Reviews from

in the past

Glad I finally played this masterpiece of a game! It was such a fantastic story to travel through and one I’m excited to venture through again!

I can't say why but, the game kept my curiosity high all the time. Well, at least the times I could play because it's not compatible with newest systems anymore. Perhaps I could consider it as one of the best games I have played or not. But, the game is not kept up-to-date thanks to(!) stupid Bethesda.

Obsidian> Bethesda. Competent writers.

Fallout New Vegas tem um lugar especial no meu coração, lembrar dele me deixa feliz e tranquilo.

went as randy orton this playthrough so i can justify only using fists

The only good modern Fallout game.

INSANELY good. Meaningful, rich choices, well-written and well-voiced dialogue... 10/10.

Game is perfect except for dead money which is a 0/10

aprendi q a guerra nunca muda e agora sou uma pessoa melhor

e também long dick johnson

One of the greatest RPGs of all time, there's literally nothing that can be said about Fallout New Vegas that hasn't been shouted to the heavens and back already. A seamless blend of role playing, exploration, and FPS combat (which age has admittedly not been kind to). What still holds up as a unique achievement is the sheer freedom given to the player in determining the outcome of the game's stories, and how believable each and every faction's motivations and design feels. Some of the very best worldbuilding in gaming.

100% Completion Notes: Like all fallout games, a very enjoyable list that pushes the player to try different styles and explore the furthest reaches of the Mojave Wasteland. Except Caravan. Fuck Caravan.

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Cowboy com um universo apocalíptico???? Ulalalala papai, todo de mamadeira
Além de ser o melhor RPG, mas infelizmente não da pra meter bala na criança que faz propaganda.

One the greats. Baldurs Gate 3, Disco Elysium, and this.

A game so good it makes its enormous amounts of bugs yet another charming feature to adore. The best world building, character writing, and quest design for an open world game I've ever experienced. We may never get another game as special as this again.

Still the greatest Fallout game ever made.

This is my favorite game of all time and it's absolutely amazing but it's sadly not perfect.It has outdated graphics and the combat is barely serviceable which may put off a lot of people.But the well written story and plot keeps you hooked from start to finish with its amazing narrative and wonderful characters.The dlcs are excellent and are an amazing addition to the base game.I think everyone should try it

I played it quite late in my life, struggled solid 5 hours with installing mods in order to even play it.
But once you start it I don't think there is possibility to not finish it.
It's addictive and you see why it's praised everywhere.

I've played this game for 350 hours so far and have all the achievements. I would consider it the greatest Fallout game because of its story, choices, and mods. It's also very cheap.

It's good

And yeah, im gay, how did you know?

Quite simply the best RPG of all time. The depth of some sidequests puts some other games' main story lines to shame. It is filled with memorable characters, locations and stories, far better than what Fallout 3 (not to mention 4) offered, and it's the true sequel Fallout 1 and 2 deserved.

3/4 of its DLCs are quite nice, and even without them you are guaranteed at least a hundred hours worth of content. Running the game on modern systems can be a bit of a hassle, and I heavily recommend applying some basic modes to bring the UI up to somewhat modern standards, and fix a couple of bugs that were never officially patched. Still, it's one of the best games of all time.

Came back to this game years later to play the entire thing with DLC, a great time. A stark reminder that I do like the modern Fallouts, but that 4 was simply way off the mark

Without a doubt, the single best game i have ever played. And the only game i have played through over 10+ times.

Fallout: New Vegas is my favorite open world rpg. The Mojave Wasteland is a great open world that actually feels lived in, both pre-war and post-war. Every location is interesting and has a story to tell. The characters are charming and funny. The DLC all combine to tell an intriguing 4-part story, and each is very fun in its own unique way. The perks allow you to become an ultra powerful character with different variations per each type of weapon. The story is well-written and engaging, and will immerse you as soon as you start a new game. The only gripe I have is the crashing issues, but it was never enough to majorly effect my progress or experience. Fallout: New Vegas is everything that a fantastic open world rpg should be: fantastic.

Rivaled only by Disco Elysium in the way it makes me feel like i'm really there, in the goddamn game. DLC's have amazing writing, I love Dead Money and Lonesome Road the most. Most of my words are just echoes of what thousands have said before me, it's a complete baffling shock that this game was made in 18 months. The DLCs of course were made after but BASE GAME FNV is literally one of the best stories ever told and you are the star player in the narritive in a way that feels completely natural and not some chosen one bullshit. You got mixed up with the wrong crowd and suddenly you kinda dictate how a huge faction war plays out, all in post apocalyptic Nevada. Every quest has so many moving parts and reactions and it's a never ending treasure trove of stuff to do. The gunplay is underrated! It's fallout 3's guns but they gave them iron sights, mods, and alternate ammo. I love debating on which ammo to use in different fights, I love being at speech 100 and talking my way out of most gunfights. The fact that other (DEEP RPGS) would brag like "You can kill every npc in the game and still reach the ending" makes me upset. New Vegas manages to feel like I really could talk my way out of killing every named character in the game is a testament to it's quality. This game is a masterpiece, 10/10 to me, not because it's "perfect" but because it's exactly what I want out of a western RPG like this.

Great everything! Music, setting, more RPG mechanics (factions really matter). I love Fallout 3 and New Vegas topped it by a country mile.

Looking forward to creating new characters and going in again and again.

Difficulty Played: Survival Mode

A proper successor to classic Fallout, if you're going to play only one game in the series and you're not the kinda person to play old school CRPGs, make sure it's this one.

[Main Story] + [DLC]
The best franchise of all, just missing the graphics of fallout 4. This was a replay. I joined the legion, all vault clean, Main map all explored, I did all the possible side quests, i passed all DLC's but the Dead Money DLC is a pain in the ass for real.

One of the best games ever made. My new favorite Fallout.