Reviews from

in the past

I don't think the main story holds up but it's always fun to explore the Capital Wasteland and discover new areas and locations.

A very solid experience. This game does a lot right for me in a way I'm not sure I can explain, other than saying it was a vibe. I enjoy pretty much everything about Fallout, and I find that I really enjoy Bethesda's rpgs. They just hit for me. Maybe it's the scrounging up of loot and slight survival aspects, because full survival modes in their rpgs has always appealed to me. In my opinion this game looks pretty solid, especially on the Series X with the fps boost. My issues with this game are pretty minor, I suppose. The lock picking was a bit irritating, you have to be pretty exact and bobby pins break very easily. The weapon durability doesn't bother me, but the way you have to repair weapons does, and I think they lose durability too fast. I also think a level cap of 20 is way too low. I wanted to keep exploring and questing but it just didn't feel the same without seeing those xp popups and feeling that progression, so i just ended up focusing the main quest and finishing the game. Maybe they didn't want people to be to OP or sumn, but I think it was a wack decision. I'm sure a DLC or better yet mods, can raise it, so I definitely plan to replay the GOTY version on PC. Overall a solid experience that I'd recommended to most.

I played this game and literally just wondered. I was like 11 or so, but I was having a blast as I've never played such a rich open world story before. I fell in love with this game literally. Me and my friend at the time, Brucie, would literally work on a Fallout survival guide because we were such big fans of the game lol. I have a very distinct memory of just feeling like a badass clearing out the groccery store raiders. As I got older and started to understand the mechanics more, I embarked on the campaign and the DLC. Never did finish the main quest, but the Pitt DLC was exceptionally well. I love the branching story paths, the diverse way to complete missions, and the sheer vastness to it all. By 2005, High Definition gaming already set a distinct standard apart from the former six gen. Fallout 3 is the game that raises that standard to the roof. It's honestly a huge achievement that Bethesda was able to pack so much content into a mechanically tight and fun game. It's a masterpiece.

As you may imagine, I started to play Fallout because of the Prime Video show. I always wanted to get into fallout, but I thought that I wouldn't like this type of massive RPGs with huge stories and all that... but oh boy, I was very wrong.

Fallout 3 has become one of my favorite games of all time, only being surpassed by Red Dead 2 and TLOU (and maybe Death Stranding?). I want (and will) play all the other main fallout games, I literally fell in love with this series.

But now, let's get into the actual review of the game. Nowadays, I would say that it kinda aged well, new players will probably get lost a bit with this entry of the series but for the most part I say that it's aight, on Windows 11 I had constant crashes, specially when Alt+Tabbing. I was using the Epic Games version of the game, but AFAIK this happens in the steam and gog versions too.
But apart from that (very minor things imo), this game is amazing. It has a personality that cannot be matched by any other game ever, the story of the vaults and its experiments is just incredible, I've watched tons of videos on YouTube about them, it also has amazing music that fits this era very nicely.
It has a great story, but I think that there aren't that many important decisions. I imagine that this will be different in New Vegas or 4 (I imagine because I haven't played those, lol). I never felt that this was a big deal since it's the first 3D fallout and the story was pretty nice, so no complaints, just letting y'all know.
The game also has like a weird green tint, some people hate it, but other like me love it. I think that it build that type of nuclear wasteland, you know what I mean? I've seen some gameplays of Fallout 4 and I always thought that it was too colorful.
The graphics in general are fine, like it doesn't look that bad. But if you're used to the average AAA from the 2020s then it might be kinda of, annoying I guess? Some places defo look more outdated than others.

But most importantly, I would recommend this game to everyone. As I said earlier, if you're not used to this type of RPGs, I would recommend starting with Fallout 4 or 76 (and yes, 76 is actually fun). Don't expect the game of the century because it's pretty bare bones compared to more modern games, but I had a lot of fun playing it, both the base game and all of its expansions.

