Reviews from

in the past

The Liyue archon quest is not my favourite by any means. I'm not a big fan of the region because of all the cliffs either so I don't know this one is a lower rank for me. The best part of this region are the characters though they redeem it by a lot. Not much stands out about the archon quest to me on replay except the set piece at the end that was really good but other than that it was not very good.

Liyue was an okay archon quest and region.
Nothing really worth mentioning, except that i like Zhongli's story and absolutely love Beidou and Ningguang.

This is a review for the Liyue part of Genshin Impact.

Overall, it's a major improvement over Mondstadt. Not only does Liyue look far more unique and has far more to do, but the story, music and fights are better as well. There's an actually interesting antagonist, and it all wraps up in a JRPG/battle shonen-style final battle with fun fights and gorgeous cutscenes. One problem that I started noticing starting with this part of the game, though, is that Genshin's pacing is all over the place. Often, the first 90% of an arc feels like it's going at a leisurely pace, with characters having you run errands, until the last 10% move at a breakneck speed.