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in the past

Detroit: Become Human é uma das obras que os acontecimentos da narrativa mais me impactaram entre todas as mídias, acho que isso se deve ao fato de podermos escolher por nossos personagens, inclusive a variedade de acontecimentos alternativos merece todos os elogios. Para mim esse é disparado o melhor jogo do gênero, e um dos melhores jogos de todos os tempos, o roteiro é espetacular, os gráficos lindíssimos, a gameplay muito satisfatória em comparação com outros jogos do gênero e a performance do elenco brilhante, assim como os arcos dos personagens. A árvore de acontecimentos é uma adição perfeita a esse jogo, algo que senti falta no inovador Heavy Rain, que por ser mais antigo, não tem esse recurso auxiliar. Esse é um titulo obrigatório para quem gosta de uma boa narrativa e possui um PlayStation 4 ou 5.

David Cage is a horrible writer and I will never stop being his #1 hater. Here's a tip for anyone wanting to write allegories for racism or oppression who don't or haven't experienced it themselves: talk to some people who has. Dumbass

Une histoire intéressante avec pas mal de dénouement possible suivant nos choix, j'ai passé un bon moment dessus. Ce qui est sympa après, c'est de regarder quelqu'un d'autres jouer et de voir comment ça se déroule pour lui.

One of the top choice based games

gameplay meio parada mas compensa total em historia

Detroit: Become Human is a fascinating game... but also a frustrating one. It looks absolutely gorgeous, the android characters are interesting, and your choices definitely impact the story. Unfortunately, the gameplay is mostly just watching cutscenes and quick-time events, and the writing is heavy-handed at times. If you want a thought-provoking, choice-driven experience with stunning visuals, it's worth checking out, but it's definitely not for everyone.

Perhaps the least ideologically subtle game of all time, where virtually every scene has a major eyeroll where you feel insulted that the game really thinks you are THAT stupid. But ultimately, if you treat it like an old Hollywood melodrama or a Douglas Sirk movie (especially the Kara chapters), it's actually pretty effectively done. I really did want to replay and see all the possible outcomes, and not many of these games make me want to do that.

Ferme là ChatGPT et fait moi de bonne lasagne au lieu d'essayer de te rebeller

Passed on Twitch. Three times

Прошел на твиче. Трижды.

Story 4.7 | Gameplay 3.9 | Audio 4 | Visual 4.5 | Details 4 | Entertainment 4

Total 4.2

epa é amor odio
adoro o connor
tipo a historia podia ser exelente e tipo a primeira vez q joguei adorei mas dps joguei com a clear e percebi q independentemente das escolhas que fazes vai dar um bocado ao mm
tipo o marcus podia ser um personagem bue fixe mas parece so que ele perde a personalidade toda
tipo bom jogo overall, mas mau jogo de escolhas

maravilhoso, o melhor de múltiplas escolhas que já joguei

Muchas opciones, muchos caminos y finales, y aún así, parece que si no tomas la decisión que quiere david jaulas, todo se desmorona. Es el mejor juego que ha hecho el equipo, pero peca de los mismos errores que todos los juegos hechos por ellos. Los personajes son interesantes, pero se pasa de intensidad, y no puede ser más obvia la historia.

Aunque mi favorito es Heavy Rain por historia , graficos, modo de juego y el magnifico OST de Normand Corbeil , Detroit tiene lo suyo, un poco mas de modernidad en la movilidad de personajes y sensaciones que dejan huella. Grande David Cage.

chat gpt eu estou com você na luta!

Molti più scenari rispetto ad Heavy Rain. Uno dei pochi giuochi capace di sorprendermi negli ultimi anni.

More David Cage? Cute androids? Flow charts that show me how many possibilities are built into this game? Clancy Brown? Say no more.

nao tenho oque dizer realemtne muito foda


JOGAÇO, pqp que jogo incrivel, a história é muito foda e todos os personagens são muito bons. Uma pena eu ter feito o pior final do jogo (o da explosão nuclear)

A história é fantástica, mas quem liga? Você mesmo pode fazê-la. Jogo sensacional com os 3 protagonistas super envolventes e você joga torcendo para eles se encontrarem logo, trilha sonora impecável, cenas marcantes, sendo elas tristes ou felizes. Até mesmo os personagens não protagonistas são marcantes, a tensão que há em algumas cenas e você acaba torcendo para o desfecho que você criou dar certo, jogo perfeito.

got the worst ending, they all died

honestly not the most amazing thing in the world but the hyperfixation was so strong I can't give it anything but 5 stars Connor you rotted my brain

I think this game gets a bad rap because it's a David Cage game, and I think a lot of people who haven't played the game have maybe seen the first couple of chapters and decided that its lack of subtlety is a detriment to the narrative as a whole. The overbearing nature of its politics does not serve the story in any unique way past a surface level allegory for racism and slavery, but I don't necessarily think that that is a bad thing.

Regardless, the status as the "antiracism for gamers 101" video game has likely soiled the image of what is a decent narrative in the culture atmosphere. It's inconsistent - Connor's story has incredible highs, with tense QTE sequences. However, I think that Markus' story has some really low lows, including but not limited to uninteresting parkour sequencing and investigation. Kara's story has a decent mix of both, and the original crossroads between Connor and Kara is one of the best chapters in the game upfront.

The QTEs have been labeled as a negative to some, but I think they really work in this game. The QTE fight sequences are exhilarating, and some QTEs using the controller are engaging and fun. Some are certainly goofy, and some get repetitive, but all things have improper applications in excess.

I won't go into spoiler territory, but I do think the game fumbles trying to tie up the game at the end without a good ending. I would almost recommend using a guide for near the end of the game in order to get a satisfying end to the game. Otherwise, the cut to credits at the end of the game will be extremely jolting. But this isn't necessarily a bad thing - it's worth mentioning that the reason I might suggest a guide in the first place is because the amount of choices and branching options in the game is immense. It's impressive, and the game's strongest selling point.

Unfortunately, I would also say that one of the reasons for this guide is because a lot of the choices in this game are obscured by insufficient dialogue options. For example, there's a choice about halfway through the game between a "peaceful" approach to the humans, or a "determined" approach. Maybe it should have been clear to me since it was in opposition to "peaceful," but I think a better word could have been used to convey that my character was going to state that they were ready to wage war. There are some other options like this.

The game has performance issues, which is disappointing being that I'm playing on a PS5. (I know there's no PS5 update, but it feels weird playing a 6 yr old game like this). I considered not mentioning it, but I was disappointed that it made me miss a few QTEs during tense moments. The frame drops were unforgiving, not to mention a couple of crashes/game-restarting bugs.

The game is good, but it has its share of issues. I think the game gets a bad rap, but if you meet it at its level, it attempts to tell a very genuine story. At the very least, since it is a visual novel at its core, maybe try playing it with friends or watching a playthrough of a content creator you like - maybe one that tries to genuinely engage with the game and its contexts.

Half a star purely for Connor and Hank bromance