Reviews from

in the past

Nice Power Point presentation bro

El mayor mérito de esta cosa es ser mejor que los GTA clásicos, eso y meter un sistema de decisiones antes que GTA 4.

I knew I had played a GTA game on the Advance. Thought it was GTA 1 or 2. I thought wrong for all these years.

Honest, I don't remember much of anything about this game. I played it like once on a friend's Gameboy.

The main character is definitely one of my favorites. This game came in clutch when I had no wifi for months.

I’m gonna be honest, I didn’t know this game existed till recently because I was looking at easter eggs of Donald Love and found it. And I gotta ask… why was this made? I mean sure maybe in theory it COULD work. But that’s said for anything. If you don’t know this isn’t developed by Rockstar. This was made by a no name studio and rockstar just published it. It has all of the established esssence and flare of GTA without any of the substance, intrigue or fun in the characters or story. It’s just mindless GTA. Which is forgettable. What a waste of a creation. At least Rockstar didn’t make it and it’s forgotten so it’s not a stain on them. And even then it be a little speck if it was. Yikes.

pesimo, es un calvario tratar de jugar esta wea, lastima pq la historia es piola

Essa porcaria é um erro. Lembro de quando eu era bem novinho ter baixado no emulador pois sempre fui fã de gta e nunca vou esquecer a decepção imensa quando abri o jogo pela primeira vez, nada aqui funciona e é tudo grotescamente horrível. Deus tenha piedade de quem fez isso aqui

for a GBA game, it's not really that bad. While impressive and a top 3 2D GTA, the hardware limitations of the GBA are clear; at times the game feels very limited and repetitive.

sei la não faz sentido n consigo entender???? mas mto bonito adorava ficar encarando aqueles gráficos bonitinhos

This game is deeply flawed, but it's a full GTA game on the GBA, so just for that, i think it deserves at least some credit. It can be fun at times, and it's not nearly as horrible as most people make it out to be.
Although if you want a good mobile GTA game, you should probably play something like Chinatown Wars or Vice City Stories.

Kids today won't know how gangster it was to be playing GTA on the go in 2004. If you flashed this cartridge to the kids on the school bus they'd open up a seat for you at the back with the cool kids. I met my first girlfriend when she was looking over my shoulder to catch a glimpse of the unadulterated coolness emanating from the front-lit screen of my cobalt blue GBA SP. I don't know where that cartridge went exactly. It was likely stolen by one of my peers, pining for the social status that I had managed to procure so quickly and so effortlessly. After it was gone from my grasps I noticed my vigor and vitality wane. My hair thinned and my muscles weakened. As the years passed, people began to forget as they so often do. "GTA Chinatown Wars is exclusive on a Nintendo handheld?!" I heard them say. I sat back and said nothing. What good would it do for them to know? They had moved on to the new shiny thing, just as those after them would as well. Yet, no matter how hard time would try, the memory of GTA Advance would not die. No! As long as the neurons in my brain are firing the memory will not die!

why i beat this game, like why

O pior jogo falando de aspectos técnicos que eu já joguei na minha vida (dos que dá pra levar à sério). A quantidade baixa de frames chega a dar dor de cabeça, e a história é bem mediana. O posicionamento de câmera é bizarro, você não tem como ter visão alguma da rua, e sempre vai bater em carros por isso. A maioria das missões é mais fácil de passar simplesmente atropelando seu alvo do que indo comprar armas ou pegando de alguém porque o combate é nojento e é MUITO difícil de mirar. Sinceramente foi uma dor jogar isso aqui do começo ao fim.

Pelo menos deu pra confirmar minha suspeitas do GTA 3 que a Asuka era uma sád***).

At least is impressive that a whole modern GTA game is in the gameboy

Simplismente o PIOR jogo da franquia GTA, extremamente paia, não recomendo nem para o meu maior inimigo.

Ok, i know this game looks like a bad game, but...yeah no, youre all right, this game is kinda poodoo

So why am i giving this 7 stars? Well its simple : its just stupidly to mess with it: like, sure, the main story is kinda shit, and loaded with useless character, scapegoat or event that mess with the pacing, and also contain lots of really annoying mission that.. honestly fucking suck in some instance

BUT this game is fun when you just mess around and start to commit random bullshit around the...legitimatly well designed map, map that also is quite large and impressive for a gba game, and yeah, part of the fun come from the jank of the game itself, like, for example, how physics in this game are just wild, and how the ai is just completely stupid....yeah, idk, this game is pretty fun

Is it a good game? Certainly not in the way intended, but despite of all its problems, it managed to remain fun and engaging

It honestly kinda remind me of Borderlands 3 in a sense, where, despite all the garbage that can be found in this game, the gameplay is just so fun that it managed to be good, somehow

Tho Borderlands is legit well design, but thats beside the point

TLDR: this is the worst gta ever made, and i like it

Não é o game mais revolucionário do console, mas eu passava horas e horas jogando.

I didn't know what to expect from this game, but I'm actually kinda surprised, this game is great... but there are many, many flaws, that unfortunately, do affect the overall experience, the main one being the terrible movement, both of Mike and the cars, in a way that it's a burden to drive anything, or try to shoot an enemy.
The story was cool enough tho, a decent plot of revenge, where you have multiple people to work for, and the difficulty is reasonable, except for those 3 last missions

only good if you want a gta3 prequel

if the idea of GTA for the Game Boy Advance appeals to you, go play Payback instead