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in the past

As a musou title it's an utterly phenomenal experience and is one of Omega Force's better games.

Tight map design lends itself well to a much faster pace than other musous and unlike Pirate Warriors 4 it never gets labyrinthian or hard to navigate. The name of the game is 'speedy'.
The trade-off here is that the game throws objectives at you at an utterly brutal pace that's really only matched by Fate/Extella Link. If you play on lower difficulties it's not much of a problem but on higher difficulties, where I reside, battles can fail within 2 minutes if you're not on top of your orders and character matchups.

The movesets on offer are ridiculously fun (besides Corrin's, which is bugged in so many ways) and there aren't any real 'bad characters' (besides Corrin, for she's a classic musou character in a modern musou). Sure there are a few clones, but on the whole the game just feels fantastic to play and I'd say only Pirate Warriors 4 can match it as far as feeling snappy and responsive goes.

Oh, and the sound design is pure joy. Everything sounds crisp and delightful, to the point where even navigating the menus to do upgrades/gear checks feels amazing. This might be OF's best sounding game.

You might look at all this and think "Okay that's a lot of praise, but you're never this nice about 2.5 stars, Mira" and you'd be right.

Unlike every other Musou crossover, FEW is the first time they've attempted to make an experience that's a mix of both Warriors and the source material. This, unfortunately, means that FEW isn't that great, because the Fire Emblem half of the game is miserable.

The roster on display betrays when the game started development, as it's dominated by Awakening and Fates characters with a few others thrown in for good measure. Those two games dominate the roster, individually possessing more characters than every other FE game combined. Lucina, Tharja and Owain somehow get in on pure popularity despite being full moveset clones but if you want an axe infantry unit that isn't Lissa, go fuck yourself.

There's also a distinct lack of uh... Every other Fire Emblem game? I'm not the biggest classic FE fan, but where the hell are the Blazing/Binding Blade reps besides Lyn? The Genealogy reps? WHERE IS IKE?! Sigurd? Looking at this game's roster makes me feel insane. It's such a barefaced, cynical marketing-driven lineup that I actually feel bad for any zealous dual-FE/Musou fans that were initially hype for this.

But, even putting aside the disrespect some of the older titles get, the roster sucks on a weapon front in ways that're actually harmful to the gameplay.

FEW keeps the parent series' weapon triangle: Swords beat axes beat lances beat swords. Some weapons have traits that give them more damage against certain unit types. Magic and bows exist outside this triangle, and the latter is tailormade to kill flying units.

Unlike its parent series, though, FEW does not apply for units to carry multiple weapon types, does not allow for reclassing, and only allows for one weapon to be carried into battle at a time.
Which is a major problem, because the majority of the roster is mounted units (who cannot dismount, and thus are massively weak to the various enemies who have mountslayer) and sword users (who, naturally, can't do shit against lance users).
In the main storyline the lack of lance infantry and axe users hands down isn't much of an issue, but the meat of the game is History Mode (a series of story-less missions that provide further unlocks) and there it becomes a killer.

To actually have unmounted lance units, you need to fork out for DLC. The Fates one, specifically.

NPCs aren't beholden to these restrictions seeing as generic units exist, which means team compositions are often homogenous and frankly kind of boring? It doesn't help that some of the more interesting characters like Tiki are made useless because the small roster means nearly every important character as an enemy possesses anti-dragon weapons.

And while I mentioned up above that a lot of the movesets are fun, whether or not they're good is a whole other matter. Axe users get shafted really hard in this game, for Lissa is easily stunlocked for reasons beyond my ken and Frederick is an armoured mounted unit who gets killed by the morbillion History Mode enemies made to kill him specifically. Your only true options are Minerva or Camilla, for there isn't enough indepth character building to buff out anyone else's issues.

Lastly, the macrogame parts involving the materials needed for skill unlocks, perk inheritance and everything related to weapons are... Just not fun. This game places an annoying emphasis on repeatedly grinding specific enemies for specific parts and gives you no guidance to acquiring them, or more of them.
Further compounding how bad it feels is that the real core of the game is breaking Weakpoint Gauges to force out a big damage attack, and unlike the games that come after it, FEW doesn't offer enough ways to expose the gauge manually. Most other stat increases are miniscule if they're not making it easier to break gauges, so progression feels like wading through spiritual mud.

In the end, my fondness for this game (as it was THE game to resurrect my musou love after I stopped playing them post-Dynasty Warriors 7) unfortunately doesn't blind me to the flaws. I've 100%'d it twice for some reason. Would've done it a third time using an emulator, but to be straight with you:

There's no reason to play this when Three Hopes exists.

I've always wanted a Fire Emblem Musou game, so when this game got announced I was pretty hyped. But while playing it I realized pretty quickly how lackluster it is. Overall a pretty disappointing experience.

I know I made a review for this game several months ago but I replayed it and I just want to gush again on how fun of a game this is. The combat, the music, the animations, and plenty more is just perfect. Literally perfect. This game brings me insanely high levels of enjoyment. This is just fun. That is what it is. It accomplishes so much to me. This is why I love playing video games. I just love this sense of desire, to relax and have a good time. I honestly feel happiness whenever I play this. I really hope it never goes away.