I get it. But it's 100% just not for me. I'd love to watch someone else play it. But I've tried to get into it again and it's just too slow paced for me. Sorry everyone.

id rather tie my cock to a doorknob and slam it shut than suffer through another game crash
but i cant believe that they made the game soundtrack decades in advance!!

Played on the Begin Again modlist on wabbajack.

It was a gunplay was fine even with all the glitches but the story was so trash bad because you aren't given a choice with anything except for the project purity poisoning but you can't join factions, most side quests are immediately forgotten once you finish them and half of the map is so shit to walk through with forcing the player to go underground all the time which are the same looking areas over and over again.

The karma system is trash because if you want to be evil like what I tried to do you literally get no benefit and you get locked out of most because this game depends on the player being a goody two shoes to actually play alot of side quest.

Fallout has a very captivating setting in general, and Fallout 3 is not behind with its great world building. The game's open world was a joy to explore, with intriguing points of interest always drawing me in. The RPG elements provided plenty of variety, offering different approaches to gameplay. Despite the generally weak and one-dimensional main storyline, the side quests and the environmental lore added depth to the overall narrative, which was very much enjoyable.

On the downside, the combat mechanics and balancing left much to be desired. They felt inconsistent, swinging between feeling overpowered and underpowered, which made it difficult to develop any meaningful strategy. The cities and interiors were confusing to navigate, often feeling like labyrinths with their lack of clarity, and Bethesda damn well knew this since there are signs everywhere. Additionally, I found there was a lack of substantial content within the cities and the world in general, with few side quests and even dialogues available compared to other games in the genre, making some cities feels like they just exists (Tenpenny Tower is a great example, there is simply nothing to do there after getting rid of the ghouls). Even the DLC content failed to meet my expectations, falling short of providing a satisfying expansion to the game.

To the people who have been coping for years over this game and convinced themselves its "better" than New Vegas. Please do yourself a favor and play through it again. It's been a decade plus and I promise you its not how you remember.

Everything about it is skin deep, Bethesda should thank Obsidian over fixing every bad design decision. They effectively overwrote how skin deep everything about this game is in memory. Every quest is some variation of go in a room, shoot 3 guys, hack a terminal or reload until you win a speech check (and that's where they all end there's fucking nothing more to them), DC is a collection of poorly dressed rooms that are a slog to navigate, every dungeon feels like mush.

The bible quote thrown at you 3 times has no bearing on the plot and was most likely them googling "bible verse about water". Genuine embarrassment for video games as a medium, fucking actual dogshit.

One of Bethesda's greatest games ever, at the time of release it was an unmatched and sublime game. However, it has not aged the best, with some of the most frustrating controls and combat you could play today. If you are able to look past the jank, it is truly an exceptional game, even if the main story is ass. The side quests really do carry this game.

This review contains spoilers

Bears a rusty gunplay, pioneer on weaponized Elder Scrolls - But it's an affordable commodity to narcotic scavange hunt. Mission loops are adorable and "bongo bingo bongo's" feel groovy while popping heads outta bodies with six-shooters. It's an economical playground of either good karma or small-town nuking. Shortcommings be as they may: Conflicting karma meter or the buzzkill main ending, are a gateway to a handsomely doomer resourcefully western fantasy. I'll be damned if i didn't got swelled up by the atmospherically dismal charm of ghost town freelancing and walking many miles just to see my father die. Can't wait to get my stimulus with the rest of the franchise, it was worth that Steam-crashing-then-modding annoyance.

Fallout 3 é uma imersão cativante que transporta os jogadores para um universo pós-apocalíptico repleto de carisma e loucura. Desde os primeiros momentos em que emergimos do Vault 101 até as vastas terras desoladas da Capital Wasteland, somos imersos em uma experiência envolvente e inesquecível. Os desenvolvedores da Bethesda Game Studios criaram um RPG massivo que traz à vida um mundo distópico cheio de segredos e perigos.

