Reviews from

in the past

I'm trying REALLY hard to enjoy G.I. Joe.

This game has no reason to be this bad. The entire thing feels cheap and lazy. It's honestly not that much different from the movie game that came out in 09. Instead of twin sticks cover shooting this is just straight up 3rd person shooter but all it is, is shoot enemies and progress through linear level and that's it. There's no puzzles or platforming or any other mechanic other than shoot. Sure you can throw a grenade or melee but you don't need to. All you need to do is shoot and the shooting mechanic is absolutely miserable. It's nearly impossible to aim. You cannot effectively move both joysticks at the same time. You simply spam L2 to engage autoaim and hold r2 to shoot. While you're tapping L2 it will switch between enemies for you. And that's the only way to aim at enemies. Without autoaim this game would be impossible. Honestly this would have been satisfactory for a movie tie in game release. Maybe Snake Eyes movie was supposed to come out last year but got delayed due to covid so the game just game out anyways? Idk this was bad even for my low standards.

I like the color palette and cell shaded graphics. I like that it's bright and vibrant. The sound design and voice acting is very good. I like that you can play as both Joe and Cobra characters. I like that this was a simple and short platinum. I would only play this if you're looking for an easy platinum or if you are just the most diehard GI Joe fan that has to consume every piece of media they release. Otherwise skip this turd.