Reviews from

in the past

It's not a bad game but it's not up to par.
The open world is beautiful and exploring it is very entertaining.
The soundtrack is CRAZY.
But the gameplay consists of button mashing and the story is incomplete without the dlcs.

One of the strangest experiences I’ve had with a game where it was rare that I would say I was having a bad time or finding it a slog to get through, yet I’d also rarely say I was having a great time.

The only time I died in this game (playing on normal difficulty.) was during a train defence mission, and yet I frequently felt like I must have been ignoring some fundamental aspects of combat and levelling.

The battle system means that you would have to be deliberately negligent to have your whole team KO. If you’re well stocked on healing items it should never be a problem because eventually, you’ll chip away and win. It is an incredibly forgiving system that breeds bad habits in me because there’s no pushback against playing badly. The game hasn’t given me an incentive to be more optimal and improve my build, and it doesn't do a good job explaining some of your options. Also the AP needed for upgrades is bafflingly expensive, and while the game is very generous with XP. Very strange balancing.

Much has been said about how incoherent the story is. Interesting that a game originally called “Final Fantasy Versus XIII” seem to have all the opposite strengths and weaknesses to Final Fantasy XIII.

XIII starts linear and opens up, XV starts open and then (figuratively and literally) puts you on rails for the 2nd half.

In XIII there’s so much mythos and lore that’s told to you, yet you barely explore the world and see what a society shaped by these deities looks like.
In XV you explore a world that not dissimilar to our own that feels at odds with the fantasy elements that the game insists did shape it.

I almost found myself wishing this did still have the Fabula Nova Crystallis mythos attached because at least some shared proper nouns would have helped connect certain things.

It’s all frustrating because the open world does have some smart systems, even though the sidequests and hunts are all fine but dull, (the finding 5 frog type missions are very bad.)

The loop of doing these simple tasks, fighting monsters, banking XP, picking up ingredients that you can make meals that gives you additional boosts for doing more hunts all syncs up pretty well. In some ways it’s a more considered open world than seen in FF7 Rebirth. The world feels like a more natural believable space.

There’s more dynamic dialogue between the boys, so you can at least enjoy that while doing some of these activities, something that was sorely lacking in FF7 Rebirth and could have elevated that open world a long way.

Although ultimately it leads to tedium because the novelty of driving around soon wears thin, and you're left with a clunky fast travel system to circumvent it.

The thing most people love about this game is the boys camping road trip and bonding, and while I did like it, I can’t say that I felt as much for these boys as most other FF casts. I think because most of the game’s content is in its open world, the interactions that happen feel less meaningful.

The critical path is less than half the length typical of other Final Fantasy game. In some ways I can’t complain it’s briefness means I got through it without much issue, but Final Fantasy is where I want these huge sprawling stories, and in FFXV… well it might have been there in the design document but it wasn’t apparent to me playing it. When this stuff this does come into the story more I didn’t understand or know what anyone was talking about. Which just meant that all it’s biggest moments don’t really hit. And there are some good choices made at the end that feel wasted.

Ardyn was a great villain though, I’ll give him that.

bad scriptwriting
bad pacing
bad execution
good story
a bit fun gameplay

definitely a disappointment

Final Fantasy XV is a beautiful game. That's a corny way to start off a review, but saying, "a Final Fantasy for fans and first-timers" is a corny way to start a game, so I must respond in kind. I know it had a long and troubled production, and that it came out unfinished, and it rubbed a lot of fans the wrong way. I remember reading forum discussions in 2013 where players would ask, "Do companies think it's right to make us wait ten years for a game?"

Well, if they put stuff out on par with this game, they absolutely fucking can. I'll get on with my life in the meanwhile. I'm a bit more sympathetic to those who played it on release. But I can't really know or care much about how the game was seven years ago, so much as what it was like when I was playing it seven days ago.

