Reviews from

in the past

Pretty obviously influenced by Dragon Quest, with a sampling of Final Fantasy and Ys thrown in for good measure. It does some unique things like the semi-random battles, light voice acting, and some general quality of life improvements with the menus, combat interfaces, and being able to re-try battles you lose. The story is serviceable, but nothing spectacular, which kind of sums up the whole game.

I’m calling it now, worst voice acting I’ve ever heard in my life. Worse than the PlayStation mega mans, worse than any Shaw brothers dub I’ve seen, and I’ve seen a lot.

I am convinced that the immediate transition to voice acting in video games from text-based narration, with CD-based games and hardware that allowed heavy vocal tracks for the first time like the Turbografx-CD and the Sega CD, came with early attempts at the emerging medium that were just as disastrous as the first attempts at sound from silent film, like Singin in the Rain disastrous. I’m also convinced that, independent of those difficulties, Working Designs went above and beyond for this game in not going above and beyond at all for the voice acting, putting as much thought and care into casting the actors as one would in asking a neighbor or coworker if they could help you move to another apartment. More than anything I would love to see a fan translation of the super Famicom version of this, and Popful Mail now that I’m really thinking about it, rather than shove pencils in my ears listening to the vocal talents of old college friends who were enticed with beer and pizza if they could do them just a quick favor for the day, please, if they weren’t already busy or anything.

Looking forward to the Lunar series!

This is an old review from my GG account

A great little RPG especially considering the time at which it was released. Overall, the game does a lot of things right and really strives to separate itself from the other RPGs from this time with such elements like seeing monsters on the field (most of the time) rather than just randomly encountering monsters and a almost good story. The story tries to do things a little differently by trying to be a bit ambiguous with it’s morality but these ideas are left a little underdeveloped and ultimately devolve into typical convoluted fetch quests that are so prevalent in most of these old RPGs. Despite this game’s issues, I still think this is a game worthy of attention for fans of this kind of stuff. The atrocious voice acting really creates a beautiful charm for each of the characters (my favorite being Giles as great value Humphrey Bogart) and giving the impression that the actors had the passion for the game but just lacked the skill to deliver a decent line. Since this is not only my introduction to the Dragon Slayer and The Legend of Heroes series, but also to Falcom in general, I’m very curious to see how this refreshing style of RPG develops with more polish and technology advancements.

Dragon Quest wishes it was this one, great soundtrack especially for PCE version, I can listen to Town all day.

I have been stuck in this game for a long time, and now it is finally over

This game was so cryptic

What if the company that made the oldest action RPG tried to make a turn based RPG after the massive success of Dragon Quest 3? The story of this game is basic by today's standards but is fairly nice considering the time of release. The biggest thing I think this game has going for it is having monsters on the overworld rather than purely being random encounter but otherwise it kinda blends into the crowd.

Update after experiencing the sequel story:
NEVERMIND! Ok this game actually foreshadowed its sequel's plot twists very well. The plot twists actually make this world way more unique than I originally gave it credit for.

Buen juego de rol por turnos teniendo en cuenta su época (1989). Gran banda sonora, historia correcta y no requiere casi nada de farmeo artificial para avanzar, cosa que en la época era muy habitual. El juego que dio inicio a una saga legendaria. Recomendado si te gustan este tipo de clásicos.