Reviews from

in the past

not as good as edf 4 because it doesnt have my favorite rocket launcher from that game. i also miss hectors exploding and kind of prefer it to the gore of this game. still. it is good. the roly polys can suck my balls though jesus christ

A really stupid and fun game to play with friends. My migraines will never be the same again after bearing witness to the sheer amount screen shake some of the levels in this game exposes me to.

A perfect example of how games don't need good graphics to be good games.

Tons of QoL improvements over 4.1

God I love nothing more than getting absolutely intoxicated and playing this with someone. If only it was cross platform and online was stable.

There's really nothing quite like EDF. Everything controls so horribly that it loops back around and feels incredible. Best experienced with friends.

This game is so goofy and so much fun

Someday... I will actually finish the campaign... they made switching characters too rewarding

Just fantastic. Great quotable lines, great gameplay moments, and that free bike 🤌

Great set pieces and final mission. Will be playing on higher difficulties for a while :)

We are the alpha team with passion and camaraderie.

Like Dynasty Warriors but with guns.


To save our mother earth from any alien attack! The EDF are back at it again. For those not in the know this is the arcade style 3rd person shooter where you take on billions of giant insects, robots, aliens, UFO's, and kaiju in a silly B-Movie style set of missions. It may look like a very simple and stupid horde shooter, but this series is surprisingly nuanced beneath the surface.

The gameplay is the same as ever - you hose down the thousands of ridiculous enemies with ridiculous guns and infinite ammo while carefully dodging and reloading. It remains every bit as satisfying as you get overwhelmingly swarmed, enemies blot out the horizon, and artillery blasts, kaiju laser beams, and air raids rain down around you turning the city to rubble.

As you play you unlock weapons, vehicles, and tools for the game's 4 classes (ground, air, mecha, and support) with replaying now fuelled by the gun levelling system and collecting armour drops to increase your hit points.

This entry is basically the previous 4.1 game with some experimental changes:
- New monsters and structures to fight (no spoilers, but they're hilarious)
- There are monsters whose armour breaks off and can lose limbs / re-grow them showing off the graphical and FX updates along with lots more splatters
- Armour pick ups now increase HP for every class, not just the one you're playing as (albeit at a reduced rate)
- Weapons now level up by collecting duplicates (entirely RNG based) which makes most weapons feel weaker overall, with levels being more potent than the base rating of the weapon (eg. Lv.2 Rating 8 is stronger than Lv.8 Rating 2)
- Wing Diver is more agile but uses a charge mechanic for their energy guns instead of reloading like the other classes (to the annoyance of veterans)
- The improved code means this version game is FAR more stable than 4.1 and online play is less buggy

If you want a slightly easier and more consistent EDF experience this is the one to buy. Long timers may gripe about the changes but they are minor in the long run. If you can't wait for 6 and the style of World Brothers bothers you then this one still has a strong online player base to tide you over. Definitely better than Iron Rain which went full microtransaction.


Developers literally killed all the bugs from the previous game

It's essentially elevated shovelware, taking a dumb concept with a low budget but making it a very fun experience. The voice acting is funny and kept me consistently entertained, and the scale and absurdity of what's happening on screen was great. It's certainly too long, with a fair share of fluff missions. It can feel like the game is spinning it's wheels at a certain point, but it's worth pushing through to see just how far the game can push it's nonsense (especially with friends.)

Realistically EDF5's a 7. But I wanna give it an 8 so it gets an 8.

It's almost exactly like EDF 3 & 4 with barely anything new other than the fact It's better optimized and runs better. And i'm not complaining, it has everything you'd expect from an EDF game. One big problem I have with these games is that there are never enough players and it's very difficult to find people to do the mission you need. Many of them are too difficult to do alone. Cross platform play and ability to join game in progress would help very much, but it's an EDF game and we can't have nice things like that. I think i'm skipping EDF 6.

Y'know, it's pretty great, but it's not really a case of good game design. They just threw in a bunch of random stuff and it worked out as some chaotic hodgepodge of a game.

The EDF deploys!

jank in a lot of ways that don't matter but perfect where it counts.

God what a fucking stupid fun game.

O, we are the valiant infantry!
We are the alpha team with passion and comraderie!
Hear as we shout at the top of our lungs,
"Be calm, be bold, and raise your guns!"

High up in the air our comrades fight,
Dashing through the sky now like a million bolts of light.
We shall spread our wings wide and fly high,
Soaring, gliding through the endless sky!

It is only with our sacrifice
That mankind can still exist down here in paradise!
To defend our dearest Mother Earth
We're ready to give up our lives!

Now, pick up our weapons, off we go!
Firing at the flying saucers, shooting down our foes.
We shall not allow these aliens
To rule we Homo Sapiens!

The world must know by now, Everett. What we've done.


Поток сознания или чет в таком духе рецуха без запятых и прочей ерунды которая нам с вами только мешает в общем проходили игру с кокером и азгушем на нормале дошли до миссии где матку корабль нужно уничтожить получается 110 вроде миссия и прикол в том что первый раз все сдохли от лазеров и нам пиздец как не хотелось проходить заново потому что миссия на 20 минут и думаем ладно нужен еще один трай и проходим проходим в итоге залетает тащер каток и говорит подруби стрим я говорю у тебя есть мой ютуб канал чтобы я ссылку тебе специально не кидал он говорит есть но искать надо он нашел и я пока этому утырку стрим подрубал а это заняло секунд 10-15 мне почти половину хп снес мазершип и в итоге я сдох кокер поднял меня потом кокер сдох я поднял его потом снова я сдох и кокер после меня еще раз сдох азгуш там чет рамсил кувыркался и прикол был в том что около него миллион хилок валялось и он все время на лазер попадлся и получал дамаг и тащер такой типа жеееесть как же азгуш сильно играет а я ему говорю ты дебил где сила он хилится раз в 10 секунд и около него миллион хилок в итоге азгуш тоже сдох и еще азгуш так говорил после того как мы сдохли что вот тащер все по фактам сказал потому что тащер единственный человек который азгуша в его жизни зауважал в итоге пришлось перезапустить миссию на изи и мы прошли минут за 5 и бога пришлось на изи убить хотя все остальные 109 миссий мы на нормале прошли и что-то даже на харде во всем виноват сын говна тащер каток еще и советы мне давал какие-то говорил мол вон ты с базуки уже 2 раза промазал хреново чет играешь ну промазал я и что дальше зачем ты это говоришь мне мразь если ты по фактам ничего сказать не можешь полезного вы зайдите на стримы тащера он вообще ни в одну видеоигру играть не может я хз как он вообще живет эту жизнь у него ничего вообще не получается делать нормально

me dan miedo las ranas gigantes

Fun and clunky. Game is immensely satisfying to play and its difficulty curve is smooth. Although there is a bit of padding in levels I liked playing them because the game was so fun. Story is silly and over the top. Weapons and movement are fun to use, although the movement can be janky and frustrating at instances. Overall extremely enjoyable experience. Only major issue I have is the 70% completion to remove weapon cap, this is extremely stupid. Can be fixed with mods though so not such a huge issue if you're on PC.