Reviews from

in the past

I really, really wanted to love this game so badly. This is because while the new pokepi characters exclusive to this game are fantastic, the atmosphere and world design is excellent, and the music is great, it is let down extremely hard by very bland human characters in comparison to the pokepi cast, and the humans make up about 80% of the story in the game, with the pokepi being purely relegated to side missions a lot of the time. Personally, I feel that this is extremely stupid for a Doko Demo Issyo game, because the series is about pokepi communication first and foremost, but these human characters are really draining my motivation to beat this one halfway through it (on Chapter 5 out of 9 now). But at the same time, I can't slam it completely because with the few parts that really use the pokepi well, it is truly some of the best stuff in the entire series, especially with Chapter 1. So, if you really want to play this one, I'd reccomend just finishing Chapter 1 and ending there (also because Chapter 2 is probably the worst Chapter in the game)

An incredibly charming storybook-like game.
The cast is insanely cute and the music is surprisingly good.