Reviews from

in the past

This game fucking blows. It's easy enough to play, but god damn there's little to nothing to make moment to moment gameplay not feel stagnant and the roster is such dogshit ass. I can't believe they expected you to spend money on this DLC when most of the characters are barely reskins of existing characters in the main roster. They gave Tharja the ass pose in this game and I am somehow giving it a low score, that's how much this shit sucks.

Upon first getting my Switch last year, I had a list of games that I had always wanted to try. Though I could tell this game still lacked the soul of Fire Emblem, I always wanted to get an introduction into the Warriors subseries, whatever you wanna call it, through something I could recognize. Never really cared much about Zelda, and even Breath of the Wild disappointed me with its walkthrough requirement, considering I never had 60+ hours of time to waste accomplishing nothing, grinding against super tanky bad guys wandering around the land or something.

When I eventually got this game, I had very low expectations, considering I was one of the people who got angry at this game's lackluster representation for the series, as only Shadow Dragon, Awakening and for some reason especially Fates would be represented in the beat 'em up roster. I did the most sensible thing and picked up Marth and Caeda. Honestly, I really don't understand why Tiki was chosen to be playable besides having a Manakete on your side. However, the obvious problem is not only having limited representation, what with only 3 games to choose from, but the only good game included in the mix has the least representation. I literally listed all 3 non-DLC Shadow Dragon characters, and they're the only ones I like in this game besides the DLC additions of Linde, Minerva and Navarre, for the simple fact they too are from Shadow Dragon. A tally is most apt to get the point across:

Shadow Dragon: 6 (3 + 3 DLC) characters
Awakening: 9 (6 + 3 DLC) characters
Fates: a WHOPPING 12 (9 + 3 DLC) characters

Obviously Fates was the most recent entry at the time of this game's release, but did they really have the gall to overrepresent the worst entry in the entire series, even to this day? A lot of people got very angry at this lack of representation, and the answer to that criticism was to add Celica and Lyn to the party. Wow. They weren't even trying. And instead of respecting Lyn, they gave her forced anime physics that don't belong on her animations whatsoever.

There isn't really much to say about this game other than it's repetitive and boring. The story is generic and has poor dialogue to accompany it, but I guess the most notable thing this game does is marking the start of an alliance between Nintendo and Koei, the latter being the main designer of this game and its sequel, as the Warriors subseries was descended from Dynasty Warriors, which is better than both FE Warriors games in every way besides maybe the gameplay. Koei would later go on to help in developing Fire Emblem: Three Houses, and considering that game was a mainline entry, that's a pretty big responsibility to levy over to another company.

From what I've seen playing through Fire Emblem Warriors 2, the gameplay is better there. Have next to nothing to say about it besides that, though.

Amazing fanservice with characters from Awakening and Fates! I love attacking an army of enemies and seeing the combos! a story that even has some surprises at the end I liked it I hope to have more of these Musou Fire Emblem games.

society has progressed past the need for musou

The 3DS models are still fucking hilarious to me like Azura what happened to you

I think I only bought this because the switch was pretty new and I wanted something to hold me over until Mario Odyssey. Unfortunately, this game was not it. Pushed through and ended up beating the game even if I didn't really enjoy it. I heard the new Fire Emblem Warriors is much better but I don't think I'm ever going to play a Warriors game again unless Nintendo decides to make a gamepass service.

When I first played this oh so many years ago, I thought it was decent enough. Looking back, it's pretty painfully mid. The cast of playable characters being mostly from Fates and Awakening kinda sucks, especially considering the absence of anyone from FEs 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, and 10. The story is awfully generic, and not in a harmless Fire Emblem "Beat the evil" story, no, its just bad. Gameplay is meh and the mechanics are whatever.

I know I made a review for this game several months ago but I replayed it and I just want to gush again on how fun of a game this is. The combat, the music, the animations, and plenty more is just perfect. Literally perfect. This game brings me insanely high levels of enjoyment. This is just fun. That is what it is. It accomplishes so much to me. This is why I love playing video games. I just love this sense of desire, to relax and have a good time. I honestly feel happiness whenever I play this. I really hope it never goes away.

i don't wanna talk about this game

this is a very average game, but not a bad one. the story isn't anything crazy, but i've had my fun with it. it's simple "turn off your brain and kill enemies" sorta fun, so don't expect too much from it.

i believe this game sadly has too many fates characters in it and not enough characters from other FE games. i would've loved to get characters from different games in the main story, not just as dlc content. the three original characters are pretty decent. the twins are cute but not very deep characters. darios was sorta fun, but it's a shame he wasn't playable.

the soundtrack was very average as well, no song really standing out to me.

Like all Warriors game, I would only recommend this to fans of Fire Emblem, but my main concern is that it focuses too much with Shadow Dragon, Awakening and Fates, which in my opinion are the weakest titles of the series, if you like any of them, then that game can be good for you, but for me, it was just average, liking a lot more Three Hopes, since it has a cast I like a lot more, and the gameplay was also improved

Pretty fun, but way too many characters shared movesets with each other. The fact that four of the nine DLC characters were just clones of characters in the base game should show how bad it is.

