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what if Vampire Survivor had some random eroge elements thrown in

this also goes by DaiSenka online if you were wondering it is the same game

From time immemorial, in the darkest game-forges of Eurasia and the Nipponese Archipelago, one rule has marked their animesque work: Only H scenes when losing. Ignoring the depravity, the violence or the lewdness that the onanist demands, they are able to harness that psychic energy and fuel their 20 year old game engines that they keep using for some occult reason.
Was this new specimen destined to change it all, ushering the porn videogame genre into a golden age and making it so even the next COD has anime girls getting raped? We will never know.
What I can tell you though, it's that it follows the conventions to a t: you need to get damaged to see meat, you need to lose to see copulation. And that's fine, because out in the wild there are games that almost solely focus into the human (and sometimes not so human) carnality. Thus it is revealed to you, through induction, and as it was to me, that this game is not really trying to compete with the giants of the scene but to add an extra dimension to what otherwise would have been an unremarkable bullet heaven Vampire survivors clone.

It kinda fun. Btw, don't think this is easy. The first level is but the other two are bigger and have harder enemies. Not that it matters, you can get 90% the content playing the initial level, you only need to complete the third one only once.
Still, I think all this effort should have been put into an RPG instead of this.
But you gotta chase the trends.

A persistent theme in eroge with female playable characters is that player defeat leads to sex. This bifurcates the reward system of an eroge: one can achieve a mechanical victory or receive sexual satisfaction. In more difficult titles this trade-off makes sense, a loss is a stumbling block on the road to victory and the pains of that loss are lessened by arousal.

So why would you apply that logic to one of the hardest game genres to lose at?

As is typical for a Survivors-like, the power scaling in Glory & Miserable Survivors is astronomical, the player becoming nigh invincible with a few upgrades, every enemy crumbling to dust. The added layer of defending the left side of the screen on a small playing field adds a slight hiccup that is assuaged with a single item. Ignoring that item guarantees defeat, so the player effectively chooses if they want to lose or win. The road to victory is arduous and artificially inflated like other Survivors titles, though it is more nebulous than simply waiting out a thirty minute timer. Dropping your health below ~66% and ~33% has your clothes torn increasingly from the heaving avatar taking up the right side of the screen, but even that reward requires the player to go out of their way to get hit enough. With the slightest effort, the player will receive no overt sexual satisfaction. A successful run is sexless, ending with a static image. Paltry in comparison to the high quality animations that accompany a loss.

Even then, the defeat screen is only part of the sexual content available, the other half tucked away in the gallery. You get some story and voice as well as some CGs. That gallery is so divorced from the game itself that Glory & Miserable Survivors comes across as less of an eroge and more of a game with erotic content on the side.

That's probably for the best -- one of the worst parts of many eroge and nukige can be the tedium of gameplay between scenes. In those works, however, suffering through the game grants a lewd reward. Here, there is no impetus to play well unless you enjoy the gameplay itself. And the gameplay isn't even good! It lacks the dopaminergic audio tingles of Vampire Survivors and contains virtually zero strategy. The most effective build is one where you stack AoEs that fill the screen and then watch a YouTube video for thirty minutes while the bouncing in your peripheral vision makes your own chest ache.

Anyways, I found out about this because namako8982's art takes up the whole screen on Awoo Installer. I guess Switch piracy is a gateway drug to perversion. Just look up the CGs online. Or read a book or something.