Reviews from

in the past

Honestly pretty impressive for a DS title, even more knowing that all the other dragon ball games on the system are much simpler and/or graphically inferior

Absolutely loved this game as a child. I'll never forget the night my father saw me playing Super Sonic Warriors 2 and told me how the daughter of a friend at work had a better Dragon Ball game with many more characteres. I didn't believe him until he brought back my DS with a bunch of new anime games including this one. Must have replayed it like 3 times even though it was all in Japanese. Amazing game and it is astonishing how they got it to run on the DS (albeit a bit poorly at times).

je l'ai fini sur mon téléphone quand même hein

el mejor juego de dragon ball para DS no entiendo porque no salió de Japón :((

A badass DBZ fighting game on the ds. Love it alot.

esse jogo é sensacional e eu não conheço NINGUÉM que jogou. Isso é deveras triste

Esse jogo me deixou sem palavras de tão bom, de fato um dos melhores jogos de Dragon Ball de todos os tempos (sem bait)

Pena que essa masterpiece nunca recebeu uma versão traduzida oficialmente

C'est réactif et assez beau, mais mdrr c'est un bordel les combats

Este juego es muy bueno pero como no salió de Japón no se conoce mucho

Inenarrabile cosa è questo gioco su DS

100% what I was looking for and what I got. Loved it, don't know anyone who does but at the time had a great time playing it.