Reviews from

in the past

Pretty good. I don't really get why they opted to use circle as the action button and why R1 combinations are used instead of the DPad for selecting magic.

Six hours of it, nothing special we can say.

Confesso que não lembro de quase nada desse game, li a sinopse pra ver se refrescava mas mesmo assim não veio, mas sei que os dois jogos do PSP são muito bons, então vale deixar a review aqui mesmo o Alzheimer me matando

Seria MUITO melhor se não tivesse narração. 👍

Felt slow and boring to me.
Don't get me wrong for a PSP game it really is impressive, but
I had to really push myself to play this, it felt like a chore.

Relleno de juego pero esta entretenido y sigue siendo un GoW, te lo vas a pasar bien reventando bichos

Kratos mola menos que antes

Incrível como o jogo mais fraco da franquia (desconsiderando o Betrayal) ainda consegue ser bom

Nota: 7,0/10 Bom jogo.

I remember enjoying this game but little else.

É um jogo que existe.
Ah o final tem uma cena marcante, foi fixe

I THINK this was my first GoW game and it was excatly what i expected, fun hack 'n slash, the story is a mess tho

This review contains spoilers

Legend of PSP, best storytelling in PSP so far. Great game. Must try. It gets boring when you chase Kratos' daugther but its fine.

Nothing special, another competent God of War.

Bom Hack N Slash do PSP, com uma história meio confusa, mas gameplay divertida e gráficos bem bonitos pro que o portátil poderia entregar. Um dos jogos obrigatórios pra quem tem um PSP (ou PPSSPP)

Eu zerei em todas as dificuldades num celular com toque fantasma e rodando a 20 fps, o que já era um jogo ruim, ficou pior ainda.

Fue el primer GoW que jugué. Se nota que la psp no era tan potente como la ps2, pero aun así es un buen juego. No hay mucho que decir sobre él, más allá de que amplía la historia de Kratos

A technical marvel. They did nerf the blocking system tho.

Otherwise, it seems like a filler prequel. Storywise, it's one of the weakest games in the GOW series, but it's still enjoyable to play, even though the gameplay isn't as good as the PS2 ones due to PSP limitations.

I was supremely impressed with this entry in the god of war series. I decided to play it while I wait to play god of war 2 since I'm busy and can't be home, and Chains of Olympus was a shock. It looks beautiful on the psp, it plays well, and the controls are tight despite being limited. The story was also surprisingly impactful and really felt necessary to be told. I understand that technically, it doesn't, but it adds a lot to Kratos' character. Overall, the game was a quick and fun experience that I was quite surprised by.

My first completed game on PSP! I was charmed! Beautiful, stylish, and not just bloody carnage.

Good game, a decent franchise installment.

Do PSP ele é o menos encantador. Acrescenta algumas coisas interessantes a saga.