Horrible representation of the series. Very biased towards the 3DS games with minimal representation with games before that often being locked behind History maps or DLC. OCs also suck.

it's abbreviation is FEW which is a subtle nod to the amount of people who enjoyed it

While I find myself enjoying the 'turn every franchise into warriors' thing with Zelda and Persona, I cannot say I enjoy FE warriors. It's basic musou gameplay without anything to add to it, with the roster also being basic and boring. In the lead up to this game's release, I was hoping for a Hyrule Warriors style celebration of the series with various characters from multiple games. Nope. Fates and Awakening, with 3 shadow dragon characters alongside Lyn and Celica, I guess. Can't recommend.

this is the only good FE game don't listen to the others they're FE fans

A história é um shitshow inacreditável. Eu sei que geralmente a história nesse tipo de jogo é apenas uma desculpinha pra juntar todo mundo que aparece nele mas jesus. É MUITO ruim. Os personagens criados para este jogo são péssimos, os heróis dos outros jogos parecem versões muito mais aguadas e burras dos originais. É BEM ruim.

Mas em gameplay o jogo é divertido o suficiente. Os sistemas adaptados de Fire Emblem se traduzem muito bem para musou, como o triângulo de armas, parear unidades e visualmente tudo é muito parecido com FE mesmo, a maneira como você gerencia unidades pelo mapa e etc.

Metade dos personagens compartilham moveset com algum outro, são poucos únicos, o que pra grandes fãs de musou com certeza é um problema gigantesco. Pra mim, ultra-casual do gênero e que não consegue se dedicar pra mais do que 2 ou 3 personagens, não é tão problemático. Gostei bastante dos que usei.

Como esperado do gênero, o jogo vai ficando cada vez mais repetitivo conforme você joga. O loop vai ser exatamente o mesmo do primeiro minuto de jogo até o último. Depois do story mode, você pode ir pro "history mode" onde você tem alguns mapas com vários desafios que estão recontando algum grande evento de um dos jogos de FE que emprestaram personagens pro Warriors. É meio confuso de cara mas basicamente você escolhe uma fase e completa ela. As fases tem níveis, objetivos e modificadores e podem variar de termina em 2 minutinhos só destruindo todo mundo até perder depois de 40 minutos sofrendo de tão difícil.

Apesar da história ser PÉSSIMA (e é difícil deixar isso claro o suficiente sem entrar em detalhes), o jogo é divertido o suficiente, principalmente se você já tem alguma bagagem emocional com personagens dos jogos que aparecem nele. Entre Hyrule Warriors (tanto original quanto AoC) e FEW, eu me diverti bem mais com FEW.

Honestly I really liked this game. The gameplay is pretty addicting. Like seeing the specials, criticals and awakening constantly felt really good. I will say the most of the character were pretty fun to play as except for Pegasus characters, which was pretty sad since they are my favorite class. I do wish the roster was better though. I needed other characters from the rest of the series.

I used Lianna, Lissa, Tiki, and Camilla. I'm surpirsed I enjoyed playing as Camilla but honestly all the magic casters were weirdly insanely fun to play as.

The story is pretty generic but whatever, I had too much fun with the gameplay to care or complain.
I do wish the game was more difficult though. I played every stage on hard but it felt like I was on easy the entire time.

this was my first ever switch game. I was so bored of the whole warriors thing a couple days in, but also fire emblem so its ok

This is the only Fire Emblem game I played
Yes I will try the other games... someday

Fine, and the strategy elements are really well-done, but the game is held back by its same-y roster and middling story.

Terrible story right from the get go and most of the characters are annoying to listen to. Throws a lot of information at you and with the campaign being very easy. Couldn't stomach through the rest of the boring game for the supposed good postgame.

"I think Linde’s selling point is that she has sexy feet, so we designed her with careful consideration to what she wears under her robe based on reflection points we had in the main story. We had a challenge on how far we can shake the robe, but we can’t expose her too much either so this is what we ended up with."

- Director Hiroya Usuda


Hooooh Boy messy game but overall fun as hell Lucina and Minerva, Chrom and Marth and Camilla and Lyn for a clone riddled game thats fun its aight

was surprisingly joyless for what is supposed to be a fun spinoff.

this is the game your unemployed friend is playing at 2am on a tuesday

I love Fire Emblem. I love Musou games.

I hate this game.

Functionally one of the worst musou out there. Nothing feels satisfying. They took everything great about Hyrule Warriors and tossed it out.
If you're already a Fire Emblem fan, I'm positive bad gameplay won't deter you, so go ahead.

Probably the least fun musou game I've ever played. Adding FE elements was interesting, but the game's tedious and boring. I'm not going to complain about the game's fetish for FE characters from Awakening and especially Fates. It doesn't matter, as I'll never see this game through.

5/10 - It's just boring and not fun.

I really wish I enjoyed this, because the concept is amazing, but I was either bored or frustrated the whole time

This is like the fire emblem equivalent to ready player one but if fire emblem consisted of 4 games

Fire Emblem Warriors is a crossover between Fire Emblem and the Dynasty Warriors franchises. Bringing the brutal strategy and waifu generator elements of Fire Emblem to the gameplay of Dynasty Warriors. While the plot isn't amazing its definitely fun and exciting for fans of Fire Emblem. This is my 2nd Fire emblem that I have beaten. Overall it's a 7/10.

Fun and mindless game. Being able to turn Sakura and her magic-damaging bow into a walking blender was pretty epic and funny ngl

This roster sucks, the story sucks, the DLC sucks, but the base gameplay is still kind of fun.

I usually really love the warrior games and this one was no exception. Also i am always up to for smoe more fire emblem in my life

society has progressed past the need for musou