Reviews from

in the past

i dont know this game but i hope it's like burnout
thanks lyni!!!

A good successor to the traditions of twisted metal. Great soundtracks and high quality graphics. Sometimes it felt like you were playing some kind of AAA project. But there are two drawbacks - there is no plot at all and the lack of charismatic drivers.

A well put together game that'll have you reaching from your controller if you try to go keyboard-style. Don't. Do yourself a favor and get a gamepad for this one. Interesting incorporation of Duke Nukem (pitch-shifted for some weird reason), Arnold Schwarzenegger (impersonated), and some other voices. This is priced a bit above its weight; it's probably not worth much more than five bucks. With that said the graphics are top notch and had me thinking I was playing Forza meets Burnout for a second.

I wanted to play it as a blur alternative, but I got much more than I expected. First of all, it is definitely not better than blur, but there are some things it does very well. You can choose whether you want to play the game as arcade or simulation, I chose the arcade version and you experience the arcade to the end, which I think is a good thing because no one wants to have difficulty controlling the car in this kind of game. So yes, the vehicle controls are nice, unfortunately the vehicles in the game are not licensed, so they look very crappy. We cannot make additions such as bumpers or windbreakers that can visually affect the vehicles, which greatly reduces personalisation. Some maps are really enjoyable and beautifully designed. I didn't like the fact that you can attach different weapons to your vehicle and have different firing options because there doesn't seem to be much balance between them. Apart from that, the special powers we get from the road could be more varied, the graphics are very nice and I did not have any optimisation problems. Although the main logic of the game is to earn more money and open new cars, it makes the game feel like a mobile game, but it is a quality game in general.

Plusy: duchowy spadkobierca Twisted Metal, ok model jazdy
Minusy: słaba grafika, mierna optymalizacja, mała różnorodność tras