Reviews from

in the past

ta gra to coś pięknego nie zapomne tej historii nigdy

You can kick babies and throw stuff at babies what else could you want

the tyranical reign of the granny is no more the babies have united to kill grandma and finally restore peace from her evil and exploitive household stab her in the neck and make her bleed out its always morraly correct

Ever wanted to have the experience of an old Playstation-style version of that one dream you had where you decided to brutally murder someone you love and piss on their grave? No? Too bad.

Imitar voz de idosa e chutar bebê nunca foram tão bem encaixados em um jogo

kill grandma kill grandma kill grandma

Te cagas de risa las primeras veces con tus amigos, pero luego lo dejas ahí tirado.

i must kill my elders 😈
also, can we talk about how much the game icon SLAPS?!

This is by far the most beautiful piece of art i've ever seen. This game is, challenging, scary, fun, and funny. What more could you ask for? My life is better for knowing and playing this game, and Sandu will play this with me one day or else I will destroy him

When I was a kid me and my grandma used to play games like this. Except after the second time she took a long nap in a garbage back that my dad threw in the back yard.

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Genuinely way better than it should be for a dumb little unity game. I would actually be willing to play this multiplayer every now and then.

not especially good but its funny