Uma das maiores conquistas do jogo é sua construção de universo rica e envolvente. Cada canto do Wasteland está repleto de histórias, personagens e eventos bizarros que convidam à exploração. Passei horas envolvido na vastidão desse ambiente, sempre encontrando algo novo para me surpreender, seja uma história obscura escondida em uma nota antiga ou personagens peculiares em eventos pelos locais que percorria. A atmosfera pós-apocalíptica é tão intuitiva que me vi transportado para outros universos distópicos que tanto gosto, como o de Juiz Dredd e sua Terra Maldita, onde o grotesco e o inesperado se tornam parte da paisagem cotidiana.

Mesmo com sua jogabilidade um pouco datada em comparação com os lançamentos mais recentes, "Fallout 3" ainda oferece uma experiência sólida e satisfatória. A construção do personagem, os combates estratégicos e as escolhas de habilidades são todos elementos essenciais que nos mantêm investidos em nossa jornada por Wasteland. E apesar de alguns momentos em que a progressão pode parecer um pouco arrastada ou algumas missões um pouco monótonas, esses pequenos obstáculos não conseguem ofuscar o brilho geral desta experiência imersiva.

A história principal é envolvente, mas é nas missões secundárias que "Fallout 3" realmente brilha. Cada desvio nos leva a encontrar personagens memoráveis e situações inusitadas que enriquecem ainda mais o mundo que exploramos. E é essa riqueza de detalhes, essa variedade de experiências que nos mantém voltando para mais, mesmo após todas as horas investidas.

"Fallout 3" é um título que vale a pena jogar, oferecendo uma aventura épica que fica gravada na memória. Se você é fã de RPGs imersivos e mundos pós-apocalípticos, este é um jogo que não pode faltar em sua coleção.

The first Fallout game made by Bethesda is also the first mainline 3D game in the franchise that proved to have great potential beyond the isometric experience of the first two games, but the depth of both the story, dialogue, characters and variety of weapons leaves something to be desired, especially as they are strengths of its predecessors and then its sequel, New Vegas, which manages to improve and evolve almost all aspects of fallout 3

Fallout 3 single-handedly revitalized one of video games' (at the time) most underrated RPG franchisese ever.

And for some reason, a lot of people hate it nowadays. How did we get to this point, though?

Well, losing faith in Bethesda Game Studios is arguably the biggest explanation behind people having a... recently newfound dislike against this release. The lack of RPG mechanics, stat management that's deeper than HP/AP, a less-important SPECIAL system, an easier/less tactile game overall... these are all totally valid things to dislike. For many, they are concessions, things lost in the exchange between having a new fallout yet having it be made by a game studio that had started showing intent to appeal to the widest audience possible.

On the No Mutants Allowed forum, the first-ever Fallout-centric fansite, thousands of fans of the first two entries into the series were pissed the-heck off. Yet for some reason, I cannot wholly understand why.

BGS wasn't some sort of faux-RPG-company when they announced their acquisition of the Fallout brand. Morrowind was a widely beloved game at the time! And it is also by no means a beginner-friendly RPG... incorrect handling of character builds can mean the end of a run in that game. And Oblivion, while certainly including a rather... bizarre leveling system, it's stat-boost-at-level-up system that forced players to fit into their chosen class at the start of the game wasn't anything like Skyrim's extreme open-endedness. So what gives? I dunno... I do not have an answer for that. Guess just oldheads getting mad at change.

What about the content of this game and the reaction it received at release?

Well, thankfully for myself and millions of other gamers (15 million to be exact), Fallout 3 ended up being an absolutely phenomenal video game. In terms of exploration, atmosphere, lore, player experience, and its perk system, there was so much to love about this game. In tons of ways, Fallout 3 is the quintessential beginner's RPG. It's this and Skyrim, folks!