Big fan of Fire Emblem and also a big fan of the Warriors genre. Just a really nice, feel-good game. I hope, if they do a sequel (not Three Hopes), that we get more representation and not just Awakening, Fates, Shadow Dragon, and a few other bits sprinkled in. Still lots of fun, regardless.

I need whoever chose the roster for this game to take the advice of the black man with the lightning

I honestly don't like this genre, and while I didn't particularly like FE:Warriors either it was an OK game, however the cast seems kinda small compared to all the characters in the Fire Emblem series.

To be honest, it gets pretty boring after a while, especially after you finish the main story. There's, of course, a LOT of content post main game, however, it's most of the same thing without many differences besides variations of the same few maps and the same characters you've fought multiple times over at this point.

This is just a grinding 3D game with little to no pay-off besides some in game secrets that you can just find on youtube with a 3 second research.

Legacy characters are not built on, and new characters are shallow with simple and forgetable motivations. Not worth all the money, but if you're a completionist and want to pass time, it becomes a very good game.

I had a lot of fun during this game, but after the first two weeks you just never touch it anymore.

I put 70 hours into this game and only remember 5 minutes of it. This is not a joke.

probably not the best and very niche but I had a blast to be honest

Would have a hard time recommending this.

Cool cinematics and cutscenes, the characters interacting with each other from different FE games is awesome, and the new characters the twins aren't bad.

The implementation of the FE system was not bad, especially the support and cutscenes and all that but it could've been done a lot better. Duel specials are cool but could've been done better and also the rock paper scissors mechanic was good here too, it's FE after all.

The story is lackluster, forgettable.

And the most important part the gameplay, my goodness is it Repetitive. There's nothing wrong with repetition, look at games like Sonic, devil may cry, all about combos and ur doing the same thing. EVEN KT PERSONA 5 STRIKERS, THAT WAS AMAZING GAME AND YEAH REPETITIVE BUT SO FUNNN (CLEARLY THEY LEARNED FROM THE MISTAKES THEY MADE ON THIS GAME).

The combos are worthless, the weapons are worthless, skill trees are boring, enemies all look the same and don't do anything and aren't that SATISFYING to kill after the first hour or so, and map and level design is not very good, generic and bland this plays a huge part in the feeling powerful can cool aspect. Don't get me wrong the game can be fun sometimes, it's like an anime you can go crazy and kill all these soldiers and be super powerful but this is a full priced game and is kinda short too. And even for sale I wouldn't recommend it I would recommend another game. Even if ur a huge FE fan, this game could've been done way better.

The soundtrack is not bad, but not enough to carry the game and make u vibe while playing.

Boss fights, if u can even call it that are terrible. Just more mindless slashing. Also the super attacks are kinda cool but not that cool.

So yeah, I wish I bought another game because I spent 40$ on this but it's decent fun, like it just feels super average and cookie cutter alot of the time. Good on KT for improving on their later entries tho.

Just play three hopes if you really want fire emblem muso….

"I think Linde’s selling point is that she has sexy feet, so we designed her with careful consideration to what she wears under her robe based on reflection points we had in the main story. We had a challenge on how far we can shake the robe, but we can’t expose her too much either so this is what we ended up with."

- Director Hiroya Usuda


i may be an avid fire emblem fan and have played more warriors spinoffs then i can count, but this game just does a huge disservice to everyone honestly.

elephant in the room: playable cast. from characters being carbon copies of each other in their movesets to some in the story being locked behind a pay-wall, you end up sticking to the same few characters since they all play the same anyways.

story is lacking in many departments but i can't say i expected much since it's essentially a glorified fanservice game lol.

what i enjoyed most was the history mode, which i've yet to complete. but honestly at this rate, idk if i still want to. i've sunk enough time into it as is and barely cleared the 3rd history map, no way in hell am i gonna do ALL of them.

also there's one achievement that's locked to scanning amiibo and that kinda irks me.

Fire Emblem Warriors is a crossover between Fire Emblem and the Dynasty Warriors franchises. Bringing the brutal strategy and waifu generator elements of Fire Emblem to the gameplay of Dynasty Warriors. While the plot isn't amazing its definitely fun and exciting for fans of Fire Emblem. This is my 2nd Fire emblem that I have beaten. Overall it's a 7/10.

Honestly I really liked this game. The gameplay is pretty addicting. Like seeing the specials, criticals and awakening constantly felt really good. I will say the most of the character were pretty fun to play as except for Pegasus characters, which was pretty sad since they are my favorite class. I do wish the roster was better though. I needed other characters from the rest of the series.

I used Lianna, Lissa, Tiki, and Camilla. I'm surpirsed I enjoyed playing as Camilla but honestly all the magic casters were weirdly insanely fun to play as.

The story is pretty generic but whatever, I had too much fun with the gameplay to care or complain.
I do wish the game was more difficult though. I played every stage on hard but it felt like I was on easy the entire time.

An incredibly addictive but ultimately repetitive game with a poorly designed cast and some phenomenal supports, did a lot of things right and more things wrong