Reviews from

in the past

Final Fantasy I - VI: De tropeços a um Espetáculo!

Olha, sinceramente falando não acredito que conseguirei colocar nesse texto tudo que se pode falar dos 6 primeiros Final Fantasy, na verdade eu tenho certeza absoluta disso... Cada um desses jogos poderiam ter vídeos de mais de uma hora apenas dedicados em dessecar tudo o que eles apresentam...

Por conta disso eu pretendo, nessa análise, apenas passar brevemente a minha sensação e experiência com os jogos... Dividindo elas em duas trilogias, a original, composta por FF I, II, e III, e a subsequente, formada por FF IV, V, e VI.

De fato deve dizer que já tinha tido contato, e jogado, diversos jogos dá franquia Final Fantasy, de FF, X, X-2 e XII a Trilogia FF XIII, FF XV, FF VII Remake, também o recém lançado FF XVI... Além de ter jogado algumas horas do FF XIV... Tô na espera por Dawntrail inclusive.

Sim eu conseguia facilmente dizer que era, e sou, fã da franquia, porém não podia afirmar que havia jogado os seis jogos originais... Além de outros, como VII original, Tactics, VIII e IX... E depois de concluir a trilogia Mother, parecia fazer sentido mergulhar de fez nessa franquia e terminar minhas pendências.
Com isso dito, vamos a cada um dos jogos...

- Trilogia Original:

Final Fantasy: O pior livro finalizado é sempre melhor do que o melhor livro escrito pela metade.

Eu ouvi essa afirmação de um escritor amigo meu, e sem entrar em muitos detalhes, de fato concordo com ela... As vezes ideias e franquias brilhantes começaram com obras não tão brilhantes assim... Pois cada passo é um passo... É assim com a grande maioria das obras que conhecemos, óbvio que existem exceções, porém em sua maioria o primeiro jogo de uma franquia, ou de um estúdio, tende a ter coisas a melhorar... Pense que se FF I, e Tes: Arena fossem descontinuados, seja por venderem pouco, ou por não serem tão bons para sua época, não teríamos duas franquias tão espetaculares como temos hoje... Eles precisam apenas existir para que passos maiores fossem fatos depois.

FF I de fato tem seus méritos porém também seus erros, e em geral acaba por ser um jogo interessante, porém que para nesse aspecto... Sua história definitivamente não profunda ou detalhada, porém faz seu pequeno papel... Ao mesmo tempo que seu combate é coerente porém pouco profundo para o que poderia ser naquela época.

Final Fantasy é o primeiro passo, e um primeira passo necessário que me deixou com um gosto bom na boca... mesmo que seus sucessores façam praticamente tudo o que ele faz melhor... Para ele um 7.3/10 ou um 3.5/5...
Um primeiro passo para uma gigantesca franquia.

Final Fantasy II: Castlevania 2, Final Fantasy.

É interessante notar a trajetória parecida dos segundos jogos de muitas franquias antigas... FF II e Castle 2 são dois excelentes exemplos de como ideias novas e boas não necessariamente tornam jogos revolucionários para sua época... Ambos tinham ideias que só retornariam a serem apresentadas em um jogo anos depois.

Dá tranquilamente para afirmar que Castlevania 2: Simon's Quest é o "precursor" do ideal de Metrodvania que veriamos anos depois, assim como FF II carrega consigo muitas coisas que só iriam ocorrer muito tempo depois de seu lançamento, como poder explorar todo o mapa logo no começo do jogo...

Pensando dessa forma até pode parecer que ambos os jogos são bons porém... Ambos são extremamente frustrantes, chatos, e ruins de se jogar... Quebrar a cabeça tentando descobrir como passar de uma parede no Castle 2 ou encontrar uma battle a cada trinta segundos no FF II são coisas extremamente frustrantes, seja pra época em que foram lançados, seja para hoje em dia também...

No final das contas FF II, como eu disse, tem boas ideias, mas boas ideias não fazem um bom jogo, e quando mal aplicadas... Bom, se torna como ambos os jogos citados acima... De fato algumas coisas nesse segundo jogo são interessantes, a trilha sonora é mais sombria, acompanhando a história que também é mais sinistra... Mas isso não apaga o amontoado de coisas frustrantes que esse jogo carrega... Pra ele um bom 4.8/10 ou 2.0/5

Final Fantasy III: O mesmo trajeto do outro lado já visto.

O que dizer de FF III... Ele definitivamente é legal de se jogar, comete, ao menos na minha opinião, erros diferentes do primeiro jogo, o que deixa eles praticamente empatados em minha análise.

