Reviews from

in the past

ENG: In harmony with orchids to dusk, by the same creator. But here it's not about acceptance, it's about the journey and how we face it.

ESP: En sintonía con orchids to dusk, del mismo creador. Pero acá no se trata de la aceptación, sino del viaje y como lo encaramos.

Quiero llamar a este juego "El No Man's Sky que habría podido ser si se hubieran atrevido a cumplir con lo que prometían al principio". Disfruté bastante con esta obra, quizá no de una forma tan espectacular como Orchids to Dusk pero igualmente me gustó.


I want to call this "No Man's Sky if NMS actually had the gall to do what it promised on its original version", so I will. I really enjoyed this piece, though it's a lot less impactful than Orchids because it strecthes thinner.

honestly i dont wanna be harsh on a clearly small game jam project, but to me this game is total wasted potential, i like everything surrounding the gameplay, the graphics, the atmosphere, the ambiance, the way planets look and how you move around them all of that is super cool but when it comes to exploration its just boring and pointless, whenever you find something cool in a planet theres no pay off cause you can barely interact with it (and sometimes just cant at all), you dont really get anything from it except for fuel sometimes, and thats it, finding things in this game ends up boiling down to saying "oh hey thats cool" and going somewhere else, its totally aimless and pointless, i know this was a game jam so it couldnt be huge, but still i feel like so much more couldve been done here to make this a great experience