It tells the tale of four friends who set out on a journey to obtain a ring and end up fighting a threat that could plunge the world in darkness forevermore (J. R. R. Tolkien should sue). Prince Noctis and his childhood friends-turned-bodyguards are planning to have the best road trip ever before he gets married and saves the world and all that. These lads are a Japanese schoolgirl's wet dream - carelessly handsome, unabashedly silly, and more concerned with the trendiness of their clothes than the gravitas of their destiny.

This is the highlight of Final Fantasy XV - the main cast is a bunch of sheltered dandies who have to come to terms with the greatness that has been thrust upon them. Their personal growth, their earnest moments of brotherhood, and their banter-laden interactions are the heart of the narrative. The hero isn't a po-faced paladin of justice - he's one of the guys. Watching him mature into a true king is quite the journey.

Final Fantasy XV also has one of the most beautifully rendered open worlds I've seen. It caused me to appreciate nature more, because real life looks a lot like Final Fantasy XV. And trust me, you spend about as much time driving in this game as you would in real life. The car, the Regalia, is the fifth main character. If there's one thing I could wish for, it would be that your control over the car wasn't so limited for most of the game. But even with its mostly autopilot navigation, sitting back and admiring the scenery while listening to music from past FF titles was quite the experience.

This open-world design continues for half the game, of which most of your time will be spent doing sidequests. I'm told I generally rush RPGs, but I definitely didn't rush Final Fantasy XV, because there's so much to do - and so much fun to be had doing it. It's enough to put the main story on the backburner, it is, what with all the games-within-a-game it offers. Fishing? Monster hunting? Pinball on steroids? This game has it. And with the game's reward mechanics, plus the promise of interesting conversations with the supporting cast, nearly every sidequest feels worth doing. Even if it's a blatant advertisement for Cup Noodles. Look, they had to get the budget to make this game look so beautiful somewhere, okay?

In an inversion of Final Fantasy XIII, the first half of XV is open-world and laden with sidequests, while the second half is linear. I know 'linearity' is a dirty word to a lot of gamers, but I can't complain about it in either of these games. Once the plot in Final Fantasy XV starts getting funneled towards its conclusion, it also becomes much more focused and much more heartrending. I was almost in tears in this game's campaign as many times as I've been with all the previous games I've played put together. And I commend the game's writing and directing team for being unafraid to commit to the tragedy, something quite a few Final Fantasy stories pull back from at the last moment. For its story alone, Final Fantasy XV is a triumph.

This game also marks a true departure from the Active Time Battle system of past Final Fantasies, something the series has been trying to break away from for over a decade. Finally, the series commits to real-time hack-and-slash combat. There's a wait mode, but it seems to simply be an accessibility option for handicapped players. The combat is a lot of fun. Once you get the hang of the dodge/parry mechanics, and can switch between defense and aggression on the fly, there's a lot of fun to be had, even if the camera sometimes obstructs your view when fighting large enemies.

While I encountered no major bugs during my playthrough, there is no hiding the fact that this is very much a game that spent ten years in development. Final Fantasy XV is hardly consistent, but then again, the Final Fantasy series as a whole isn't consistent. My favourite analogy to make is that if Dragon Quest is AC/DC, Final Fantasy is Guns N' Roses. It's large, unwieldy and all over the place, but if it's a series of very low lows (fuck FF XIII-2), it also has very high highs. Final Fantasy XV is a very high high. If Metal Gear Solid V hadn't come out, on release XV would have been the greatest unfinished game ever made. But it is finished now, with DLC episodes to fill in the blanks and show how adaptable the game engine is to different gameplay styles, and it goes on sale for a fiver. There is no better time to play this game than now.