But that doesn't mean it wasn't without criticism. For one, many people lambasted the horrificly basic main story of Fo3... while no Fallout game really featured a drop-dead tearjerking narrative by the time of 3's release, the lack of multiple-solutions to main quests, or just quests in general, ruffled the feathers of many. The absence of Tim Cain's design philosophy is incredibly apparent with this game!

But does that bother me? Not really, at all, actually. If you take this game and its brother, Fallout: New Vegas side by side, you start to see where both of these games had their strongest sides show. Fallout 3, as I previously have mentioned, features one of video games's most transportive, unfriendly, dour, depressing, and immersive overworlds. The Capital Wasteland, for lack of a better description, is terrifying.

And it may be because I have lived in DC for quite a bit at one point in my life, but seeing the city proper of DC and the broader Maryland/NoVa area interpreted in retrofuturist post-apocalyptic fashion was jaw-dropping. Sure, hate this game all you want for its lack of open-ended quest solutions and janky gunplay, but Fallout 3 handled the transition from 2D into 3D so faithfully and expertly that it's ridiculous if you choose to ignore this accomplishment.

With Fallout 3, Bethesda proved they were (at the time) the masters of creating video game open worlds. I mean, the four-track-run of Morrowind, Oblivion, Fallout 3, and Skyrim is pretty much unbeatable. Out of all these games though, my favorite world remains to be the Capital Wasteland.

And even in Fallout, as much as I love my New Vegas and Fo2 California, The Capital Wasteland, to me, is the pinnacle of the series. Exploration, man. It's what makes Bethesda games... Bethesda games. And on top of an innovative perk system that brought the wittiness and unique nature of the Fallout series into 3D, unforgettable goofiness, and post-apocalpytic antics that have yet to replicated, Fallout 3 is a masterpiece. One of Bethesda's very best...

Really good, still behind Starfield and 4 for me, but excellent game.

History has not been kind to this game. Mid and that's probably generous. Shooting galleries full of dumb enemies that satisfyingly explode everywhere sometimes. One of the worst main quests I've played in a game in a while. "Where's my father" you shriek at every NPC in sight as you walk 10km between pitstops to bellow at the next NPC on the checklist. Zero depth, zero nuisance. Choices consist of being the nicest person alive or someone telling you to committ mass genocide for a laugh. Hope you like god awful combat it's here in spades.

Crashed at least 10 times while playing it and had the audacity to dip into the 30fps at times. An experience so mid I couldn't be bothered playing any of the DLC.

The demented child in the series that walked so New Vegas could run. Never again.

HOJE EM DIA A GAMEPLAY TA MT BROXA PQ É VEIO PA KCTKKKKKKKK JOGUEI PELO "Tale of two wastelands" que porta tudo do jogo pra engine do fallout new vegas. a mira melhora, o gunplay, as mecanicas.... sem contar o fato das mil e uma cacetada de mod que tu pode botar nessa poha

a historia é pica demais, o jeito como a mecanica de dialogo É INCRIVEL, vc n se confunde igual na merda do fallout 4 que tu aperta o botao de falar algo e teu personagem fala a merda mais sem noção que voce n taria nem preparado pra ouvir em 80 anos de existencia. a ambientação tbm é incrivel, os personagens n se comparam ao new vegas mas tem seu certo charme.

e curiosidade: esse jogo me desenvolveu uma certa cleptomania quando eu era criança. sem meme algum. eu joguei tanto isso (com "jogar" sendo eu entrar em casas aleatorias e sair roubando e atirando até eu morrer por um robô e dizer que o jogo é inutil) q simplesmente eu comecei a pegar coisas aleatorias na casas dos outros como se n tivess o minimo problema. anyway, agora que revelei um crime podem ligar pro 190 que ta tudo de boa

It's ok. Looking forward to playing the DLCs.

Fallout 3 is still pretty good. I think people give bethesda a lot of shit for their fallout games, and a lot of it is deserved, but there's still plenty of good stuff in there.Though, I don't think I like the Capitol wastland as much as the mojave or the commonwealth, as far as maps go

First one I ever played. Fun enough but still a Bethesda game.

