Reviews from

in the past

Played with the 18+ patch, naturally.

Before beginning, a huge shoutout to cunny_sensei's guide for the game, which has just about all the info you need to make your life easier. Be warned there are story spoilers in the guide, so read with caution.

The short version of how I felt about this game was "it's ok." I liked the setting of a town where adventurers visit in order to take on the big dungeon laying around and how said dungeon has different biomes in it. Earlygame, however, is pretty grindy, since you're not very strong and magic costs quite a bit of MP considering how little you have. As per the standard in a lot of these games, once you reach a certain point, you shatter the difficulty by nuking everything with ease. Hunter's Death Strike can instakill most regular encounters (but with a pretty steep MP cost) and with the right gem investment, a mage's lategame skills can do at minimum 10k to even bosses. Tension skills, when you eventually get them, are incredibly broken in terms of damage output, but your tension goes back to zero when you go to another room, so it's not entirely reliable.

That leads into one negative I do have about the game, though. Barring one optional party member, everyone starts at Level 1, even a character given to you late in the main story. For your main trio, if you change classes, that new class will be Level 1, which disincentivizes changing classes partway through. The game tries to point you towards making Fano a mage with her unique ability, but I made her a Hunter because I didn't read her unique skills beforehand. You can probably go any direction with your main trio's classes, though, but I'd advise at least having one of each of the three.

The story was...alright, a bit light at times since the end goal for the first arc is getting to the depths of the labyrinth. The plot twists were pretty nice, but because of the guide, I was spoiled to a few plot points, and the sidequests were pretty hit and miss. Two I do recommend doing are Torte and Fano's after beating the game, as it does feel like decent closure to their arcs.

Overall, I liked parts of the game, but the earlygame is that one thing that could drive people away. I'd say get it if you like the characters or the concept, or maybe wait for a sale just in case.

Picked up because had some jobs and I expected there was unlockable jobs later but there wasn't nevertheless I was already somewhat into the game.
All girls are kinda cute and equipment/gold management is interesting.