Reviews from

in the past

For a game called ‘easy piano’, it’s actually pretty difficult and annoying.

You may be asking yourself right now: ‘whu, what the fuck is this game?’ And believe me, I’ve been trying to answer that exact same question. This is easy piano, imagine guitar hero but you get rid of the whole ‘cool’ factor and play imagine by John Lennon. I happened to get this game from a family friends car boot sale, and they were questioning it just the same as I was. But to be fair to this game, it actually isn’t that bad…just strange.

In easy piano you have a little plastic piano thing that you push into the gba slot and you can use like a normal piano…kinda. You get 3 main things to do: practice, actually perform a song or make your own music. Practicing is just standard practicing and there isn’t that much to it. Performing the songs is where it’s at…well the selection of 35 songs. There’s mainly classical tracks but there’s quite a few ‘pop’ songs. I mean if they want to class enjoy the silence as a ‘pop’ song then alright I guess…makes you wonder if they even heard the album it was on. Making your own songs kind of exists, the interface is kind of annoying to use and yet it’s kind of simple? But don’t expect to be the next Erik Satie.

The plastic piano you get with it feels kind of useless. Like it’s a bitch to use and you have to put these coloured stickers on it that easily come off and that annoys the hell out of me when I’m using it. And even then, you can play each song using your stylus on the touch screen…so what’s the point of having this piece of plastic when I can just use the touchscreen? I mean I guess it allows actual piano players to feel more comfortable but like, the main selling point is that this is gonna ease you into playing a piano, so to have the option to just not use it like a normal piano kinda defeats the purpose.

Also for some very strange reason, they allow you to customise the type of costume you wear, the type of keyboard and where you’re playing the song for no reason. I guess it is trying to make it a little more fun, but it is super funny to play a shitty piano cover of bohemian rhapsody at what looks like Glastonbury.

For a guitar hero knock off it’s actually not all the bad. Sure you do question a lot of things about it but overall it isn’t that bad. Like I’ve played far worse games and this at least does try to do a lot, even if in some departments it fell flat. You bought this game to play every breath you take by the police at Glastonbury, and you came out wondering how the hell they spelt gymnopedie wrong.

I’m so sorry Mr. Satie

Strange, decent song selection, cannot spell for some reason, woman has the worst smile I’ve ever seen