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Set a decade and a half after Dishonored, the sequel follows Emily as Empress, aided by her Royal Protector and father, Corvo. However, the witch Delilah returns, turns one of them to stone and steals the throne. Knowing that she was aided by the Duke of Serkonos, our protagonist travels to the southern city of Karnaca to end the conspirators who plotted their downfall and win back the throne.

Dishonored 2's first main gimmick is that you can play as either Emily or Corvo, and it's more than a cosmetic touch. Both have unique sets of powers granted by the Outsider, so the way they can approach the levels is slightly different. Combat has been reworked to be both smoother and also you finally have nonlethal ways of engaging enemies head-on, and the Chaos system is now both less obtuse and more open, allowing for Low Chaos runs that see you clashing swords through the streets or stealthy murderous High Chaos runs. While it can't ever be as surprisingly good as the first game, the same high level of quality has been retained and improved.

Basically everything the first one did but even better. The game gives you more tools to play non-lethal than the first one did and that's a very welcome change with DH1 being a bit too high chaos oriented.
It's a really cool thing that they gave Emily complete different powers from Corvo and still managing the game to be beat with the character you chose. Each one has his particularity, Emily is more about tricking your ennemies and Corvo about easy run away.
Like I said, it's a big improvement of the first game that was already great. You can feel they pour all of their love in the level design when you see levels like the Manor or the Palace.
For the story it's like the first game, being straight to the point even though there is more memorable characters than the first one.
The graphics upgrade is also very impressive, reusing the art directory of the first game but adding a lot of lights effect made the game being more beautiful than a lot of 2024 games.
I you liked the first one you HAVE to play it and if you didn't I would still recommend it because of how big of an upgrade it is.

Everything in this game is just perfect, the stealth and the combat, i played so much this game and the first time got me mesmerizing, i love it all. Emily Kaldwin have the best powers and the best gameplay compared to Corvo Attano, play this game rushing the enemies is so fun.

Uma pena que em comparação ao primeiro, ele deixe tanto a desejar, eu simplesmente não tenho vontade de manter aquela gameplay stealth bem planejada como em Dishonored, só dá vontade de sair pulando até chegar onde precisa e terminar logo com isso

A solid expansion on the ideas from Dishonored 1. So many amazing sandbox levels to play in

Bigger and better! We have bought PS4 because of this game) 

Lo mejor del juego es que es muy frenético, muy divertido y placentero a los mandos. La historia pues bastante meh sinceramente, pero lo que es su jugabilidad eleva bastante su calidad.

Not as good as the first one but very enjoyable to play!

Didn't feel the same dynamic of the first but good nonetheless

i can't believe a game captured what its like to be a white man in florida

Love the game. Did I really think it could live up to dishonoured 1? Nah

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Npc'lerin çoğunun birbirinin aynısı olması
Oyunun hikaye anlatım şeklini pek beğenmemiş olmam
*Oyunun kendi " Lore " unu kitaplar aracılığıyla aktarması ( 3 ana dishonered oyununda da bu şekilde ve bu kitapları okumak , oyun oynarken , bana zor geliyor . )

Tudo que o primeiro Dishonored tem de bom esse tem de melhor. Recomendo muito

dishonroed 2... aunque le falta historia!

Level design absurdo e cheio de caminhos e jeitos para resolver cada situação, apenas use a criatividade.
A gameplay é ótima e eu adoro todo estilo artístico e design de ambientes de jogo.

Who built this lock? I don't quite remember...

J'ai voulu faire le jeu complètement en infiltration sans être repéré une seule fois. C'est possible que cette décision ait ruiné mon expérience du jeu car j'ai arrêté au bout de 4 missions. Je réesayerais de le faire un jour

Guys.... this video is more than worth the $2.99 I bought it for on sale...
This was my introduction to the immersive sim genre, and hoooolllllyyyyyy coooow. It just so cool to be able to forge your own path throughout all of these levels, and to be able to use this incredible stealth system is a privilege on its own. By far the best part though, in my humble opinion, HAS to be the world itself. Each level is gorgeously crafted, impeccably unique, and has so much depth and complexity to it, even after putting an hour or more into each and every level and exploring them almost to their max, I still know little of the actual genius design behind each level. While the game does have its high and low points, it is worth playing solely for the incredible levels that Arkane created, and then you're able to marvel at the siiiiick systems that the gameplay itself creates. incredible game 4.5/5 stars

loved the level designs and love emily but the changes to abilities was not fun for me

An amazing story with significantly better combat, world design, and narrative progression than its predecessor, not to mention significantly more choices throughout! A few technical issues stop me from awarding it five stars, but the overall experience was one of the best gaming adventures I've had in a long time!

