Reviews from

in the past

One of the interesting things about squeezing a management-game down to be playable on mobile devices, is that it forces a huge reduction in "game space"/"decision space" in a way that can often create unique and interesting situations.

In Football Chairmen situations are thrown at you on a single screen that you have to (effectively) Yes/No your way through - but in the knowledge that you can't control what these situations will be. You know your manager will try to sign players, but you're not sure how good they'll be or in what positions. Similarly bids for your players will come in, and you'll have to decide to keep or sell without full control of their replacement.

The distinct lack of control you have forces you to make decisions that you know aren't perfect, in a way that actually feels more realistic than those you would make in a more detailed simulation with greater control.

Football Chairmen is quick a simple to play, the UI is clean and readable (if the buttons are a little small) and gives all the solid, satisfying decision making of a grander scale game.

I've always been fascinated by this mobile game as an antithesis to Football Manager. FM is about details, tactics, morale, et al and you grow connections and the like. It can still seem cold and sterile but it really isn't.

FC, umm, isn't that. It does scratch the one more turn impulse but at its escalated pace (you really can complete whole seasons in minutes), the players and the manager are reduced to their overall grade and the "What have you done for me lately?" nature of modern soccer. And I guess it kind of nails the more inhuman nature of being the chairman where money and winning are all that matters. As a time waster, it isn't bad. Probably too much RNG and no real way to enact the detailed approaches of FM unfortunately but there is a Skinner box level of satisfaction when your team earns promotion at the last day of the season.