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I... don't really know whether to delete this game from my phone or not...

Where do I begin...

At first, it seems wonderful. Which is a 2d live-play obstacle-course game that has very interesting power-ups, and a LOT OF different courses to go through when hitting "play" with strangers... And, it has some very entertaining emojis to play around with while gaming, and using them in in-between courses, as well.

There are a lot of issues, though:
1. So that one can't matchmake with a 'friend', except the "social" button. -- So that one can't level-up with a buddy on a "ranked" match (only individually, not together). No fun (socially-speaking).
2. The level-up card packs, where when one has to "open" a pack, where it immediately goes to a long-timed amount - about 2-to-24 hours - to actually open it. So, when one tries to "short cut" to level-up more quickly, one has to use an "ad". Otherwise, one has to wait either a whole 2 hours, or an entire day to actually open it (depending on the level of the card pack). So, when one tries ads (to open the packs more quickly)... it causes one's phone to start glitching (at least mine did). So, then I tried using a virus-remover app (and all that jazz). ...but even when finding a good virus-remover...? Now, the game doesn't even function so well (well, most of the time). Because the game keeps crashing. So one has to keep re-loading and re-loading until it functions again (briefly, and then it crashes after a short amount of time - so now it takes effort to just simply start a game - all thanks for using ads).
3. "Secure Account" doesn't work (on my phone, at least). I even gave some screenshots to the "App Support" (showing the email-code and everything), and no response. Not too reliable, those people.
4. Addictive-manipulative techniques. To level-up quickly at first, and then things start dragging and dragging as one levels up more highly. And one has to reach a high-level to use to increase the "Stats" to be able to win "Challenge" games, to get more unique custom-emotes (as a prize). ...This reminds me so much on how Runescape had manipulated me, way back when (which was during my pre-teen stage of my life) - which had successfully emotionally got me to play the game 16-hours-straight per day (to "level up", to get more "coins" - IIRC - etc. etc.). So, one day, I just... stopped playing that one (Runescape), to free me from that addiction-pattern behavior, and way of thinking.

...So, should I stop this game (Golf Blitz) as well...? I might as well should.

EDIT: I have now uninstalled it. Good grief. Now that's over, with.

love the bm you could do in this

Way back in February, fellow writer Graydon wrote about Golf Blitz. I’m not one to play many games on my phone, but seeing the traffic come in steady over the following months not to mention the general praise from Graydon, I decided to give it a try. Thankful that I did.

Golf Blitz is goofy fun. While it suffers from the typical transaction trappings of mobile with gems and cash to buy, none of that detracts from the enjoyment. Card packs providing said currency and new golfers/hats/powerups are easy to earn. Because of this, poking around for five or ten minutes at a time is enough to satisfy players.

The customizable options are plenty and as lighthearted as the gameplay. Golfer skins and hats range from recognizable video game characters to scarecrows or Frankenstein’s monster. It doesn’t stop there though since unlockable ball types provide assistance or troublemaking in the game. A grenade can cause your ball to explode and launch an opponents ball into the ether for instance. If you need a better angle, a sticky ball will have your ball stop where it lands whether it by the hole or on the wall or ceiling.

Both the level design and ball options makes each moment of playing Golf Blitz thrilling, aggravating, and hilarious. The number of times I found myself at the hole first mere inches away only to come in last due to some shenanigans is all too common. The way it happens though usually leaves me with a smile on my face though because I know that at the same time, I’ll make things as difficult as possible for others too if the scenario was reversed.

The levels are also varied enough to keep things fresh. Some levels have moving parts requiring timing for the best result, some are very small islands where misjudging the angle results in falling into space, or levels with portals that have you keep an eye on where it will come out. I know more will be rolling out the further I get, and I look forward to see what’s to come.

Golf Blitz will not be leaving my phone anytime soon. I get a kick out of playing it every single and there is always a thousand or two at any time available at any given moment. Being able to play a quick round or two is all it takes to satisfy that itch. If you haven’t tried it yet, might give it a shot.

I wanted to play a multiplayer game with my gf (but we could only use our phones for that at that moment), that was in real time instead of taking turns. This game was probably the best one we found.
Really fun.

Questo gioco mobile è molto carino quanto bilanciato, un gioco semplice, curato e, soprattutto in compagnia, molto divertente. I vari power up del gioco sono molto diversi tra di loro e possono risultare molto utili nelle partite. Provatelo, è carino!