I really love the first Dishonored, but I'd heard the sequel wasn't exactly setting the world on fire and also had some performance issues, so I passed on it. But it's on Game Pass, so I figured "why not" XD. 52-ish hours later, I have completed my no powers, no kills, never sighted run of the game, and I more or less agree with the statements I'd heard about it before. It's not a bad game, but it's overall a rougher package than the original.

Dishonored 2 is certainly more of the first game on the surface, but there are some fairly neat innovations made for the stealth system. The most immediately noticeable is that they have made the leaning far more like classic Thief's leaning, where it moved your camera AND your body. Gone are the days of Dishonored 1's poking your head far around corners but still technically being hidden, and as someone who played the game with no blink or see-through-walls abilities, many many quick loads were done after being sighted while leaning XP. The other most significant change is to the enemy AI. Now their line of sight is no longer tied to where their body is facing, but it actually comes out of their eyes. If they tilt their head to the right to light a cigar, their line of sight also shifts to the right. It's a really neat addition that took me a while to realize, but makes the game feel a lot more alive.

The last slight addition outside of the super powers is to how enemies react to things. Some enemies will react to some things being different in the environment in a way they didn't do before, like going over to inspect a door that was previously shut, but this isn't universal. It's only some enemies and some doors/windows/etc., and honestly it just makes all the times they don't do that that much more noticeable XP. They aren't all positive additions (I really hate how they changed leaning), but it makes the nuances of the stealth feel different from the first game at the very least, even though the broad strokes of it are still very similar.

By far the biggest casualty from the first game to the second is the narrative and storytelling. Where the first game was just Corvo, a silent protagonist, now you can choose at the start between Corvo and Emily (as this game takes place well in the future from the first), and each has different powers from each other to make the stealth and combat feel different depending on who you pick (at least if you choose to have powers at all). Both characters now have voices. They talk in the opening cutscene, they'll have conversations with NPCs they meet (of which there are many more, even in the stages themselves and not just in the between-level hub area), and they'll comment on things they see.

However, this largely only drags the game down. The monologue comments are rarely ever anything more than just stating the obvious of what they see (or making the rare homage to Thief by repeating a well-known line from those old games). When they aren't, they're what most of the rest of the dialogue in the game is: shockingly ham-handed talking to the camera in the most blatant way possible. This game very routinely throws away any attempt at nuance in its storytelling by genuinely talking directly to the player character to explain the moral stance/position of a certain character at a certain moment. It comes off as very unnatural, and makes the already fairly small cast feel really weak and unmemorable.

There is so much dialogue of the variety "I am sad, so I will paint" or "I feel bad because of X, so I will Y" that it often feels a bit patronizing. There is never any need to try to infer how a character's actions or comments speak to their real intentions because they will always outright tell you what they really think and why with a long line of exposition (especially in the voice recordings you find). It's like they either didn't really have any interest in making characters whom you learn about in more nuanced ways like the first game, or they just assumed their audience was incapable of understanding even the remotest hint of nuance. The VA also ain't that great, and is at some points stand-out bad (particularly the Duke).

There are a few things that are interesting tried with the plot, I will admit. The diversity is really nice (PoC major characters, characters of varying sexualities and even a major trans character, even an insinuation that a certain major character might be asexual, which I thought was cool). They go for a different angle on the main villain and try and make them a more sympathetic figure than the first game (even if they go about it in an often comically tactless way). It doesn't make up for the poor way they tell the story, not by a long shot, but I do have to give them points for making a real effort to not just have the plot of the first game again. Other than the new hub area inherently being far worse than the old one, I don't think their changes to the plot are to blame for the other presentation aspects falling a bit flat.

Speaking of presentation, the visuals and music will be very familiar to anyone who played the first game. The grungy, cynical not-quite-Victorian-England style for the world and the characters is back from the first game, although the actual environments have a more Italian vibe to their designs. The weird way the people look is absolutely still a feature though. It doesn't really look better or worse than the first game, although it does have a bit more color to it. Especially the more interesting levels like any of the big mansions have a lot of neat aspects to their designs. Overall the game's architecture and level layouts are far more memorable than most of the characters, if I have to be brutally honest XD.

The music is still very Dishonored, I think, but I wish there was less of it. Very often I found myself wishing the music would just shut the hell up from trying to be atmospheric so I could hear if there were any enemies around me XP. The physics of how dialogue work are also very strange, with the direction you're looking playing a very uncannily huge part in whether you're hearing a conversation or not, and trying to ease drop can be a real technical challenge trying to find just the right spot where you can hear them talking.

The level design is pretty on-par with the first game for the most part. A lot of early levels, especially without powers, are a real bastard to get through without being seen because the world suddenly becomes a corridor you have no chance but to try and get lucky to sneak through when the 4 guards around it happen to be looking away. And that's if they don't decide to just see you through a wall or magnetize directly to you instead of the distraction item you threw (technical bugs like that were few, but often enough that it was very annoying).

