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Someone with much more talent than me, and an even deeper love for Tetris, needs to play Final Tetris and just steal all its brilliant ideas.

For the majority who haven't stumbled across this bootleg oddity lying within FightCade, Final Tetris is 1v1 Tetris game where clearing lines damages and pushes your opponent. Akin to a fighting game, with single line clears being jabs, whereas a Tetris will deal heavy damage. These "hits" also push your opponent back, and considering the piece lines up with your character, you can screw your rivals over by making them misplace their pieces.

To spice things up even further the game has some ridiculous power-ups like hiding the "next piece" window, reversing controls and swapping screens. But also, it "borrows" all the power-ups from Bloxeed too, the best being a chicken which plops out individual blocks to help you fill up gaps.

It's a raucous tetris treat, absolutely worth a look with fellow tetris-enjoyers.

Yo who the fuck put Michael Jackson in the tetris?