Reviews from

in the past

I'm a programming man, and I tell you this with full sincerity: this is the most impressive game I've ever played.

The richness and detail of every aspect of every randomly generated world you play in is astonishing, a true marvel of software engineering. They truly feel like organic worlds with their own unique histories and politics and mythologies. The game can generate fantastic narratives out of the blue, and it becomes incredibly hard to pull yourself away from them.

The gameplay itself is hopelessly addicting, too. I remember when I first got the game I had already sunk something like 30 hours within 3 days of playing. Managing your forts, building them up from ramshackle camps into towns into a true Dwarf Fortress™, decorating your rooms, accommodating immigrants, fighting off ancient beasts from the depths, running an economy, it's classic civ sim gameplay, and by God is it fun. Even if you grow bored with a fort, you can just abandon it and start a new one. Maybe you make one next to a volcano, or on a glacier, or in the desert. The game has so much variety and content to offer, it's truly one of the most bang-for-your-buck games out there. The only reason I haven't given it a perfect score is because the adventure mode isn't out yet, but once that happens, you can be damn sure I'm coming back for more.

Dwarf Fortress is a true passion project and an unadulterated marvel of game design that's been in development for something like 20 years, and it shows. It's games like this that show the utmost potential of games and the indie game space, and it's games like this that need all the support and attention they can get. So play this game. Do it now. Like, close Chrome, go on Steam, and buy it right now. Or, hell, go to its website ( and play this masterpiece for FREE. the game, man.

My tavern floor has a layer which consists of blood and vomit

Truly a great game made only better by the Steam release making it much more accessible. My only gripe is the amount of time you truly have to dedicate to this style of game.

this game blue screened my old laptop multiple times

Even after all this work this game still needs a mountain of UX upgrades before I'd consider it worth playing regularly. You can't even pan the camera smoothly.

the children yearn for the mines. a game I didn't really expect to have as much fun with as I did. it's not as difficult as it's said to be when you learn the basics

This is a labor of love, one of the most fleshed out ideas, one of the most complex simulations you can play. So in depth I love it from the depths below to the highest peaks.

Goblin stole my baby >:(

My dogs keep getting attacked by rhinos and I don't know where they are.

Allow me to come back to this later but from what Ive played it just feels like a chore. I want to get into the possibilities of this game but I cant

i thnk this one was based off dwarf fortress only it took inspiration from minecraft too (i am a dwarf and im mining a hole)

I'm shelving this for now, but it couldn't be further from the truth to say I didn't like the time I spent with it so far. Dwarf Fortress seems like the time sink I needed a couple of years ago, but I just don't have the time currently. It's one of the coolest game concepts I've seen and I already spent a bunch of time in Rimworld, which is (i think safe to say) directly inspired by DF. If you like colony sims, city builders, strategy games of any kind.... you won't necessarily love DF, because it's so excessively complex you will have to study the game and spend hundres, if not thousands of hours in there to really have experienced it fully. I hope I will find the time to check it out more thoroughly, can't wait to do it actually. <3

Сертифицированный йем
Хорошая игра и не такая сложная как кажется, вот культиватист симулятор хуже холокоста, а в дворфов просто приятно играть

Dwarf Fortress is inarguably one of the best games ever made, and this version has lots of new things that make it less opaque and hard to control than the original. While arguably that was part of the charm, I think it works well.

wow this game is simple im sure i can beat it soon

I really need to watch a tutorial for this cause I don't know why my dwarves are unhappy
I've given them everything they need, They've got a hole in the ground.
And thats all they really need why are they unhappy?

really wish i could play this without needing 50 hours of video tutorials alongside, could be the perfect experience for me

A world-wonder curiosity-object. I can't click with it, but I like feeling it in my hands, trying to understand it. I will surely pick it up again some day, study it, and put it down until the next time.

Uma semana de vida, totalmente valeu a pena oferecer essas horas para criar uma fortaleza. Quando lançarem o adventure mode, voltarei mais forte, e mais focado

Great game, love being a dwarf. Study in-game physics to create a safe waterfall to mist dwarves to make them happy after they're suicidally depressed after being rained on. Great game.

tengo una filia por los enanos

Literally the best game in existence

This game is important, everybody knows that. Most tell themselves, however, that it's just not for them. If that was true for most, it wouldn't be important. And you know it is important, so what are you doing? This game isn't going anywhere. It's gonna be here like this every time you check, never waning. Might as well get your hands down in the mud, work your brain, accept your mortality and learn to play Dwarf Fortress.

This game is so fucking good and playing it makes me realize how fucking dumb I am

im not a fan of this remake tbh