Mas ao mesmo tempo é um jogo absurdamente melhor e mais divertido de se jogar do que o segundo... Foi aqui que a escrita da série passou a ser um pouco mais robusta, e ele definitivamente foi o respiro que a franquias necessitava depois do segundo jogo.

No final das contas, Final Fantasy III definitivamente é um jogo que eu não devo me lembrar muito daqui pra frente, mas que tem seu importante papel na caminhada da franquia, pois apresenta coisinhas que se tornariam pequenos clássicos ao logos dos jogos, ele é bom, na medida do possível...

Seu resultado final definitivamente é positivo, e a partir daqui os jogos da franquia passaram por um salto de qualidade é enorme... Pois ao menos para mim, aprenderam exatamente onde deveriam acertar e corrigir... Para FF XIII, um 6.9/10 ou um 3.0

Segunda Trilogia: Clássica Subsequente.

Final Fantasy IV: A Arte de pequenos e grandes paralelos...

Falar de FF IV, ao menos pra mim, é falar sobre paralelos, ideias que referenciam outras ideias, mesmo que com construções originais... É notório que a partir daqui FF passou a ter um outro nível de qualidade, nível esse que... Pelo menos eu espero... (Por favor FF VII, VIII e IX, Sejam Bons)... Só vai cair no Final Fantasy XIII...

A construção de mundo história e personagens passou a ser melhor escrito, mesmo que esses aspectos sejam "simples" comparados aos dias de hoje, é fácil falar que uma evolução pode ser notada aqui.

Como disse acima, FF IV tem muitos paralelos em suas ideias, seja na cultura oriental e ocidental, seja em conceitos religiosos, ou aspectos criados em sua própria narrativa... Realmente eu achei toda a contrução de mundo desse jogo muito interessante, mesmo que no final eu possa dizer que ele têm seus problemas, a partir daqui o saldo dos jogos passou a ser extremamente positivo pra mim... Não mais parando no "bom, mas só bom."

Definitivamente eu consigo dizer que esse jogo é uma experiência que deve ser testada ao menos uma única vez para quem gosta do gênero, pois ele apresenta pontos muito específicos e coesos ao longo de sua campanha... Eu gostei bastante, pra Final Fantasy IV um belo 9.1/10 ou 4.5/10

Final Fantasy V: A simplicidade é uma ótima forma de se mostrar a arte.

Final Fantasy V é simples, sim, é difícil descrever o que sinto com esse jogo... Principalmente pois estamos falando de um gênero onde quanto mais profundo, complexos, e bem trabalhados os seus sistemas são melhor ele é.

É difícil pra mim falar sobre isso, pois ao menos em minha cabeça, jogos como Fallout 4 e Final Fantasy XVI, perdiam pontos em minha análise no geral, muito por conta disso... Mesmo que eu ache ambos os jogos muito bons...

Então ao jogar FF V eu tive que repensar muito do que sabia sobre isso, pois até então, isso que ele apresentou ia contra o que eu acreditava, que construía um bom jogo de role playing...

Ao menos a conclusão que cheguei é que a apresentação de Final Fantasy V beira a perfeição... De fato posso dizer que a construção de seu game design, história, gameplay, trilha sonora, até mesmo design de personagens e arte, são realmente mais simples...

Porém a forma como isso é apresentado ao jogador que torna esse jogo tão bom... Em nenhum momento essa simplicidade incomoda, ao menos nunca fiquei instigado a pensar que seus sistemas deveriam ser mais, pelo contrário, eles são divertidos, instigantes ao demostrar o jogador o quão belo suas pequenas coisas podem ser...

Um caso parecido com isso, ao menos pra mim é The Witcher 3... Sim, TW3... É notório que esse jogo de fato pode ser descrito como um Rpg simplificado, pois não podemos interpretar o Gerald, protagonista, como nós mesmo... Ele já tem uma história definida, um passado, uma personalidade, seus interesses... Até a classe dele nós não podemos mudar... Porém Witcher 3 apresenta seu mundo, suas mecânicas, e principalmente suas histórias de uma forma muito interessante, que me instigou do seu começo ao fim... Assim como Final Fantasy V também o fez da mesma forma.

Definitivamente é inteligente e demonstra que a simplicidade em um RPG não necessariamente é ruim, basta ser bem apresentado e bem aplicado... Acredito que isso seja muito difícil de dar certo, mas aqui ocorreu corretamente... No fim posso até afirmar que isso é uma exceção no que faz um JRpg e um Rpg serem bons... Mas ocorreu mesmo assim.

