Reviews from

in the past

J'ai trop donné d'extasie à ma grand-mère et depuis que j'lui ai enlevé elle est devenu folle j'crois

Nunca vou entender por que caralhos isso aqui popularizou na época.


T e r r i v e l

Bua que miedo (jugué en un banco con 2 amigas en verano a las 7 de la tarde) (sigo sin saber cómo se salía por muchos tutoriales que miré)

This game was a big part of my childhood so I'm pleased to say I beat it with the slenderina Easter egg. This game is really good for a mobile game and I was surprised by the amount of new content added since I played last

Apesar de ser nem um pouco assustador, e ser um dos jogos com o pior gráfico que eu já joguei, eu acho esse jogo bem difícil de zerar. (nunca consegui até hoje)

I got this game because I saw some youtuber play it and then developed an odd attachment to it where I could not relax until I completed it on practice mode. I did it at least 1-2 times a day for a couple months before deleting it for storage space. I don't get it.

Que jogo desastroso kkkkkkkkk. Joguei ele com alguns amigos e isso só mostrou mais defeitos pois cada um via um problema diferente nele, desde os mapas q são uma baita bagunça e mostram um game design básico, um vai e volta muito maçante para conseguir os itens, gráficos eeeeeh, acho a Tomb Raider mais realista, e nenhum medo real durante o jogo, eu só via a Granny apenas como algo a ser evitado e não um inimigo ou monstro q te faz querer evitar ele por puro medo e impotência de sobrevivência. Mas ainda elogio a inteligência artificial q realmente tem fundamentos claros e funciona de uma boa maneira.

Podem falar q ele é um jogo mobile e q não deveria ser tão criticado, mas mesmo em 2017 havia jogos com bons gráficos e inimigos e principalmente de terror. E o criador se mostrou em jogos futuros não aprender com os seus erros feitos aq, e começou a farmar com o nome q agora havia criado.

I can't lie the Roblox game that ripped this off is better

enemmän hyviä muistoja tästä mitä vrm pitäs olla

This is how I introduced my little sister to horror games! I used to know how to beat the game and I was very proud, it requires some practice. But now they added a new escape route (you repair the car or something) and I don't know what to do with the new items, and I got a bit overwhelmed.

esse jogo é meme dms akkakkakakaka

to be a woman is to perform

this woman did not have a good 158 years

Recuerdo jugar este juego con amigos todas las mañanas antes de clase compitiendo por ver quien se lo pasaba primero, nos convirtió en speedrunners y la verdad me hace recordarlo con cariño.

cock n balls
imagine being so bad that I can speedrun your house and escape it in 2 mins

Era tão bom na época, lembro que vi o trailer e nem imaginei em baixar, dps baixei pra dar susto nos meus amgs

Thats supposed to be scary?

Why did 11 year old me think this shit was terrifying

Used to be obsessed with this game

I think for what this game does, it does well. Obviously the graphics are shit and can be mistake for more android shovelware but the game has surprisingly more depth than most horror games that server you jumpscare after jumpscare while the rest of the game is a walking sim. Good job Granny.

Unironically one of the best mascot horror games out there, it has the classic mascot horror "its scary and funny" but its also atmospheric, the rooms are claustrophobic and the chases are tense.
its not your classic walk into a room, click thing, do puzzle, eat a jumpsacre and go to different room type of macot horror experience. its more of a trial and error payday2 stealth mission experience (one could even say its close to being a inmersive sim too).
its a fun play, its scary and funny at times, it makes you enjoy the progress made thanks to the "respawn into the next day" mechanic where everything is still the same but with a few twists.
idk i enjoyed this wayy too much, 1.7 stars its too low

This is what winged dragon of za looks like