Reviews from

in the past

Donc la tu payes ton deuxieme dlc et tu commences par te casser les couilles à refaire la même chose qu'au premier ?
Pas mal.
De plus, POURQUOI ÇA LAG ???????? C'est la MÊME MAP que le premier dlc, avec les MÊMES ATTAQUES ET COMBATS, POURQUOI. ÇA. LAG ?????????
Ensuite les modèles de perso sont encore plus cursed que dans le premier dlc, pas mal.
Evidemment, le dlc ne suit absolument pas la trame principale, en excluant les quelques personnages exclusif au film... + petit bonus, c'est le retour des crashs !
Bande de sous merde je comprends beaucoup mieux le contexte de sortie de naruto storm connection
Les combats de horde sont pas mal sinon

it was aight tho it was easy af

Basically the game version of Resurrection F but compared to ether the movie or Tv version of the arc I at least was able to enjoy this version of the arc better as it mostly cuts out the bs I hated from the animated versions.

It's fine, that's the most praise I can give it. It's based off a bad movie, it tried a new fighting mechanic. And your reward? Stupid blue hair.

This review contains spoilers

Better than the first part of the DLC, this time having an actual story to playthrough (however short). But this DLC's story still has it's own little developer time-saving twists that you'd expect from this game by now, such as skipping the first SSj Blue Goku vs Freeza fight, and removing the new Freeza Force characters entirely. But hey, there are a few really nice looking cutscenes now, like in the main game, whereas the Beerus "story" had still images for the God ritual itself.

Funnily some of the things they did that were clearly done to cut costs were actually kind of a bonus. Seeing Goten, Trunks, Yamcha and Chaozu at the scene of the Freeza battle was pretty neat, and depending on who you picked for your party they'd even get small but unique one liners before the fights with the Freeza Force members. Speaking of which, reusing Dodoria, Cui, Zarbon and the Ginyu Force instead of putting in the effort to make the new characters allows for some more banter of established characters whereas the new ones didn't really get any interaction with the heroes.

The 3 subquests were all pretty fun, although they fell into the exact same two types of quests as the game has always done (collect stuff or fight), but it's really always been about the dialogue in these quests that make them worth it. Goku's wish in that first quest really had me laughing.

This time we get two max level boss fights, in the form of Beerus (again) and Golden Freeza. Personally I found them to be far easier than the DLC 1's Beerus fight though. I beat Freeza on my very first try, while Beerus only caught me off guard with his clone technique, which I think is new to this DLC? I don't remember it anyway. The last DLC made the Beerus fight feel like a true endgame challenge, this time it felt like beating two strong, but otherwise unnoteworthy opponents.

Horde battles are a new type of battle here that really over emphasise just how much of a button masher this game is, as if that wasn't already obvious. Buuut I think it works because easily spamming through hundreds of mooks is exactly what that part of the movie was about.

Overall I enjoyed the DLC for what it was. It felt like a true expansion to the game, even if it was kinda short. After the lackluster first part which was basically just two new fights repeated dozens of times, in a single empty location with next to zero story, this gives me hope for the third and final part of the DLC which is supposed to be an original story for the game.


Igual a DLC anterior, adiciona a transformação da capa obviamente, a história do filme do Frezza, e que por consequência introduz um modo novo de jogo que é bem repetitivo até; Mas as transformações são pika demais.

Enfim essa é apenas a opinião de alguem que ama jogar video jogos☝️🤓.

Comparado con la peli, y el anime, aqui si lo disfrute y ademas se ve mucho mejor.

Yyyyy a ver, este siguieron un poco mas la pelicula, pero cual es la necesidad de meter combates contra 150 enemigos? Una cagada