Reviews from

in the past

when i was beating this game for the first time i also listened to the black album by weezer for the first time, and somehow the black album was a more memorable experience

Unironically fuck with this more than I do with Getting Over It

As someone who genuinely loves Getting Over It, I do think this game misses the point of what made Getting Over It so good. The level design isn't there, the commentary isn't there, and especially the mechanics aren't there. Getting Over It was good because it allowed instant recovery, and most often during your panic was when your worst mistakes were to happen. In Golfing Over It, once you swing, that's it, and you just have to wait for 15 seconds for your ball to finally settle.

A idea copia sen preocupación do Getting Over It, e así o fai saber unhas cantas veces. É, para Alva Majo, o xeito de facer unha homenaxe a Bennett Foddy, e como tal funciona. O que aporta novo, o de mover unha bóla de golf, pois é curioso pero xa. Aparte, a dificultade é grande no comezo e bastante menor na parte final, deixando que a sensación de aprendizaxe, de necesidade de paciencia e calma para lograr recompensa do Getting Over It quede máis diluída. Con todo, está ben e é un xogo divertido para poñerllo a xente na casa para que perdan a cabeza.