Ultimately, Final Fantasy XV is a fantastic experience with a lot to do and even more to appreciate. Its emphasis on brotherhood reminded me of my own college clique. I oughta call those guys sometime.

its so unbelievably mid WTF WERE THEY COOKING

I don't care what people say this was the most enjoyable experience i've had playing a final fantasy game

Люблю эту игру, но за Versus Xll обидно

Lo primero: el combate (maldita seas edición royale y su espada chetadísima) y la conducción son mediocres por no decir malos. Es una pena que un juego tan largo y en el que estos dos aspectos son tan importantes para su desarrollo al final se hagan aburridos.
Mi sensación con el videojuego en general me recuerda a cuando Ted Mosby habla de la sagrada familia en su clase, es una pena que una idea tan ambiciosa vaya a estar incompleta para siempre.
El juego salió incompleto, con una narrativa confusa pero con una idea interesante.
Creo que el proyecto era mastodónico e imposible desde el principio y que la historia principal debería haber estado contenida en el juego desde que salió, no es normal que las consecuencias de Altissia te importen poquísimo porque no has visto al personaje más de 2 veces.
No es normal que el emperador, aunque sea un títere, no tenga más de 2 cinemáticas en todo el juego. Y así con muchas otras cosas que me privan de sumergirme por completo en una historia que por temas y contexto tiene todo lo que puedo pedir.Termina el juego y me siento emocionado, pero no puedo olvidar que después de 10 años sin verse, los protagonistas se saludan con "Hey!" o que la trama de Ardyn no se entiende bien lo que quiere, sus actos ni sus poderes, siendo un villano tan carismático desde el principio.Mi conclusión es que FFXV podría haber sido el mejor FF de la historia y se pensó como tal, pero un desarrollo turbulento y una historia mal contada lo relegarán a una segunda fila de la saga, y esto me da pena porque en realidad, el juego me ha gustado.

If FFXV has million number of fans i am one of them . if FFXV has ten fans i am one of them. if FFXV have only one fan and that is me . if FFXV has no fans, that means i am no more on the earth . if world against the FFXV, i am against the world. i love #FFXV till my last breath.. .. Die Hard fan of FFXV . Hit Like If you Think FFXV Best gamer & Smart In the world

I would still recommend this game, even if it has some very big flaws, such as a lackluster story, weird combat and an overall unfinished feeling. The game somehow surpasses these flaws and lingers in your mind, maybe its what could have been that stays, or a distorted beautified memory of what it really is, still, a game worth taking a chance on.

Yeah it’s a mess but it’s a mess with the eating at Waffle House at ungodly reasonable hour with your bros vibes and I love to see that captured in a game.

Моя первая финалочка. Ну норм. Едем дальше в седьмую.

platinumed the game on PS4! very anime but that's to be expected with a final fantasy title, I could go for a cup noodle right now...

I played with the Hard Mode Mod (personally tweaked to be less insane), so I won't talk much about the combat other than saying it's pretty solid when enemies aren't instantly dying... though the mod has its own issues (it's a band-aid fix). My only real issue with combat was the camera and some jank (characters positioning weirdly with Blindside Links mostly), ain't nothing fixing that.

Kinda mixed on the game overall besides that, though. Like, I really like the open world and exploring it and shit, but it's relatively empty and has a lot of downtime (those Auto trips on the Regalia while the bros don't say anything are a waste of time). But I do like the overall road trip vibe, because when it hits it hits.

I could say the same for the story. It gets somewhat messy and seems kinda clumsy, but it has some great highs. So, when it hits it hits, again! Great cast of characters though, I liked the main 4 way more than I thought I would, especially Noctis. Considering the game's development, I'm actually surprised it was good at all, though I know there were some reworked bits. Like the entirety of Chapter 14, for example, I sure as hell was thrown for a loop going into it after seeing estimates of how long it took to beat, without realizing they meant the OG version.

Haven't played the DLC Episodes other than Gladio's yet tho, will get on that shortly.

OST is banging, not much to say there. Though the third region (IIRC) battle theme sounds like it should be for a final boss or some shit, it's so dramatic, but it's great.

