Reviews from

in the past

Its better than Dusk and Dawn, but the plate mechanic is terrible. Especially late game, the grind becomes very tedious. Still the game has charm and fun.

they took the fossil cleaning mechanic from fossil fighters and it fucking sucks, especially on phone...

This has so many improvements over Digimon World Dusk. No more species exp. More digimon that you can reasonably get before postgame (my endgame team consists of ChaosDukemon, Omegamon, Rosemon Burst Mode, etc.), and a relatively streamlined experience... until the end. The end basically requires you to grind the (defunct) online or REALLY grind other systems to access it, and that's why I never beat it. I wish it didn't because this could've been the best Digimon game of all time to me. It's so sad, dude.

This game is better than is prequel, yes, but is still not good. I was interested at first as the cleaning mechanic was cool and it felt like they had learned since Dusk and Dawn... but hell is the game still shows so many of the issues from there.

Maps are horrible, corridors with the same style that will lead to you being lost all the time, add to some HM mechanics and constant random encounters and you have a game that is impossible to play without a speed-up option.

Having to go up and down the maps, leads to having your Digimon become broken. Wait for them to be at max level before going up or down the evolution line and at one point you will see that enemies deal 1 damage to them; while you can just kill a boss in literally a single turn.

Story is simple and interesting at first, but them decides to throw on so many arcs that lead to nothing, so it last longer like a tourney arc that... it just reuses so many tiles, maps and music from Dusk and Dawn that is not even fun.

I was excited to play this and enjoyed the fan traslation, but hell... there are no good Digimon games in DS.

No Digimon, I dont want you to do HMs as well

I'm pretty happy to finally be able to play this game in English, and the fan translation didn't disappoint me. The game was also great - a natural evolution from the Dawn/Dusk games with charming sprites and a nice progression. I think it's the strongest game in the Story Trilogy on DS. The only thing that I think could be improved is the balance of the plate mechanic. I didn't feel that the difficulty at the higher stages was balanced, and I think you should have more options for better tools.