Sim, eu aconselho muito, para quem gosta do gênero, testarem Final Fantasy V, ao menos para mim ele é muito bom, e um clássico que não pode ser esquecido... Para ele um 9.4/10 ou um 4.5/10... Quase que eu deixei ele na casa das 5 estrelas, mas acabou que não ocorreu.

Final Fantasy VI: A Lágrima Final da Fantasia de um Breve Palhaço.

"Clap... Clap.... Clap... Clap..." Final Fantasy VI não merece palmas... Merece Tocantins inteiro...

Tá bom, tá bom, eu sei que não deveria fazer essa piada horrível, e também deveria começar essa parte de um jeito sério, mas não queria perder a oportunidade...

Agora falando sério mesmo... Que jogo cara, que jogo fantástico que é Final Fantasy VI... Posso descrever essa obra como um espetáculo, é um jogo que é espetacular em praticamente tudo o que se propõem, comete muitos poucos erros e tem pontos positivos muito grandes...

Ao menos para mim, existem dois jogos do gênero JRpg acima dele... Mother 3 e Chrono Trigger, com o segundo citado sendo o melhor dos três... Uma tríade que eu tenho muita dificuldade em pensar que algum jogo possa de fato superar, em algum momento...(Alguns jogos eu acho que podem chegar perto... Cof.. FF VII... Cof... Persona 5... Cof...) Mas que independência disso, devo dizer que esses três jogos são muito bons... Mesmo... Tipo... Espetaculares.

E o interessante é que ambos os três são muito diferentes entre si, seja pela construção de suas obras, seja pelo momento em que foram lançados ou seja pelo o que apresentam, mas todos isso três fazem muito, e de forma muito competente...

Final Fantasy VI é um jogo que, ao menos até aqui, demonstra muita maturidade, sejam em sua trilha sonora, seja na história, e principalmente na gameplay, aspecto esse que eu citei pouco nos outros jogos, exatamente pois queria falar quando chegasse aqui...

Cada um deles foi adicionando uma coisinha que poderia ser icônica na série... FF I deu o primeiro passo, FF II colocou a construção épica da história e os Chocobos, FF III o sistema de Jobs e por aí vai.

E é aqui, nesse jogo, FF VI, em que todas essas coisas estão maduras, e em seu auge... É fantástico ver cada ideia se convergindo em um jogo que, não apenas fez muito sucesso, como também é bastante reconhecido pelo o que é, e por ser tão bom também...

Definitivamente eu fico feliz por dizer que Final Fantasy VI, ao menos até agora é um baita jogo, um dos melhores de todos os tempos, e o meu FF favorito, por enquanto ao menos... Para ele um belo 9.8/10 ou um 5/5.

Os próximos da lista são os jogos subsequentes da série até o XIII, pois dele para frente eu já joguei, também irei testar o Final Fantasy Tactics, que muita gente fala bem... Espero que eu tenha uma boa experiência com todos eles, conhecer o começo da franquia e ver o caminhar dela, mesmo com os tropeços, me deixa feliz... De verdade...

easily the best of the snes trilogy for me, the setpieces hold up incredibly well and the game kept my attention across almost all of the content it has to offer. crazy how open ended that second half gets. fun journey

The first 6 hours are absolutely magical. The middle part of the game introduces several boring and tedious gameplay mechanics by pouring a bucket of new characters all over your lap. If you can ignore that and push through to The Big Turning Point of the game, you'll be rewarded immensely. A beautiful game about hope in a hopeless world. A game made by a massive team of 30-some-odd people in the early 90s. Lotta good in this guy!

definitely the best main ff game and if you think otherwise you just havent played ff 6

I have 13 hours in this game on Steam and literally all I've done is listen to the music

Let me start this with saying that I have not completed Final Fantasy VI as some major mishaps to my nintendo switch occurred losing my save file for the game, so I am writing these thoughts based on where I was up to which was gathering the party members post-timeskip. This easily the best game narrative-wise in Pixel Remastered collection as the scale of an invading empire is reminiscent back to FF2’s ambitious storytelling, but at the same time every facet of the story is explored from Kefka’ mad conquest of domination to the effects of this war through characters like Cyan and Leo. The presentation really sells you this massive epic with its god-like OST and complete overhaul of its sprite art. Every character is fleshed out amazingly with Locke’s reason to protect women and Terra’s tragic origin story and all culminates to this perfect structure of a narrative where every event connects to one another creating the highest stakes possible for this game.

