Reviews from

in the past

Esse aqui eu já lembro mais, comprei um PSP só pra jogar esse e o outro, a jornada pra salvar o Deimos é muito boa, uma pena ele não conseguir, a batalha contra mãe dele também é incrível, mas se tratando do Bom de Guerra tudo é desgraça e morte, os gráficos tanto desse quanto do Chains são incríveis pra época, no ano em que eu joguei só faltavam esses pra fechar a franquia, já tinha até jogado o Betrayal que era do JAVA kkkkkkkk, agora só me resta o Ragnarok (por enquanto).

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Il fratello ci è rimasto male.

Играл через эмуль, проходил второй раз по счёту. Как и в первый кайф, но призраки это конченая поебота которую ты почти весь конец игры встречаешь и дохнешь потому что нон-стоп захваты в рот трахал

Щит и копьё вроде бы и неплохое, но не дотягивает до клинков гнева + вся магия вообще смысла не имеет
Но при этом игра в самый раз по продолжительности, и нереально ахуенно чередует драки и всякие лазанья прыганья, для портативки это игра нереально хороша

Goes toe to toe with gow 2. so damn good.

Great game and really impressive what they accomplished on the PSP.

Es el que menos me ha gustado de la saga, sobre todo por las zonas de pelea tan duras que tiene, que se acaban haciendo bastante aburridas, pero en general el juego mantiene el nivel del resto de juegos de la saga.

I am absolutely dumbfounded by this game. They absolutely perfected portable god of war with this entry, and the absolute only complaint I have about this entry is some of the controls. Which is just an unfortunate product of the system it's on, but I can't personally give it a perfect since it did annoy and frustrate me on occasion. Other than that, the story was amazing, the weapons and abilities were super fun and rewarding, the puzzles were fun to work through, and the second weapon that Kratos gets in this game is super awesome, but I'll avoid spoiling it. Overall, I really enjoyed my time with this entry, and I'm sad there's no more to play on this system.

The ending made me feel some shit, this was a good ass game
The spear and shield were peak I loved whacking mfs and parrying with that shit

Fez-me perceber que existem relações entre irmãos muito complicadas.

ele é tão bom quanto o GOW2, pena que as pessoas não conhecem tanto ele.

Historion, musicon, un gameplay god, que mas quieres?

É legal assim como god of war é,mas só achei bom de verdade no final,a última batalha é ótima,e a gemaplay de lança é uma bosta

it gets a 5 cause i played this on vr
story kinda forgettable icli

Kratos mola un huevo y mitad del otro

My first God of War game and I loved it

Zerei o game no celular usando um g8 Galileo, foi uma boa experiência, tem aquele mesmo gosto de gow 2 embora consideravelmente mais simplificado em razão da plataforma em que ele foi lançado

A surprisingly rich game with satisfying combat and progression. This also provides a lot of backstory for people who like the lore of God of War, and want to know more about the Ghost of Sparta. As such, this game is a must have for your PSP backlog.

Ghost of Sparta is a HUGE step up from Chains of Olympus. Kratos' quest to find Deimos is great, having a game hone in on Kratos' family that we knew nothing about is awesome and really makes his hatred for Olympus even more real.

There are so many moments and areas in this game that make it stick out compared to other entries, like all the Atlantis stuff, going to Sparta, the atmosphere, the boss fights etc. It's an extremely fun and satisfying God of War game, it does everything a portable gow game could do and more. If you skipped the side story God of War games, please, at least play this one it's definitely worth it.

After God of War 3 this one is the second best.