Reviews from

in the past

This game (especially the Impestuoso difficulty) does a really good job at delivering the concept of SPEED while travelling across a minimalist landscape.

That being said, I would have very much appreciated a bigger render distance. It isn't as noticeable on normal levels since you can just learn when to jump, but I was doing some goddamn leaps of faith while attempting the endless runs.

Also whoever agreed with that 2-block sized tiny platform on endless 3, it wasn't a good idea.

Pretty much exactly the kind of game I'd expect Saturn/Dreamcast era SEGA game designers would create in the wake of mobile gaming (despite me playing it on PC).
Okay, that's a bit of a weird comparison considering this game's tone is far more isolating and minimalist than what they'd ever do (REZ is the best comparison I got but that still has a far, I guess "brighter" vibe?) but I couldn't stop drawing those kinda comparisons. Considering the B&W vector graphics, it wouldn't surprise me if this took inspo more from 70s arcade games than anything, at least aesthetically.

The whole game is basically a 2D first-person runner with one button/input, hold to run, let go to jump. You can also let yourself land faster by holding a button while airborne so it's more of a routine of figuring out when to assert pressure onto your character.
I'm really curious as to what it would look like if it were actually 2D, the whole thing feels like playing a Sonic level with only several branching paths and bottomless pits outside of that, so I guess exactly like Sonic Advance 3!! (I don't actually remember that one well at all, I just hear people complain about the pits a lot lmao)
It wouldn't surprise me if this picked up a decent amount of traction on mobile, it should, at least. The endless mode feels perfectly catered to subway/train rides, it's zen as hell. The music's also pretty swell,

I only made it half an hour in but I get the gist, I think. It's just a cool little game and I'll probably come back to it every once in a while, the camera bobbing when landing is kind of disorienting (I'm sure there's an option to disable or make it less rough, just haven't checked yet) and sometimes the non-platform vectors kinda clash with the actual platforms which makes it hard to tell where to actually land but other than that, it's all good. Nice little game, this one.

impecable estética pero en gameplay sufre del mismo problema (bueno, uno de tantos) que sonic, una vez que vas muy rápido cuesta ver a donde vas, aunque sea un juego en el que vas en linea recta.