Speaking of the game itself, although it doesn’t have the robust flexible class system of FF5, it makes up for it through its sheer variety of gameplay scenarios and how they each match the current story. The best way to put it is that you essentially have to choose decisions as if you were the character in the narrative instead of just spamming the best attacks at any given time. This can be through actions in the combat or even picking specific paths in the overworld, this game is the epitome of engagement. Final Fantasy VI does indeed feel like the ultimate JRPG culmination of combining narrative and gameplay. My biggest gripes towards it is simply that its scale and non-linearity brings back the problem of NES-era Final Fantasy games where I will indeed have to look at a guide to know where to go next, but in this case more often than not it's simply due to my impatience as a zoomer gamer of not following all the context clues to understand the next destination.

Unfortunately, this level of craftsmanship of a video game is the reason why I’m all the more disappointed I will have to put this in the backburner as losing my save file has severely dented my motivation to keep playing this game. I will eventually return to it by finding a save file on the internet, but alas this will be it for now.

best game ever? Wish this pixel remaster had better sprites and overworld look but its still probably the best way to play it with all the QOL stuff

And it's finally done.

My month of the Final Fantasy PR has come to an end with an absolute masterpiece. This is by FAR the best game in the series I've played, and [almost] everything about has earned itself a special place for me.

This has easily the best characters thus far, the more open nature of the story allows it to focus on individual backstories unlike the previous games. This made for a cast I became IMMENSELY emotionally invested in, I adored everyone in the main cast (aside from possibly Gogo and the yeti, that's more because they felt like optional side characters than anything else), especially Cyan and Shadow's backstories were particularly emotional, and Terra might be my favorite character in the series.

Kefka might be a little dated by today's standards of villain writing, but what makes him a great villain to me (maybe my favorite FF villain although Exdeath comes close) is that he does actually succeed in his goals (is that a spoiler at this point?), and he has an almost gleeful demeanor that amplifies how intimidating he came across.

The gameplay is the best possible version of the classic FF system, jobs have been replaced again with specialized characters, but you still have enough freedom to build your team any way you want thanks to the magicite system. Everyone has their special uses even if I don't personally use it (for example Gau is a great character, but I really dislike his Rage mechanic), and the wide range of them make me want to replay the game with a different team.

A few things I did not care for included the RNG-based nature of the coliseum (once I filled out trophy requirements I didn't bother with it anymore), the final dungeon had a noticeable difficulty spike (apparently level 40ish is recommended, I was over 50 and still struggled at a few points), and Setzer's infamous joker trophy was a nightmare in RNG (although I got it after changing my farming strategy really quick, maybe it's a coincidence IDK).

These are just nitpicks in the grand scheme of things, they do not detract from the monumental heights the game achieves. This is definitely a game I'll be coming back to and likely find more things to appreciate about it. It's become one of my favorite games ever, and my only regret is not playing it far sooner.


A solid adventure that holds up fairly well. It could have used a smaller cast, though. If you’re really going to insist on 14 playable characters, at least try not to make two of them completely unnecessary by the time they arrive.

This review contains spoilers

Phenomenal. Kefka is a fascinatingly evil villain, there are so many characters to love in this story, the soundtrack is a masterpiece (especially the totally new renditions in the Pixel Rrmaster), and overall the story is just, 10/10. Chef's kiss. Peak game.

I have drunk the Koolaid This is one of the best JRPGs in general just really the work of a series constantly trying to figure it out for 10 years on how to marry that mix between a linear story-driven game and a open-world fantasy game right at the end of its life cycle before the PS1 would become the home for this games

Final Fantasy 6 is one of the first FF games I ever played and honestly after replaying it again for the pixel remaster it’s still as good as I remember and it’s such a nice change of pace for me because this game has been impactful to me with the vast cast of character (besides Cyan because god you are boring and the worse party member) and honestly I love this game to my heart but it does have issues especially regarding with the vast amount of characters and each having their own story that requires a guide to even make sense of the character’s story with Sabin and Edgar, Gau and Celes Locke and Terra being the most memorable but that doesn’t mean that the other characters are interesting they all are (except you Cyan you suck ass) and I love it a lot and honestly I recommend this to people who wants to start the series because I think this game is a good place to start imo than 7 but it comes with some caveats because the magic system is so broken that you can just have people use magic and nothing more and you’re playing the game on easy mode that and it’s not worth doing Gau rage since that’s based on luck but overall an enjoyable experience

Now I can see why this FF is so beloved. The theme is one of my faves, as well as how opposite is Kefka to the whole group.

