Reviews from

in the past

I really want to like this game, and it has a few genuinely clever ideas.

Health pickups doubling as a collectable that you’re rewarded for having a certain amount of at the end of a level creates a unique tension where you don’t want to heal unless you’re above the quota for the level. On top of that, enemies only drop health when you kill them after they lose aggro and run away. This encourages you to be ruthless, and communicates the Dros’ dark fantasy setting brilliantly.

The problem is that the games puzzle design doesn’t evolve much beyond its initial ideas. Every puzzle is a slight variation on sending Little Dros out to an area Captain can’t reach, activating something that lets Captain come through, killing the monsters you had to avoid as Little Dros, then opening another path for Little Dros, rinse and repeat.

When I reached the second world, I was keen to see what new puzzle ideas the game would present me, and the answer was not much. There were new elements like conveyer belts and lava pits, but none of them changed the funadamental puzzle solving enough to avoid it feeling like I was solving the exact same type of puzzles from the first world.

Pretty decent puzzle platformer where the player controls two characters to solve puzzles.

Nice 3D-Puzzle-Platformer with enjoyable world-building. Unfortunately, the combat is very annoying and the platforming is somewhat janky.