Despite its shortcomings, it is the reason I'm even a fan of this series. So thank you game, and thank you Fawkes for being a great companion.

Just an overall solid game. I love the world and atmosphere even if it feels a bit too dead for my liking but that's the point. The world Is so fun to explore and the paths you can choose is also fun. This was my first fallout game and I highly recommend it to be other people's first.

10/10 base game
butt/hole ending
8.5/10 if you include the dlc

Well, it’s no New Vegas…

Jokes aside this game’s alright, gunplay is kind awful and the story’s nothing special, but as a first entry into the franchise, you could do worse.

(This play through was done using the Tale of Two Wastelands Mod, with a 250+ plugin list, and thus graphics and gameplay are changed and will not be accounted for in the review)

Fallout 3 was the first Fallout game I played fully back in 2017 as a teenager and back then I enjoyed it a lot, even calling it my favorite for the longest time. As I grew older, my opinion of it soured, and I grew a larger affinity for the older games + Fallout New Vegas for their more in depth RPG systems. However finally replaying Fallout 3 after many years has left me pretty satisfied.

As stated before I played with a large mod list which ultimately does not reflect the game that was shipped in 2008, so I will be judging the game solely on its world, story and RPG mechanics as those are unchanged and are ultimately the most important part of these games anyway.

Fallout 3's story, while simple and straightforward, is good enough. Nothing here will make you question the factions or their motives or what you're ultimately changing in the world, The Brotherhood are the good guys and The Enclave are the bad guys and that's fine. The main story questline is not very long and can be done in just a few hours. The sidequests also share that similar modern Bethesda feel, there's ultimately 2 choices, a good deed or a bad deed. The writing and humor however is on point. You can tell this was made by a different team than the original Fallout games, but they do a good job and going for the feel and look of Fallout. Unfortunately There's not a lot of depth to the game's world, however I feel the game was still satisfying to play. The quests were engaging, and it was fun to explore and loot the Capital Wasteland which as usual, Bethesda did craft a fun and enjoyable world to traverse. Another thing I noticed was how many cool setpieces there are in FO3 compared to FNV. The appearance of the Enclave, and Liberty Primes's assault are a few I can name which just felt awesome to see.

While it definitely is not the most in depth game, it certainly is not the most basic (Bethesda would triple down on simplifying everything in Skyrim, Fallout 4 and especially Starfield). I think Fallout 3 is a good game, and probably one of the best starting points for someone wanting to get into the series (provided you can get past the gameplay jank in the vanilla game). Give it a try and you may like it. 7/10

"Eu achei o Fallout 3 um jogo incrível. Sua atmosfera, suas missões, seus inimigos e tudo mais foram fantásticos. Foi o meu primeiro jogo da série Fallout e eu gostei bastante de tudo o que joguei. O único problema desse jogo é que ele costuma crashar bastante, tirando isso, é um jogo muito bom."

This was once one of my all time favourite games. I originally played it on both PC and Xbox 360, earning every achievement twice over and spending hundreads of hours in The Capital Wasteland. After watching the surpisingly decent Fallout TV show, I decided to give Fallout 3 another go.

Sadly, it hasn't aged well. The writing was so bad and basic that I stopped playing after a few hours - I couldn't take it anymore. There are still loads of technical issues on PC. The combat is pathetic. While the exploration is still enjoyable, the gameworld isn't as reactive as say... New Vegas. In fact, while re-playing Fallout 3, all I could think about was that I'd much rather just be playing New Vegas - so eventually that's what I did.

I still have a lot of fondness for Fallout 3, and while - to a certain degree - that may just be nostalgia, it is still a good game. Just don't expect much more than a moderately shallow RPG with poor combat, and storytelling that lacks any semblance of complexity.

einziges fallout was ich durchgespielt hab :D