Reviews from

in the past

Why does Dr Dolittle look like a Chinese bootleg of Willy Wonka???

If you see that lil' "blast!" logo on the box, burn down whatever store you found it in.

2nd-hand celtic new age CD hits CD-R Rot , Blast ! boom!boom!boom! hello doctor.,!
lemonaded horse in-game, W.A.S.P. plastic
choose the union jack, bust the unions, Maggie ! no papa! paper´´
lilly allen the hedgehog ultimate lifeform CGI = game dude impressionist suburbian economic anxiety´´"donkey dog shit"

house captured by mold, cleaned with infomercial-flash
The Basics On 7 Common 85-95yr Types of newgrounds animation:
1) Polyethylene Terephthalate (Now That's What I Call Music!)
2) High-Density Polyethylene (Now That's What I Call Music!)
3) Polyvinyl Chloride (Now That's What I Call Music!)
4) Low-Density Polyethylene (Now That's What I Call Music!)
5) Polypropylene (Now That's What I Call Music!)
6) Polystyrene (Now That's What I Call Music!)
7) Other.

bleeding with F.Fukuyama-01 - air dryer / 2-4-99'-

"no-fat sugar-cookie" EMPTY