Reviews from

in the past

Man, Gauntlet II brings back memories! It's that classic dungeon crawler - grab a few buddies, shoot down hordes of baddies, and keep yelling "Red warrior needs food badly!". Simple, chaotic fun, but a little rough around the edges now compared to newer stuff.

More of a Gauntlet 1.2 instead of a Gauntlet 2. While it did make some tweaks here and there, it still the same base game better or worse.

Getting the group together to play some Gauntlet II. Will be playing via emulation of the Gamecube title Midway Arcade Treasures Vol.2 which emulates, I assume, the Arcade release.

Lord, I hope you brought friends, because you are NOT supposed to play this solo.

This is a big improvement over the NES port of the first game in most ways. The characters, enemies, and environments all look better, and I like the presentation and level design of the levels a bit more. Besides that, this is pretty much the same game, so the same issues I had with the first one are also present here. This is better, but not by much.