Reviews from

in the past

bad fps, bad rpg, bad writing, this game is built like an MMORPG in a lot of ways and i don't say that as a compliment

hopefully bethesda won't make the next one, because it feels like they are making the same game over and over

genuinely so pathetic. Huge downgrade from new vegas

Most fun gunplay ever but RPG elements are bethesda quality...far harbor is probably the peak of this game <3

Um ótimo jogo, mas um Fallout não tão bom. Apesar dos defeitos o mundo é gigante e muito interessante de explorar.

Modding is more fun than actually playing the game.

With out mods Id give it around 2.5 stars but with mods the game is a lot more fun

Mods make it a lot better but there's only so much rust brown shit pile I can take.

It's been only 2 hours but shooting mechanics and quest designs are terrible. I'm really dying from cringe whenever the main character talks with someone. When it comes to the gunplay, I tend to overlook it in Fallout New Vegas as it is a very old game. But it's exactly the same here. And it's just HORRIBLE.

não é minha vibe mas o tema é foda p prr

I've been pretty happy with most of the games I've played from Bethesda and Fallout 4 was no exception. In fact, I was a bit higher on Fallout 4 than I was with Fallout 3, but there were some minor extenuating circumstances that happened when I played Fallout 3.

Anyway, I just love the setting of the Fallout series and I feel like it sets itself apart from the Elder Scrolls games so well. Aside from Fallout 76, I'm pretty excited for all of the Fallout content that is out there and I'm looking forward to the upcoming Prime series.


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my dude, you spend this entire game looking at trash. Looking for trash. Fiddling with trash. You put trash on your weapons, on your body, in your house. You find your trash son, and save trash settlements. You go on expeditions to pick up the trash. You travel to another state of the federation to save their trash, in the swamp. Screw this game, discard it into the november 09th, 2015 garbage bin, set it on fire.

Not bad, but not great. More action-shooter than survival RPG. Radiant quests is a stupid idea and Bethesda should feel bad about coming up with it. The whole settlement building thing is pointless, just trying to cater to the wrong type of people. Dialogue choices are AWFUL.

A gameplay desse jogo é bem melhor doq os outros jogos, pra mim a historia do jogo me prendeu bastante e achei ela boa, tive um monte de bugs durante minha jogatina mas nada que atrapalhe muito, algum dia vou testar o new vegas

Ou bethesda vai toma no meio do teu cu irmao eu tava no meio da minha playthrough ai tu solta esse update bosta do cacete, quebra todos os meus mods e corrompe meu jogo. Quando atualizarem o Script Extender eu penso em voltar a jogar.

Top tier open world grinding and exploration. Packed with content, to say the least. Got over 130 hours, and I have mostly only done side quests. Now, even with a good game, I can grow tired and abandon it. I probably binge played too much, I should have played over a longer duration of time.

Might pick up again in the future.

Honestly this is carried by far harbor and nuka world but would recommend over head

Have 200 hours in this, It is fine. Wish the story was a bit more fleshed out, but Far Harbour makes up for that. Best Combat in the entire franchise, very extensive weapon modding system, very enjoyable game.

At about 30 hours in, my interest is started to wane and I just focused down the main story. I enjoyed my time with Fallout 4 and think it's one of the better Bethesda games in terms of game feel and writing. There's just a lot less gameplay variety than in the Elder Scrolls games, since you're not really getting much in the way of gameplay changing abilities. I live on variety, so it's hard to keep interest in something that is static gameplay-wise for too long.

bom jogo de tiro
um fallout mé

Não tenho muito o que falar desse game, é o que fez eu ser apaixonados por mundo abertos e RPG, A Bethesda fez uma obra prima cheia de bugs e defeitos, eu amo esse game mesmo ele não sendo tecnicamente perfeito.


meu fallout favorito até o momento, também sendo o unico que zerei e platinei kkk

Another excellent entry into the Fallout franchise that comes with a larger focus on gunplay and minute-to-minute action. These changes brought many detractors to the game, but it was a much much needed breath of fresh air for a game series whose FPS gameplay had been its weakest feature to date. With a renewed focus on gunplay and action, the RPG elements that many Fallout fans fell in love with took a step back, with more simplistic dialogue choices and less meaningful stat/perk progressions. Despite the falter in RPG mechanics, the exploration and worldbuilding is as good as ever, even if the factions' stories aren't quite as seamless as Fallout New Vegas'. A worthy entry to one of the greatest game series of all time.

100% Completion Notes: Standard Fallout faire for this achievement list, although I noticed a smaller focus on sidequest and miscellaneous exploration achievements, which are my favorite.

Jogão, ainda me encantei mais com o Fallout 3 mas ainda deu pra curtir por boas horas

Amazing worldbuilding, unparalleled environmental storytelling, decent mechanics, and heartwarming characters, but the main storyline falls flat. The side quests are where it's at.