Reviews from

in the past

2003 is better than brotherhood because ed and roy fight and its really really funny

Retelling a shortened version of the events that took place in the Full Metal Alchemist anime, this is a bite-size beat-'em-up and is worth checking out if you like the show. Far too much text and cutscenes taken directly from the show pads out the game and causes Dual Sympathy to suffer from not having its own identity.
The mechanics are easy to master but shallow and the challenge is limited to the occasional boss fight. I can't help but feel this could have benefitted from a co-op mode or even a character swap option to offer more variety in the gameplay. You can play as other characters such as Mustang and Scar, but only after beating the game. These new characters do have cool sprites and animations but their general move sets remain the same. Which doesn't help the fact that the game does not have nearly enough depth to warrant a second playthrough.
There are some settings to fiddle around with including some mini-games, which seem like an afterthought. It would be nice if it included quality of life changes such as faster text crawl, manual saving, and being able to switch from the whack English VA to the sick Japanese original.

jogo divertidinho, e só. passatempo ok. os gráficos são bem coloridinhos, pixel art e tal.

Well, it has a pretty cool instrumental version of the anime's first opening song playing in the title screen.

Very solid anime game, fun beat em up experience albeit somewhat simple. Most of my enjoyment came from speedrunning it, great short speedgame

Es un juego cutroso y encima del anime malo, pero para echar el rato en su momento me sirvió.

A pretty decent FMA-flavored beat-em-up with some mini-games.

É bem fácil mas é legalzinho, a abertura 1 do FMA 2003 na versão instrumental ficou muito legal pra intro, o uso de cenas do anime também achei que ficou daora, principalmente certas animações nos menus, loadings e minigames; o jogo é bem fácil, pode passar de tudo só apertando o "X", os bosses são fáceis também, o jogo é bem curto e dá pra finalizar em 1 dia apenas, as alquimias dos outros personagens você mal usa, os minigames eu não curti muito, apesar de ter uns fáceis e legalzinhos, não gostei principalmente do minigame de escapar da rocha, puta que pariu...que minigame dos inferno, lixoso, quem teve a idéia de colocar isso e não colocar um botão de skip??? eu só consegui passar porquê eu tenho duas canetas stylus pra me ajudar a passar; e por fim eu gostei muito das referências a autora de Fullmetal, esse foi um acerto, ficou bem engraçado kkkkkkkk

The mini games are quite funny and well developed for Nintendo DS, the main gameplay s simple, but great, that nothing so wrong about It, and If you are a big fan of FMA, you need play It.

Very generic and nothing special honestly. The alchemy mechanic felt forced and not very fun to use. You can run through this game by mashing button for the most part.

é divertido, mas os minigames atrapalham muito

Nunca pase del laboratorio 5 por el mini juego de la piedra estilo indiana jones porque lo jugué en emulador XD