Reviews from

in the past

It's a decent Gauntlet derivative with a variety of levels, but still suffers from the same issues of repetitiveness as the original.

I love when you think an old game will be crusty and dusty but then you boot it up and it’s fast and fresh and fluid.

Your prototypical dungeon crawler (it's in the name). As a single player game, it's been done better in games like Gauntlet and pretty much all dungeon crawlers that came after. However, as a multiplayer experience, it's a fun outing that gives you a blank canvas in which to have a mini D&D session.

3.5 estrelas por ter umas partes que ele rouba na dificuldade, mas graficos bacanas jogabilidade que lembra Gauntlet (NES) trilha sonora fenomenal que varia bastante por cada cenario.

Starts solid, with simple-but-satisfactory mechanics and great music, but around the halfway mark it takes a nosedive straight into a mountain of powdered Adderall. Level design gets insane with enemy spawn points that pump out way too many monsters to deal with in small spaces that are already hard to maneuver through, and bosses start having random patterns and spammy projectiles that give you barely enough leeway to get in any offense. I still didn't hate it overall, and would say it's worth a go; it's probably not too big a deal if you're playing with friends. It's also entirely possible that playing a different class alleviates some of these issues, as I played as the Elf who has middling attack power.

Pretty good gauntlet-action with pretty neat beasties and bosses, if a little bit of a pain in the ass to play. But this game has one of the most asinine boss battles I’ve ever seen in my life. About midway through you face a boss that just grinds on your ass until you die, and since you’re on an invisible conveyor belt you can’t avoid him, you have no choice but to take hits from him and deal as much damage as you can until he is beaten. What if I didn’t pick a character that could heal himself? I’m just supposed to burn precious extra lives in this stupid battle of attrition because you can’t design a good boss? Oh yeah, I almost forgot, you have to face up and shoot at him to beat him, but if you are lucky enough to have a character with healing magic like I was, the magic animation makes you face downward, wasting precious time and making you have to face up again to keep shooting. A boss fight like that should cost any game at least a whole star off, and it certainly does here.

Also, “invisible conveyor belts” is a concept I think I never need to experience again for the rest of my natural life, but thanks anyway game.

ATLUS' take on Gauntlet, great burst of co-op fun from the early-mid PCE library. the music is supplied by the legend Tsukasa Masuko, and it's all on par with his MegaTen work (check out the Castle theme!). it's not much of a dungeon crawler and is far more action orientated, which is appropriate for the co-op experience it's catering to. play with the maximum 5(!) players for absolute chaos.