The game's first half is far weaker than its second half, with the game having some really cool level designs and gimmicks (particularly levels 6 and 7). One level even lets you skip nearly the entire level if you want to spend like an hour decoding a very difficult logic puzzle (which I did, and then did the level anyhow X3). It has some very high highs, but I can't help but feel like the choice to design the game around having blink AND not having blink compromised the level design to make the lows feel as low/frustrating as they do. I honestly wish I'd played through the game with powers instead of without, and also kinda wish that a no powers option had been restricted to NG+ or something to save me from myself XD.

Verdict: Recommended. While I definitely can't recommend this over the first game, it's still a fine first person stealth game. It's more of the first but a bit weaker, but being a bit disappointing doesn't mean it's awful. If you really want more Dishonored gameplay, this will totally scratch that itch. If the slow world building and voyeuristic approach to learning about side characters was the part of the first game you liked the most, you should probably temper your expectations a fair bit for this one.

The best dishonored game! A masterpiece!

gameplay was better than the first one, fun mechanics were introduced, emily had some cool powers, but the story was pretty meh

Solo he jugado el juego como Emily. Soluciona muchos de los problemas que tenía con el primero: el gran alcance creo que es un cambio bastante interesante, no te permite escapar de cualquier error que hagas como el guiño, y además es más difícil de empezar a usar, pero tiene una mayor profundidad mecánica con un mayor abanico de posibilidades. La visión tenebrosa también ha recibido cambios importantes, ahora tiene un rango mucho menor y funciona por impulsos como un sonar, ves a menos enemigos a menos distancia, pero a cambio tienes mayor información sobre ellos como sus rutas y destinos. No es una herramienta tan fuerte que llevara prácticamente todo el rato activado como me pasaba en el primer juego, sino que la activaba en momentos clave y me permitía pensar mejores estrategias. Otra cosa que se agradece es que han añadido muchas más opciones si juegas de forma no letal, poniendo sustitutos de objetos que de normal matan y haciendo que les puedas dar usos diferentes a las habilidades si quieres matar o dejar inconsciente a la gente. La historia también se me ha hecho mucho más interesante y me gusta le evolución de Emily a lo largo del juego.

The DLC kinda f*cked up the main story of the game, but ok.

Dishonored 2 pega tudo que tinha de bom no primeiro jogo e melhora. Jogão!

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Unfortunately, this is a great step back from Dishonored 1. On a visual level, the game is fantastic. Beautiful art direction well executed. The story is at its best when it explores new places of Dunwall, their history and struggles.

The main story is bad. For one, this is a sequel to a game which should never have one. With a multi-choice ending as well as other small aspects. The low chaos ending of 1 is canon as well as the fact you did not kill key characters. Which also counts for the DLC.
That's the second part. The DLC is extremely important. In the way the two most important characters in them next to Daud are important here. Delilah returns as the villain and Billie Lurk becomes your new sailor. And I found it just a little too boring to reuse a villain like that, even if it now feels like that was the intent all along.
I think that Dishonored 1 had a phenomenal plot. A dirty coup during a rat plague which puts the city on the brink of collapse. As an assassin, you are in control of both regaining power and deciding if the city is saved from collapse or given the final push.
Now, an all powerful witch who happens to be related to you takes over the throne. And her insanity pushes the city on the brink of collapse. As either the assassin again or the empress, you play to regain power and decide if you save the city from destruction or give it the final push.
The rat plague is no more. There are still rats, but rarely are they a threat. Instead, there are now bloodflies. A pathetic imitation of the rats.

In terms of gameplay, I also found this disappointing. I selected the highest difficulty and opted for a low chaos run. If I had a main gripe with Dishonored, it is that mindless combat is just too easy and do-able. I feel like if you go for high chaos in a non-stealth way, it should be reflected in a tougher combat.
In this highest difficulty, enemies will spot you almost immediately, and then they are still a joke in combat. A nice addition is that a parry allows you to take them into chokehold, allowing a non-lethal fight outside of using sleep darts. But not only does this make being spotted by one person less risky, it becomes weird with more enemies. Because they will comment on how you take their buddy in a chockehold as you use them as a human shield temporarily, and then they just decide to strike and kill their buddy. No sort of system where they wait for you to let go of them, no strafing behind you, nothing. Senseless, weak fighting machines. I only died often because I tried to avoid killing and wanted to try my luck this way. I expected this difficulty to be challenging beyond being spotted immediately and was disappointed.
My main gripe with 1 upon replays was that I missed being mechanically forced into stealth by having combat encounters be dangerous. This problem was made worse in 2.
The chaos system, too, does not feel as well reflected here as it was in Dishonored 1. I liked that it was not just connected to morality, but a rat plague that gets worse the more corpses there are. Here, it is just about the morality. Of course, they cannot just repeat the rat plague, but that just ties back to how a direct sequel should have never been made.