Also, I originally planned to get 100% achievements on Steam but I saw that you gotta do Comrades which is apparently a massive grind, so lol. Lmao even. Fuck Steam for mixing in DLC achievements with the base game, man... though on that note, there's a lot of post-game content apparently, which I can't be assed to do either simply because I wanna play other games. That just how it be!

dés que c'est plus le monde ouvert c'est génial (même le monde ouvert était sympa), je vous kiff mon petit boys band

I wish they could have had more time to cook, as it stands, it's kinda mid

Final Fantasy XV is a hot mess, but in a strangely charming way? The world is gorgeous, road-tripping with your best bros is a blast, and combat is flashy-as-heck. However, the story is all over the place, and some chapters feel like filler. There's a ton of extra content that expands on things, but it shouldn't be required to get the whole picture. If you just want a fun open-world adventure with likable characters, it's worth a shot, but hardcore FF fans might be disappointed.

good gameplay, outstanding graphics for his time, OK story

My first experience with Final Fantasy. I enjoyed the characters and the story. But I did rush through it so I feel like I can't rate it fairly. I should probably play it again. I also really liked the driving.

in another timeline this is a 10/10 final fantasy

historia cativante porém com alguns furos de roteiro, ambientação maravilhosa e personagens incriveis com historias desenvolvidas em suas respectivas DLCS. O que mais deixa a se desejar é a gameplay ao qual é muito repetitiva e fácil

i love the cast so much they actually feel like their close friends. Sucks that most important content is locked behind DLC but the ending was phenomenal

Final Fantasy XV era a típica aventura que eu antes de jogar já estava julgando como genérica e sem graça mas o jogo conseguiu me surpreender e entregar uma boa campanha com uma boa gameplay, músicas, combate e mecânicas, tudo aqui é fabuloso e estava caminhando para um jogo nota 10 porém a reta final desse jogo faz ele decair muito em qualidade, com uma bossfight nada agradável e uns monstros genéricos

ff15 is a really bizarre and honestly broken RPG narratively. The main story has barely any focus and events keep happening for the sake of having a mini setpiece that barely matters to the ongoing story of Noctis' coming of age story. You kinda just go around with the vague goal of getting to altissia but you spend so much time in Lucis that by the time you do the game ran out of shit to make so they shit out the Altissia portion and the Empire portion in literally 6 hours and it feels like ass. Almost every main story-related event feels disconnected from itself and its very hard to form a satisfactory connection with the chain of events presented.

But the game cares so fucking much about the boys. The character writing is really strong from minute ONE and it never lets up. They're all so strongly characterized through their dialog, actions, animations and you really feel like they're real, actually real friends noctis made that you find midway through and that relationship and how they all interact carries this game hard. When they bicker or joke with eachother you truly believe these four are real people and it's genuienely the best part of the game, which makes the spots where you can see the game shine brighter hurt even more

the first 20 hours/8 chapters are the best part of the game and thankfully its the longest section. The game has a really strong core leveling loop where every system feeds into itself and rewards you with Shit and character moments. You do hunts so you get money and exp, so you can buy better items and ingredients so you can cook them, get great food buffs and go sidequesting for even more exp, all so you can cash it out at the end at a hotel and gain a bunch of levels after hours of questing and adventuring. The EXP banking system is genius because through the recontextualization of grinding as an activity that grows one single number bigger and bigger it feels all the better when you cash it out and get all the rewards at once, rather than getting one level every 20 minutes or so. While this is more or less the same as grinding like that, i think it makes the player engage with the sidequests and side material a lot more since it all feeds back into the number you're actively trying to grow and i really enjoyed taking 3 or 4 hours to do a bunch of side quests and to level up a bunch

its really frustrating seeing the game as it is. not because it could have been versus 13 and been magically better, but because its own attempts at juggling the versus 13 ideas, its own ideas and the very apparent lack of dev time makes me yearn for a version of this game where they did everything they very obviously wanted to do but couldn't

O melhor jogo inacabado que existe. Chorei horrores.

Love this game, the music is sooooo goood

I really love my Road Trip with The Boys™. It's not without it's flaws but man if I don't love the journey. Campfire scene messes me up every single time without fail though.