Reviews from

in the past

I don't remember a damn thing about this game but I can't help but smile when I think about it

Enjoyable fighting game but I prefer budokai 3

melhor modo historia de todos dbzgame

Melhor Tenkaichi e não quero nem saber.
Batalhas e movimentos podem não estar ainda no seu auge como irão ficar no BT3, mas esse é meu jogo favorito e mais nostalgico da série e de DB em si.
A atmosfera, menus, modo história, tudo muito incrivel pra mim e me trás de volta a essa época de quando joguei pela primeira vez, sem contar das músicas que são as melhores de todos os jogos de DB que já vi.

I had fun playing this at my neighbor's house as a kid, but never went out of my way to pick it up myself to play/finish it.

opinião impopular: esse é muito melhor q o tenkaichi 3

Not a bad game by any stretch, but it is dwarfed in all categories by its sequel except for arguably soundtrack and story mode. Falls into the unfortunate category of "obsolete by further installments."

Better than BT1. A more complete experience and it does improve some of the issues of the first one.

And uhhhhhh....UuuUuuuhHhHH....Yeah, can I just talk about BT3 now?

Muito foda, combate melhorou muito em relação ao 1, o modo história voando pelo mapa igual Budokai 3 é bem daora, o sistema de fusão de potaras pra desbloquear personagens e transformações é algo que eu curto, o único erro desse jogo foi não ter abertura japonesa

How in the fuck am I supposed to review this game!?!? Massive game that gave me so many memories. Was basically how I experienced so much of dragon ball's story and mythos. Hell, me and my brother even 100% the game! That's hundreds of hours! Jesus what a wonderful gaming experience for a child. Game itself is pretty busted and not super exciting to go back to as an adult but there's just enough familiarity and effort put in to still find joy while playing.

PS Pikkon with the item that halfs ki cost for specials is so insanely broken

One of the greatest story modes and soundtracks of all time I must say. Still can replay this one and it’s intriguing. And the soundtrack for this one inspired me a lot

Storyline is huge, props to the devs

amazing game tied to amazing childhood memories

A stepping stone towards a masterpiece.

This game has less variety than 3, but it's still very good.

a literal toybox of digital fun for dragon ball fans. you couldn't really ask for much more

A vast improvement over Tenkaichi 1, the sequel is far more deserving of your time. Once more we're presented with a behind-the-character camera view and a fully mobile set of fighters that can fly around an arena as we fight, but this time the ambition is far more realised. There's a huge roster of playable characters covering a vast swathe of Dragon Ball, Z, GT and the movies, there's a lot more work done to make fighters distinct from each other, and signature attacks are far better represented. In a wonderful new twist you can now bring a team of up to 5 fighters to a round, all of which can be freely switched between during combat, and many characters can now transform between different forms during a bout as well, so the Dragon Ball feeling is wonderfully captured. However, one mark against the game is a far too overlong campaign mode that takes accuracy a little too seriously at the expense of actually having fun.

It's what we all wanted as kids from an anime arena fighter, and also feels better than Budokai Tenkaichi 3.

The first ever fighting game I ever finished, I played this before I ever watched Dragon Ball Z. And it was good, very good, a great gateway drug to one of the quintessential shonen anime series.
It was all built on great mechanics and movement in-game, not as ridiculously difficult to master as most fighting games while still emphasizing twitchy reactions and good positioning to gain the upper hand.
All the characters and story beats are there, the locations are famous Dragon Ball locations, and the super moves have that oompph to them that make landing one very satisfying.
Honestly rendered obselete by its successor, there is no reason to recommend it while budokai tenkaichi 3 exists, but I had a ton of fun playing this with my brother and I will always remember it fondly for it!

Vamos focar no aspecto mais interessante desse jogo em relação aos outros da franquia. O modo história.
Apesar de ser completo, ter customização e uma mini exploração de mapa, ele tem um defeito que incomoda muito. O fato de ter que jogar a história dos filmes antes de jogar algumas sagas principais do anime. Isso acaba atrapalhando a fluidez e continuidade do modo história.
No geral, é um jogo bem divertido e nostálgico.
Era meu tenkaichi favorito na infância, porém hoje eu prefiro o 3 por ter uma jogabilidade melhorada e um acréscimo de cenários e personagens interessantes.

I borrowed my copy from a friend and was blown away by the story mode, battles, and sheer amount of characters.

Yeah, I wouldn't return with this, but it was fine and nice for the times. Wii version having those 6 additional characters basically glued into them was a funny trivia.

Otro mítico de mi infancia, jugándolo hace algo más de 1 año en PS2 me he dado cuenta de lo diferente en gameplay que se siente al 3, la base es la misma pero la forma y mecánicas cambia completamente, mi gran decepción fue con el modo historia, lo recordaba bastante menos soporífero, hay sagas en donde tienes que luchar 5-6-7 veces contra el mismo oponente para que avance en la historia, una bastante lineal en mi opinión, aunque eso no quita el juegazo que es, la banda sonora me parece la mejor de la trilogía de largo, es un muy buen Tenkaichi aunque opacado por si histórica secuela.

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