Reviews from

in the past

Dragalia Lost is a mobile action RPG with real time combat. The main gimmick of the game is the fact your characters can transform into "dragons" (it's a very loose term in the game) during battle to unleash strong attacks and skills.

Like most mobile RPGs out there, Dragalia Lost is a gacha game, but it's actually nicely handled. Rates aren't all that bad and the free characters are usually pretty decent. A downside, for me, is that like most mobile games out there, it's very grindy and requires a lot of time investment (which is why I dropped it).

One thing I really liked about the game were the multiplayer raids. Some events had massive bosses you could tackle in co-op with other players and it was a lot of fun.

Overall, it's a fun game, but I just couldn't keep up with the time investment. If you're looking for a good mobile game then this one's worth it.

One of the best gacha games made so far. Good art, amazing music, decent gameplay, good worldbuilding and events. It is pretty grindy and the equipment grind in particular is really annoying. Events that require other players to take down raid bosses are cool but they become really annoying since it has no auto mode.

more like dragalia lost their funding

For a mobile gacha game, it far exceeds the expectations placed on it. With a fun and interesting story that has many twists, characters that are excellently written, and gameplay that is both simple and complex that is above a caliber of most mobile games, Dragalia Lost is a critically ignored gem that far exceeds what most people think mobile games are.

i played this purely for the persona 5 collab, but this is easily the best mobile game that nintendo has made. the combat is great, music is PHENOMENAL, and the collabs are always fun, and provide a new story to play.

The first mobile game I put a ton of time into, love the character designs and music. Even has a decent story.

I would trust Cygames with my life

good by mobile game standards but it takes up too much gotdamn space on my phone

I probably wouldn't have played this if Nintendo's name wasn't attached to it. That said it does have catchy music and good artwork.

An actually good gacha game, a surprise to be sure!

Super friendly to newcomers and to long time players thanks to generous devs and design. You only need to score 1 Copy to max a hero. and only 5 for the dragons, which you can get really fast.

While money will get you farther faster, the grind and co-op elements are still super fun even as a F2P. Also stars some super cool collabs like FE, Monster Hunter and even Persona.

If theres one mobile game to play, its this one.

I was a Day 1 player that kept up for about a year, and I've been taking intermittent breaks pretty much ever since. Very glad it's still around, especially being a new IP. Love the MMO-lite feel of the game.

best nintendo mobile game. cool, very nice characters and character designs, just kinda got bored with it after a while

absolutely love this game, but fell off after a couple years. dying for a switch follow-up.

I love Dragalia Lost where I can get my favorite MILFs cause this game has a lot of them. Might as well call it Dragalia MILFs.