Reviews from

in the past

Evangelion but its for BIGGER perverts

Evangelion but is a masterpiece

Super cool mecha and fuckton of gratituous lovecraftian mythos references makes for a ridiculous hype-filled, edgy, gritty, and most importantly CHUUNI experience. You won't get some profound statement about the meaning of life from this game but you will get a fistful of LEMURIA IMPACT and DOCTAH WESUTOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

From the sky of hate we come
With righteous anger in our hearts
To wield the sword that smites Evil
Thou art the innocent blade----- Demonbane!

would have had more potential if it wasnt for the incessant awful fights
feels like a trashy shounen anime with a bit of a story thrown on top

It it far from a perfect VN, but I absolutely love it for it's over-the-top cheesiness. Holds a place near my heart for the effort despite the flaws.