time. Great game, but the direction it is taking is for the worse.

Amo este jogo pelo vício dele, mas sendo sincero, ele merece 3 estrelas pelo tanto de DLC que você tem que comprar pra poder aproveitar o jogo de verdade.

As someone who played both games in the series for over 3.5k hours, I can say this game is massively flawed but has massive fun and potential. The gameplay loop is very, very long. If balanced between having 3 characters, its a very long grind and if you enjoy that, as I did at one point, its fun but the content you have is all limited to major dlc drops and dungeons. This is a game that is made so much better with friends, from doing PVP to grinding to doing first-day raids but this isn't a game for everyone and is flawed in many systems, from loot to perks and other things

I will forever thank Destiny 2 for making me realize that if a game is making you play it just for the sake of occupying your mind, then you should probably just play something actually worth your time.

impossible to keep up with if u dont play a lot or have a lot of money.. butt its very fun

droga ilegal disfarçada de entretenimento

if it were truly free probs a 4

i love spending $100 every year to play the game

I never found it really engaging or interesting at all, its entertaining, I gotta admit that, especially with friends, but what isnt?

3 classes don't feel like enough, and they didnt have much customization, and looter shooters get boring quick.

This is gaming hell. A purgatory. The only people still playing probably have sunk cost fallacy. Its a looter shooter with no story for new players, no content for a free to play, and somehow what feels like no loot. What an abysmal experience for any new comer who hasnt been playing since release.

A while into any season on this game I just run out of things to do but wait for whatever quest is next week. And then I forget to keep playing. Oops.

I can't believe I wasted my life playing this game, when I could've been spending quality time gooning. Rip

consistently sets the bar low, and misses it by miles. developed by insufferable narcissists and the culturally entrenched. what could've been a fortuitous second attempt failed miserably, and is now akin to a shriveled worm on the pavement after a light forgettable rain.

This game is paradoxical because its both literal ass and a work of art.. story is okay i guess, but the emotions you feel are cray cray.. the gameplay is goated... but the gameplay is also repetitive af... the game makes you feel like you can do anything... PVP? gotchu PVE? gotchu? raids? GOTCHU casual stuff? gotyou bro PVE AND PVE IN ONE?!? GOOOOOTCHU BUT you also feel like you cant do jack shit at the same time either

Do you wanna grind hundreds of hours for a pair of boots? Boy howdy, have I got the game for you!

Destiny 2 Is a game for people who like to spend more than 6 hours a day grinding for a pair of boots. It has a campaign mode where you get told a complex story that you cannot understand because the prologue and the first chapters are no longer available to play. So, your only option is to watch them on Youtube.

If you have the money and don't care about the other things, then play it.

Lo jugaría más si tener que comprar todas las expansiones no costase 300€

(Not just the base game but all the content)

The major reason why this game doesn't have a higher score is that if you wanna have the intended experience you have to spend way too much.