Also, I had so much fun with the different traits between characters and my fav stories were Celes’ and Locke’s!

Boi I just love Final Fantasy.

With Final Fantasy VI we saw the end of the SNES era FF games but we also saw the pinnacle of both the NES and SNES titles. It's so fucking easy to form an emotional connection with this game with the number of incredible characters and engaging story beats. Accompanied by an addicting gameplay loop, great art direction, and one of the greatest soundtracks in the medium. We get a one of a kind game.

The hopelessness of the world can be overwhelming at times but seeing our characters fight their hardest to overcome it gives you a glimmer of hope to latch on to throughout the game. Even when the world continues to become more and more hopeless, our characters can easily give up like almost everyone else, but they continue to stand back up. While it isn't without its faults, namely a few of the underdeveloped characters. This game made me tear up like over a dozen times and that's gotta count for something, right?

Great pixel remaster, enjoyed it as much as the original. The CRT filter is also decent.
The new audio tracks partly were amazing, but some SNES originals were better.

So far it's the same game, but I don't like the orchestra music. Refer to the original game review.

Took me 54 hrs 39 min to complete, great game. FF3 and FF6 are the best ones out the pixel master series.

My first completed retro Final Fantasy outside of XIV. Very enjoyable overall, and the plot is a classic (though I'd been heavily spoiled on it, it was still very enjoyable to see it all in-context). Sometimes it felt like the game had a hard time striking a balanced difficulty; usually the game is quite easy, but then you run into enemies that debilitate you before you can finish menuing and everything just falls apart. Music and spritework were phenomenal, and the voxel effects added in some parts of the Pixel Remaster looked fantastic.

I really wanted to like this more than I did. The first half was very good but by the time i got to the WoR I wanted it to be over so bad. This may just be a victim of being overhyped and nostlagia bias but i really don't understand the universal love for this one

Final Fantasy IV, V, and VI might be the perfect video game trilogy. Final Fantasy IV introduces a large cast of characters with a powerful, emotional story while still being pretty strict in terms of character customization. Final Fantasy V returns to a much smaller cast, but refines the job system from III into what might be the best gameplay in the franchise in terms of how free you are to do as you like. Final Fantasy VI combines the best of both worlds: A large, rich cast and a powerful plot, and just enough customization that characters do not lose their identity but still allowing for the player to break the game wide open. Final Fantasy VI is the quintessential JRPG experience.

I think the key standout point in FFVI is that there is always something going on. Each set piece in the story has some unique gimmick that makes it memorable in the plot, and very rarely (though it does still happen) are you in generic cave or generic mountain as part of the plot. It really feels like they doubled-down on the feeling of "adventure".

As I mentioned previously, FFVI also features a pretty robust "esper" system. Every character has their innate abilities (Locke can steal, Sabin can do fighting game inputs for special attacks, Strago is a blue mage, etc.) but on top of that, each character can equip an esper (a summon). Each esper comes with a list of spells that can be earned through winning battles, and so each party member can learn whichever spells they see fit. This is a good compromise from the job system in 3/5, because I didn't really feel like any of them stood out in those games because anyone could do the same things.

There's really a lot to love about FFVI. For everything I already knew about going in (because FFXIV can't go five minutes without referencing VI), there was still tons more yet to be discovered. It was the first of the classic FF games where I really set out to do as much of the optional stuff as I reasonably could. The story, cast, music, and exploration are all wonderful and it's easy to see why this is one of the most beloved in the franchise.

The pinnacle of the classic era of Final Fantasy. Not my personal favorite and there are some gripes I have, but the positives WELL outweigh them and it deserves to be experienced at least once.

Kefka is the best FF villain.

This is what final fantasy is all about baby
- music was superb
- gameplay is fun and varied due to encouraging you to use all your party members
- basically enjoyed every party members presence
- sprite animations are A++ and make me a little sad that no more 2D FF games were made after this point

Tra i migliori capitoli della saga, che fino a questo punto conserva ancora uno spettacolare gameplay turn-based. Un JRPG che ha contribuito enormemente allo sviluppo di questo genere attraverso innovazioni nelle meccaniche di gioco e nella narrativa ispirata e ricca di carismatici personaggi.

To put it simply, this is incredible and essential.

Final Fantasy VI is one of the most pivotal video games ever. Most attribute the rise in cinematic storytelling in videogames to this game's successor, Final Fantasy VII, but the level of balance THIS game achieved between story and video game design is nothing short, of contemporary genius.

