Reviews from

in the past

Game Review - originally written by Spinner 8

Part Two in the acclaimed Farland Story series. Apparently there's a series called Farland Saga, so maybe those are related. I don't know. Anyways Farland Story 2 is a nice-looking, ridiculously easy strategy RPG. If you've played the first one, you pretty much know what to expect, though the sequel throws in a few tweaks. Like, if you die your level doesn't go down. But, it takes two turns to revive you if you die. Which is pretty fair I think.

If you can believe it, Farland Story 2 is even easier than its predecessor, except for the final boss which is supposed to be a real bastard. If you're bound and determined to enjoy strategy RPGs whether you like it or not (like me), then Farland Story is a good place to start. Then try Vanguard Bandits, it's pretty cool too.