Developed as the last hurrah of Final Fantasy's retro era, VI saw its development occur after FIVE previous entries. This meant that, at this point, Squaresoft was pretty much at a level of expertise that few other game studios had at the time. Enix was close with their Dragon Quest series, but in the overall scope of storytelling in video games, Square was peerless.

V may have taken a backseat towards gripping narrative, a downgrade from its predecessor, but that was done purposefully -- a lighthearted, well-designed adventure at its core, V was everything you could possibly expect about Final Fantasy at the time.

But. What of Final Fantasy VI?

Well, for the sake of not mincing words, I must say that Final Fantasy VI is one of the most important video games ever, and one of the greatest video games ever at the same time. My most favorite games, Mass Effect 2, The Witcher 3, Fallout 3, Fallout New Vegas, Assassin's Creed IV, Bioshock, Disco Elysium, God of War, KotOR, and yes, EVEN THE LAST OF US owe so much to this game.

Now that's a tall order, right? Well, lemme explain. Prior to FFVI, the gaming industry was typically made up of action-packed 2D platforming romps save for the occasional exploration-heavy Legend of Zelda game. Before VI, the closest thing people had to an AMAZING video game story was FFIV, and Dragon Quest V. And its needless to say that, comparatively, FFVI blows those two games, and literally every other video game before it out of the water. This is THE video game of the 2D graphics era in my opinion.

We owe that accolade to its story. FFVI sports the most gripping narrative in the series' entire catalogue, save for a few personal favorites of mine like FFXIV's various expansions, XVI, and maybe even VII on a good day. But I try to say this in the eyes of a critic, because ultimately, FFVI's story progression, character development, and worldbuilding is the best the entire industry would ever see, up until either TW3 or TLOU. Every single dramatic video game owes its story to this one -- because FFVI offers so, SO many innovations in storytelling at its time that following it, implementing an actually FANTASTIC story into a video game became SO much more common.

This game has been spoiled to hell and back. I will not be divulging details here, because its true -- you have to have a blind eye to truly be mindblown by certain moments of story this video game has. But just know -- these moments that do exist are the best story moments in video game history. And when these moments happen, they occur linearily and in a nice, tight package alongside LEGENDARY characters like Locke (who is now my all-time favorite FF character) that its so obvious that games like TW3 look up to its story design for inspiration.

As for the game itself, FFVI returns to FFIV's static job system, but this time with a little more innovation. It is by no means simplistic, but VI offers a lite-job system mainly through new magical pseudo-skill trees with the Esper system, alongside a relic system that gives hints towards the jobs of old. But mainly, each character has a clearly defined focus, whether it be tools, martial arts, bushido, or just plain magic -- you still get a lot to play with. Sure, thanks to the Esper system, you could make your whole party ultima-casting maniacs, but for what its worth FFVI's game system is about as solid as it could get. I think I honestly still prefer the MEGA-simplicity of FFIV's static job system, but overall the system here is NOT a failure. It complements the story immensely well and does nothing short of offer another satisfying retro FF experience.

But, all things truly must come to an end. If you played this game, you know that by now haha. By the time FFVI released, Squaresoft was through with creating the same game over, and over, and over again. They needed to take FF into a direction that transcended its silly, chibi-esque qualities of the 16 and 8-bit eras. While I appreciated FFVI's art design in-game, it became so increasingly obvious that the limitations of a 2-Dimensional space weighed on its story. No facial animations aside from a few rudimentary ones, impactful character acting and in-game design was a zone of improvement Square was desperately trying to improve with each new entry of this series, whether in some ways or others.

Ultimately, this drive to create an even more massive and sprawling video game adventure would culminate in the form of one of the most legendary video games of all time... Final Fantasy VII.

But, this game's imprint must not be forgotten. While its legacy seems to have been forgotten by Square nowadays, I can so clearly see the impact this game's storytelling had on literally the entire video game industry. Its absolutely legendary. And while it did not feel like I was gaining as FLOORING an experience as The Witcher 3's entire story while playing this game, I have so, so much respect for it nonetheless.

Final Fantasy VI is, arguably, the most important game when it comes to what I personally find in video games. Sprawling worlds, amazing and lovable characters, a gripping plot, and a tearjerking end that all ties together offering one of the best narrative experiences you could ask for in video gaming.

For what this game did for me, and by proxy millions of others, the score must be clear by now. Final Fantasy VI is one of the greatest video games ever made.
